
the strongest hero through science

in this fanfic what if deku had a quirk that made him one of the strongest from the awakening of his quirk. I promise you guys that this is op deku but with a simple quirk it is not some overpowered quirk like all for one or one for all it's just simple it is just that the law of physics makes it OP anyway I was going to make this izuxmomo but I do no if I can do it right if I can't do it right than I am just gona remove the romance in it ok. but i think i did start it pretty good

earthlyreader · Anime e quadrinhos
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34 Chs

Crossroads of Destiny:The Heavenly Demon Route

PS: you should listen this with daylight -David Kushner as I find Izuku's journey very similar to the lyrics of this song, and at the end, there is what I find similar, and when in the storyHigh above the city, Stain perched atop a building, gazing down at the bustling streets below. His crimson scarf billowed in the wind as he muttered to himself, his voice carrying an eerie determination, "You guys haven't even noticed this warped society covered with hypocrisy and vanity. To all who are called heroes... I will make you notice."Down in the alley, Kuroguri,had been tracking Stain for some time. With his own motives, he sought an audience with the infamous Hero Killer. He cautiously approached the rooftop where Stain sat, keeping his distance."Please stay calm," Kesoguri called out, his voice firm but respectful. "We are of the same mind. I have been looking for you, I have heard of your notoriety and wanted to meet you. May I have a moment of your time?"Stain's piercing red eyes locked onto Kesoguri as the latter spoke his name. In an instant, the Hero Killer, Stain, had his sword drawn and pointed directly at Kesoguri, his intent clear. His posture was that of a predator ready to strike.Kesoguri remained composed despite the sword aimed at him, fully aware of the danger he was in. He knew that this encounter could turn deadly if not handled with extreme care.Stain stood before Shigaraki, his eyes locked onto the young villain with an intensity that seemed to pierce through his very soul. The ruins of the UA attack were evident in the backdrop, a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded."Now I get it," Stain spoke, his voice dripping with disdain. His words carried the weight of his unwavering convictions, and his gaze bore into Shigaraki like a blade. "You must be the ones who attacked UA. And you wanna recruit me to build up your little group."Shigaraki, his hands still covered by his eerie mask, grinned beneath it, though it was a grin tinged with a hint of arrogance. "Yeah," he replied casually, the nonchalance in his voice contrasting sharply with Stain's seriousness. "It'll be great, you've got so much experience."Stain's gaze remained unyielding, his eyes locked onto Shigaraki's as if trying to discern the true nature of the man before him. "And what's your mission?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency, as if he could hardly wait to hear the answer.For a moment, Shigaraki's tone grew darker, a shadow falling over his face. "For now? I really just wanna kill All Might," he confessed with a chilling nonchalance. "I like to destroy anything that pisses me off. Like this little brat here." He casually showed a picture of Izuku, his finger pointed menacingly at the image.Stain's expression hardened further, his brows furrowing deeply. "I was a fool to think you could offer me anything," he declared, his voice filled with a mix of disappointment and anger. As he spoke, he began to draw his sword, the blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the hideout. "It turns out, you're the type of person I hate most in this world."Kurogiri, the misty figure who had brought Stain to this encounter, spoke up, his voice tinged with a sense of regret. "The Hero Killer Stain. Tomura Shigaraki cares only about wanton violence, so we brought this man in to guide him. Perhaps we made a mistake."Within the shadows, the mastermind behind this operation, hidden from view, contemplated the situation with a profound sense of responsibility. "Master. Should I step in?" Kurogiri inquired, his concern evident as he saw Stain draw his sword.The master's voice was calm but filled with wisdom, as if carrying the weight of countless experiences. "Let it happen," the master replied, the decision made after careful consideration. "It's possible this is the only way he'll learn anything. He needs to think about the ways he must grow. How he can mature. Only then will he reach his potential."The room crackled with tension as Stain