

Those who still have not seen his face gasped, they were startled to realise that he was quite appealing, they always thought that he is not confident with his appearance.

Now that they have seen him, they realise that their guesses were truly far from the truth, they could only sigh in shame, meanwhile, many of the female guests were looking at him with a predatory look.

Shadowslash and Blitzerg were having fun eating, they were also drinking but the former was not affected by such a low level drink, the latter on the other hand is already dead drunk.

Sharlene chuckles upon seeing this, she is indebted to her cousin, after all, without him, she would have never met her love.

Shadowslash sensed something and looks at the entrance, Loudwig who wanted to strike a conversation with him also froze, He looked at the entrance with a confused expression.