brandished his sword, the sharp blade gleaming ominously in the dim light. His eyes remained locked onto Shigaraki, and there was no doubt that a violent clash was imminent.Shigaraki, unfazed by the Hero Killer's menacing stance, began to extend his fingers, ready to disintegrate anything in his path. "You're in my way," he hissed, his tone dripping with malice. "I'll make sure you regret ever crossing me."Before the situation could escalate further, Kurogiri stepped forward, his misty form coalescing into a more defined shape. "That's enough," he commanded, his voice carrying an otherworldly authority. "Violence won't solve anything here." Stain and Shigaraki both turned their attention to Kurogiri, momentarily distracted from their impending confrontation.Kurogiri spoke calmly, "Master Shigaraki, I understand your frustration, but we have other matters to attend to. Stain, your presence here is no longer required."With a wave of his hand, Kurogiri summoned a dark portal behind Stain. It swirled with a foreboding energy, ready to transport the Hero Killer away.Stain, though reluctant, understood the futility of a battle within the League of Villains' hideout. He sheathed his sword, his prideful demeanor intact but begrudgingly compliant."Very well," Stain conceded, his voice laced with a stern resolve. "But remember, I'm no lackey. I have my own code."Kurogiri nodded in agreement. "Understood. This chapter is closed for now."With that, Stain stepped into the portal, disappearing into the dark abyss, leaving behind the relieved but tense atmosphere in the hideout.________________________________________________________________________________Izuku arrived at Hero Agency Manual, a small and unassuming building tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. He had chosen this agency because it was the closest to the location mentioned in the mysterious letter he had received. The letter's unsettling message still lingered in his mind, but for now, he needed to focus on his internship.The agency's sign was weathered, and the exterior lacked the grandeur of the more famous hero agencies. Inside, the atmosphere was calm and collected. A few heroes in simple costumes conversed in hushed tones, and the receptionist greeted him with a warm but understated welcome.Izuku's mentor for this internship, Pro Hero Manual, was waiting for him near the entrance. Manual's costume was functional, lacking the flashiness of some other heroes, but there was a sense of experience and dedication about him."Hey there, you must be Midoriya," Manual said with a friendly smile. "I'm Manual. Welcome to our agency."Izuku returned the smile, suppressing the feeling of unease as the day of the meeting was coming near, but he hid it well. "Thank you," he said, choosing the words most appropriate for the situation, "Manual-sensei. I'm eager to learn."As Izuku settled into his new internship at Hero Agency Manual, an unfamiliar sense began to take hold of him. The agency's serene and pragmatic atmosphere stood in stark contrast to the bustling hero agencies he had observed in the heart of the city.As he walked through the corridors, he noticed a familiar face. It was Tenya Iida, his classmate from U.A. High School. Iida was dressed in his hero costume, and his stern expression softened into surprise as he spotted Izuku."Midoriya?" Iida exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the unexpected encounter. "What are you doing here?"Izuku grinned, feeling a mix of surprise and relief at the sight of his friend. "Iida! I'm interning here at Hero Agency Manual. What about you?"Iida explained that he had been assigned to this agency for his internship as well, though he had not expected to run into a classmate. The two friends exchanged stories of their battal and what they did in the sports festival.Yet, as they delved deeper into their discussions, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that Iida was holding something back, something that seemed to mirror his own situation. It lingered in the unspoken pauses and the guarded expressions, creating an unspoken tension beneath the surface of their conversation. Izuku's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but wonder if Iida was grappling with a challenge similar to his own, something they both weren't yet ready to reveal.After finishing his day at Hero Agency Manual, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at him since he received the mysterious letter. The internship had gone well, but the letter's ominous message had continued to weigh on his mind. With the mention of the letter, he couldn't help but think about Iida, believing they might be in similar situations. So, he messaged Momo, thinking to discuss Iida's behavior.Izuku: Momo, Iida is acting strange.Momo: How so?Izuku: Like he's trying to hide things. When I asked why he was here and not at his own hero agency, he just kept making excuses.Momo: I could ask the same of you. Why did you choose a less famous hero agency when you received offers from renowned ones?Izuku: ... As I mentioned before, I wanted to be closer to people and observe how they react to heroes and villains. Anyway, let's focus on Iida now.Momo: Okay, but yes, I've heard concerns about Iida from Mina, who heard them from Uraraka.Izuku: Since when did you start talking to Mina?Momo: You see, I'm not as isolated as you think, Mr. All-Powerful.Izuku: Okay, okay. Just tell me what you know.Momo: She reached out to me because she wanted tutoring to improve her grades.Izuku: Okay, but why didn't you offer to tutor me?Momo: I assumed you'd do just fine, but if you want to join us, you're welcome.Izuku released a sigh, one he hadn't even realized he was holding. Whenever he talked to Momo, she had an uncanny ability to calm him and help him regain his focus. As he reflected on this, he couldn't help but let out a genuine smile, something he hadn't done since his mother was kidnapped. It struck him then that anything related to Momo always seemed to elicit a warm feeling deep within him.___Momo: I searched about Iida's family and found distressing news. Iida's big brother was attacked by the Hero Killer.Izuku: WHAT? When did this happen?Momo: It seems it occurred during our sports festival, which coincides with when concerns about Iida began.Izuku: Where is the Hero Killer expected to strike next?Momo: According to his pattern... OH NO, it's Hosu. The Hero Killer is supposed to come to Hosu next.Izuku: Well, we need to do something. What should we do?Momo: Izuku, you should follow Iida to make sure he doesn't get into trouble, and I'll come there too.Izuku: I have a patrol for tomorrow, so I can't follow him.(Izuku said, although in reality, he had taken the day off.)Momo: Okay, then put a tracker on Iida and have it send his location to us.Izuku: Alright.(the next day-night)As he left the agency, he resolved to follow the letter's enigmatic instructions and head towards the specified location, which happened to be atop a towering building. But before embarking on this mysterious journey, he discreetly attached a tracker to Iida.This elevated spot was perched on the rooftop of a skyscraper, far removed from the bustling neighborhood of the hero agency. Upon reaching the designated rooftop, Izuku found himself under the open sky, with the sun beginning its descent, casting long shadows that whispered secrets across the cityscape. He surveyed his surroundings, his senses finely tuned, yet there was no trace of anyone else in sight._________The moon's eerie glow bathed the towering skyscrapers in an otherworldly light as Izuku stood resolute, facing the menacing figures of the League of Villains. Just moments ago, these sinister individuals had materialized through a portal, led by the grinning Shigaraki. Accompanying them were three menacing Nomu, their monstrous forms casting eerie shadows on the city's walls. Inko, Izuku's beloved mother, was bound to a chair, her face etched with fear yet showing a glimmer of relief at the sight of her son.Shigaraki took a deliberate step forward, his hand reaching out towards Izuku. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the hero wannabe. You must be wondering what we want, huh?"Izuku clenched his fists, his prideful demeanor concealing the fear he harbored for his mother's safety. "Cut to the chase, Shigaraki. What do you want?"Shigaraki chuckled darkly. "Oh, it's simple. We want you to come with us. Your power could be a real game-changer, a cheat code for the League."Izuku felt almost dumbfounded as he listened to the villain's audacious proposal. A villain was asking a hero course student, someone who had actively thwarted their plans, to join their ranks. It was a bizarre request, and Izuku would have laughed if the situation weren't so dire. Nevertheless, he maintained his prideful demeanor, his fists clenched even tighter. "I won't join you, Shigaraki, no matter what you do."The wind howled around them, and the distant sounds of the city below faded into the background, leaving behind an overwhelming tension in the air.Shigaraki's voice remained cold and calculated as he pressed on, "You're making a big mistake, kid. You do know that your mother is still in our hands, and with a mere touch from any of the Nomus, she can be killed. You understand that, don't you?"Izuku, upon hearing the mention of Inko's possible death, felt a surge of emotions wash over him. For the past six days, he had been plagued by stress, contemplating all the grim possibilities, most of which ended with his mother's demise. He had also been grappling with the question of why they had taken his mom. Now, knowing that the kidnappers were associated with the League of Villains and realizing that it was because he had thwarted their plans, something inside him snapped.In an instant, he acted. He harnessed his mass-changing power, driving his fingers into the concrete floor, and with a mighty effort, he hurled a massive chunk of cement towards Shigaraki.As the concrete hurtled toward Shigaraki, he extended his hand, making contact with the material and causing it to rapidly decay. However, despite his power, some pieces managed to land on his face, causing him to bleed. Shigaraki, visibly irritated by this, turned to the Nomu and commanded, "Kill him."Without hesitation, the Nomu obeyed their leader's orders. They lunged at Izuku with terrifying speed and ferocity, closing in on him as he prepared to defend himself against this formidable threat.Hosu City's skyline served as the backdrop for the impending battle, the city's bustle oblivious to the chaos unfolding high above. Izuku Midoriya stood alone on the rooftop, the Nomu closing in.Inferno Nomu ignited in a blaze of fire, as it bursting into flames. Aero Nomu's wings roared with the sound of a powerful gust, and Boulder Nomu's massive form sent shockwaves through the rooftop.Without hesitation, Izuku activated his mass-changing Quirk, his body surging with power. With a determined expression, he launched himself into action.Inferno Nomu, searing hot and relentless, lunged with fiery fists. Izuku, agile and focused, dodged with precision, avoiding the scorching strikes. Aero Nomu swooped down, sending gales of wind slicing through the air. Izuku countered with swift movements, narrowly avoiding the aerial onslaught. Boulder Nomu, a juggernaut of raw strength, pounded the rooftop with colossal fists. Izuku danced through the tremors, narrowly evading the destructive force.Each Nomu brought its own unique power to the fight, but Izuku's training had prepared him well. He adapted to their relentless attacks, weaving through fire, wind, and rock.Izuku's heart pounded with concoin and excitment as he faced off against the relentless trio of Nomu. The rooftop trembled under the immense power unleashed in their clash. The city's skyline provided a stark contrast to the brutal battle unfolding high above.The Inferno Nomu, its body engulfed in searing flames, lunged again, aiming to incinerate Izuku with a fiery punch. Swift as a bolt of lightning, Izuku changed his mass mid-air instead of dodging, opting to tank the attack head-on. He absorbed the fiery punch, his altered mass effectively minimizing the physical impact. However, the intense heat from the fire attack seared his skin, causing him to wince in pain.Izuku made a mental note to dodge this particular Nomu's attacks in the future. Despite the burning sensation on his skin, he retaliated with a flurry of devastating kicks, each strike landing with precision on the Inferno Nomu's burning form. His calculated strikes aimed to weaken the formidable opponent and turn the tide of the battle in his favor.Aero Nomu, the master of the skies, soared overhead, unleashing sonic blasts that shattered the air. Izuku's instincts kicked in as he swiftly dodged the shockwaves. As the Aero Nomu prepared for a second attack, Izuku made a bold move. He increased his mass to a greater extent, allowing him to grab hold of the Inferno Nomu and with tremendous force, heaved it directly at the Aero Nomu. The two Nomu collided in a chaotic clash, crashing into the next building with a deafening impact, momentarily halting their attacks and creating an opportunity for Izuku to regroup.Boulder Nomu, the juggernaut of the trio, pounded the rooftop relentlessly, sending chunks of concrete hurtling through the air. Izuku couldn't help but think that the villain had made a miscalculation bringing this particular Nomu into the fray. Izuku's strength exceeded that of any rock, and he decided to prove it. With determination in his eyes, he braced himself and, once again, chose to absorb the Nomu's powerful attacks as he closed in on Boulder Nomu.With both the Nomu and Izuku now within striking range, the monstrous creation unleashed a colossal punch, an attack that could have easily reduced a building to rubble. Izuku, recognizing the similarity between the Nomu's power and his own, acted swiftly. He targeted the joints that powered the force behind the punch and, with a burst of strength, shattered the mechanism (nomu's joint), neutralizing the attack.With Boulder Nomu temporarily incapacitated, Izuku seized the opportunity. He grabbed the stunned Nomu and, with a mighty effort, hurled it towards the Aero Nomu, which had just brought the Inferno Nomu back from another building. The impact sent both Nomu spiraling into another building.Inferno Nomu, singed and furious, unleashed a relentless torrent of fireballs that seared through the night sky. Izuku's body moved with incredible agility as he expertly dodged the fiery projectiles. He knew he needed to end this battle soon; the strain of repeatedly altering his mass had begun to take a toll on his body.With a burst of speed, Izuku closed the gap between himself and the Inferno Nomu. Determination welled up within him as he thought, "I've gone from heavy to heavier to the extreme. I can already feel the stress of my very existence altering affecting my body." He channeled that determination into a series of rapid punches, each strike landing with precision on the Nomu. Finally, with one last powerful punch, he struck the Nomu with such force that its arm was sent flying on impact, rendering the formidable creature incapacitated. The battle was turning in Izuku's favor as he continued to fight to protect his beloved mother.As fate would have it, just as the Boulder Nomu landed, it seemed to have decided that it had caused enough destruction. With a swift motion, it slammed its hand on the building's floor, utilizing its quirks to create a seismic shockwave. The entire cityscape started to crumble, collapsing upon itself in a cataclysmic display of destruction. Amid this chaos, Shigaraki's cold voice pierced through the turmoil, ordering, "Destroy the city." He then left the building, disappearing into the portal.Izuku's attention was torn between the two Nomu falling faster and the one Nomu flying away. However, all of that became inconsequential as he watched his mother plummeting. Desperation flooded him as he attempted to reach her, but in this instant, having altered his mass to the extreme heaviness, he was falling even faster. Any attempt to collide with or leap from debris would only lead to destruction. Conversely, going light wouldn't provide him with enough force to change his course.As Izuku crashed to the ground, debris falling around him, he staggered to his feet and began jumping and running through the wreckage, desperately searching for his mother. With each passing moment, hope dwindled, but it was reignited when he noticed blood on the ground ahead, next to a pile of debris. Izuku hurriedly cleared the debris, uncovering his mother's crushed body. Overwhelmed with grief, he cried, wept, and yelled, but there was no one around. The Nomu had left in the wake of havoc they had wrought.Izuku's thoughts tormented him as he cradled his mother's lifeless form. He pondered the irony of possessing the most powerful quirk yet being unable to save his own family with it. If only he had Lida's speed, he could have caught her. If he had Momo's quirk, he could have created a rope or net to catch her. Even Bakugo's quirk would have allowed him to blast himself into the air and save her. The weight of his supposed "power" bore down on him, leaving him questioning what he had been so proud of.In his grief, Izuku continued to cry amidst the broken and battered city until he finally gathered the strength to pick up his mother and, with a heavy heart, disappeared from the devastated city.Izuku had emerged from the devastated city, his mother's lifeless body cradled in his arms. The night sky loomed above, dark and indifferent to his pain. He knew he would have to find a place to lay her to rest soon, but for now, he clung to a shred of hope, unable to fully accept what had happened.In the quiet of the night, as the city's destruction loomed behind him, Izuku whispered to himself, "This can't be real. It's all a nightmare. She'll wake up any moment now, and we'll go back home."He held his mother's cold, still form close, as if his love and desperation could breathe life back into her. The denial was a comforting shield against the harsh reality, against the crushing weight of grief that threatened to consume him.He thought of all the times they had laughed together, of her comforting embrace, and of the unwavering love she had shown him. It couldn't end like this, not in the midst of chaos and destruction.But as he looked at her pale face, the truth began to seep in. The denial was a fragile barrier, and the painful reality was slowly breaking through. His tears fell, mingling with the dirt and dust on his cheeks, as he tried to hold onto the fleeting hope that this was all a terrible mistake."I won't let them get away with this, Mom," he whispered, his voice wavering. "I'll make them pay for what they've done."As the denial faded, a simmering anger began to take its place, a deep, burning rage at the injustice of it all. He knew he couldn't stay in this state forever, but for now, it was a small refuge in the face of overwhelming grief.A day had elapsed since the chaos that engulfed Hosu, and at last, Izuku had discovered a picturesque mountain to lay his mother to rest. The burden of his profound loss pressed heavily upon him, and as he knelt beside the rudimentary grave, he couldn't suppress the return of the initial denial that had gripped him."I can't believe she's gone," he murmured, his voice barely audible as he clung to the hope that this was all just a terrible mistake. But the silence around him offered no solace, and the realization that his mother was truly gone began to sink in.With a heavy heart, he started to cover her with earth, tears streaming down his cheeks. As he worked, he remembered her warmth, her laughter, and the unwavering support she had given him throughout his life. It all felt like a distant memory now, a cruel contrast to the emptiness he felt.Once he had finished burying her, a rush of emotions overwhelmed him. Anger surged within him, a searing rage at the villains who had torn his world apart. He couldn't contain it any longer.With a sudden, almost uncontrollable burst of energy, Izuku jumped away from the grave, his body propelled by a surge of frustration and anger. He landed a few meters away and then, without warning, he began to pummel the ground with his fists.Each blow was a release of his pent-up fury, a physical manifestation of the anger that had been burning inside him. The earth beneath him quaked and trembled with each strike, as if responding to the storm of emotions that raged within him.As he continued to unleash his rage on the ground, the very earth seemed to resonate with his anger, and the shockwaves from his blows rippled outwards, causing an earthquake that sent tremors across the landscape.Unbeknownst to Izuku, buildings swayed and some even collapsed as people rushed out into the streets, confused and terrified by the sudden quake. News reports flooded in, and helicopters captured footage of the affected areas.As the dust settled and the earthquake subsided, a team of experts was dispatched to investigate the epicenter of the seismic activity. They arrived at the location, only to find a massive crater, an enormous void in the ground. They gazed in awe at the massive crater and the devastation it had caused.But as they examined the site further, they stumbled upon the grave that Izuku had dug for his mother. Carefully, they uncovered it, and to their surprise, they found an inscription on a makeshift marker that read, "Here lies the greatest mother - Inko Midoriya."The experts were struck by the profound sadness of the message and the depth of person's love for his mother. It was a poignant reminder that amidst the chaos and destruction, there were stories of love and loss, of individuals who had been deeply affected by the events that had unfolded.Unaware of the true cause, they marveled at the sight and speculated about natural phenomena. But for Izuku, the crater was a manifestation of his anger, a symbol of the devastation that had been unleashed upon his life.Days had passed since Izuku had laid his mother to rest in a makeshift grave, and the anger that had festered within him now blazed like an unquenchable fire. Standing before the humble grave marker, with the night sky as his solemn witness, the destruction that scarred the city behind him served as a stark reminder of the malevolence that had stolen her from him. Even the ground, which he had angrily pounded in his grief, yielded to his rage, but it did nothing to ease the fire burning within him.With fists clenched and determination etched into his gaze, Izuku's voice was a whispered oath to the silent night, "They've awoken something they shouldn't have. You said that you can destroy anything? Well, let's see how this heavenly demon destroys you."His words reverberated with resolute purpose, a vow not only made to honor his mother but to fortify the indomitable spirit that burned within him. The League of Villains had unwittingly unleashed a relentless entity within him, one that would go to any lengths to bring them to justice.And with that, Izuku departed, leaving the world to gradually realize the presence of the heavenly demon he had become.In a dimly lit alleyway, the shadows swallowed everything in sight. A small group of criminals, five in total, had cornered an innocent person, their faces masked by malice as they demanded valuables. Fear gripped the victim's heart as they fumbled to comply. Little did they know, a vengeful force was about to descend upon them.Izuku Midoriya stood in the darkness, cloaked in an aura of determination. His green eyes glinted with resolve, his newfound power pulsing within him. His form remained unchanged, but his mass had increased dramatically. He knew the consequences of using this incredible strength too recklessly, but these villains had crossed a line, and he couldn't stand idly by.With a burst of power, Izuku lunged forward, his presence startling the criminals. "you all can know me as the Heavenly Demon," he declared, his voice ringing with righteous fury.The thugs turned to face this mysterious assailant. One of them tried to throw a punch, but before he could even complete the motion, Izuku's fist met his midsection with incredible force. Bones cracked, and the villain crumpled to the ground, groaning in agony.The other criminals hesitated, fear now clouding their eyes. Izuku moved like a whirlwind of justice, a blur of green and power. He dodged a swing from a second criminal, and with a swift kick, incapacitated him, leaving the man gasping for breath.Two more attackers rushed him, but Izuku's reflexes were honed, and his strength unmatched. He caught one by the wrist and twisted, forcing him to drop his weapon with a cry of pain. A single strike to the chest sent the fourth villain sprawling to the ground.The leader of the gang, a smug and menacing figure, was the last to remain standing. Seeing his comrades defeated, he tried to make a run for it, but Izuku was quicker. With a swift, precise blow, he immobilized the villain, rendering him incapable of escape.Breathing heavily, Izuku gathered up the fallen criminals, their bones broken but lives spared, and carried them to the nearby police station. As the officers began to interrogate them about their identities and their crimes, one of the thugs spoke up, trembling."The man who brought us here... he called himself the Heavenly Demon," the criminal stammered, his voice filled with dread. "He said LOV should be prepared."The police exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of this enigmatic vigilante._____Principal Nezu sat in his office, watching the news report on the large screen in front of him. The anchor's voice narrated the latest developments in the city's unfolding mystery."In a startling discovery, the Tomb of Inko Midoriya, the late mother of U.A. student Izuku Midoriya, has been found near the epicenter of the recent devastating earthquake that shook Musutafu. Authorities are now investigating the potential connection between this tragedy (earthquick) and the emergence of the enigmatic vigilante known as the Heavenly Demon."Nezu's sharp mind immediately began making connections. He had the file on the Heavenly Demon open on his desk, containing information gathered since the vigilante's first appearance. His beady eyes darted back and forth between the news report and the file as he pieced together the puzzle."As the investigation into the earthquake continues," the anchor continued, "experts are looking into unusual seismic activity that coincided with the emergence of the Heavenly Demon. Could there be a link between this vigilante's actions and the natural disaster? And what role, if any, does Izuku Midoriya play in this complex web of events?"Principal Nezu's whiskers twitched as he contemplated the implications. The proximity of Inko Midoriya's tomb to the earthquake's epicenter was too significant to ignore. He knew that Izuku had left his internship under mysterious circumstances, and now it seemed that these events were interconnected in some way.With a determined resolve, Nezu began cross-referencing the information he had on the Heavenly Demon with the details of the earthquake and Inko Midoriya's death. He couldn't help but feel a deep concern for Izuku, who had always shown great promise as a hero.As the news report concluded, Principal Nezu closed the file and took a deep breath. It was time for him to take action, investigate further, and ensure that the young hero-in-training, Izuku Midoriya, was safe and not entangled in something far more dangerous and darker than anyone had imagined.Principal Nezu had to suppress the news of Inko Midoriya's death as much as possible to protect both the reputation of U.A. High School and the safety of its students but he knew that some media alrady knew this and he needed to release a press conference about the sefty of ua and their familly soon.In his office, Principal Nezu was on a secure line with Aizawa and All Might, who were deeply concerned about the recent developments. Nezu leaned forward, his expression grave."I have reason to believe that Izuku Midoriya may be the vigilante known as the Heavenly Demon," Nezu began, his voice low but resolute. "Considering the tragic loss of his mother, Inko Midoriya, I estimate the likelihood of this being true at around 90%."Aizawa, his usual stern demeanor accentuated by the gravity of the situation, nodded. "Given the circumstances, it's a reasonable assumption. We've all noticed the connections, especially with the earthquake and Inko Midoriya's death. We can't ignore this any longer."All Might, looking worried, chimed in. "We have to be careful about how we approach this. If Izuku is indeed the Heavenly Demon, he must have his reasons. We need to understand them before we take any action."Nezu agreed, his sharp mind already working on a plan. "I suggest that we keep a close watch on Izuku's activities without making it obvious. Meanwhile, I've already increased security measures at the school, and I'm coordinating with local heroes to enhance their presence near the homes of our students' families. We need to protect them from any potential threats."Aizawa added, "I'll keep an eye on the students in 1-A and 1-B, especially those close to Izuku. If there's any sign of danger, we'll act swiftly."All Might's fist clenched with determination, his expression unwavering. "I comprehend the necessity for caution," he began, his voice filled with conviction, "but we cannot simply forsake Izuku. We must discover a means to connect with him, to help him realize that becoming the Heavenly Demon and pursuing the path of a vigilante is misguided."Nezu nodded. "Agreed. For now, we tread carefully, but we don't lose sight of the fact that Izuku is one of our students, and we're here to guide and protect him. The truth will surface eventually, and we need to be prepared to face it."-----Izuku's absence from school for an entire week had raised alarm bells in Momo Yaoyorozu's mind. She knew that her close friend, with whom she had shared countless hours and if she were honest with herself, someone she had developed deeper feelings for over time., had been noticeably absent, and concern for his well-being had gnawed at her.As she sat in her spacious room, her focus on her studies kept waning. The recent news broadcast about the aftermath of the Hosu attack had brought back vivid memories of the time when Izuku could had been part of that harrowing incident. Her worry for him intensified as she thought about the dangers he might faced as a hero-in-training.Just as she tried to regain her concentration, a breaking news alert flashed on her television screen. The headline was jarring: "Tragic Death of Inko Midoriya, Mother of Promising Hero Student." Momo's heart sank, and her eyes widened in shock as she processed the grim news.The report provided intricate details about the tragic end of Inko Midoriya's life, which had occurred perilously close to the epicenter of a recent earthquake. This natural catastrophe had struck Musutafu with an unforeseen and overwhelming force. Momo's thoughts raced as she absorbed this distressing information, and her concern for Izuku intensified to a new level. It was impossible for her to fathom the emotional turmoil he must be enduring.Momo was acutely aware of the profound, loving connection that existed between Izuku and his mother. The news of her sudden and untimely passing was nothing short of a devastating blow to him. It seemed highly likely that this tragedy was the primary reason for Izuku's absence from school during such a tumultuous and trying time.The Hosu attack, Izuku's unexplained absence, and now this heartbreaking tragedy weighed heavily on her mind. She knew that she needed to reach out to him, to offer her support, and to let him know that she and their friends were there for him.Determined to find out where Izuku was and to offer her support, Momo reached for her phone and began typing a message:*"Izuku, I just heard about your mother. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please, whenever you're ready, let us know where you are. We're here for you, no matter what. Your friends care about you deeply, and we want to support you in any way we can."*Momo hit send, her heart heavy with worry for her friend who had been absent for far too long during this challenging time. She hoped that her message would reach him and that he would know that they were all waiting to offer their unwavering support.Katsuki Bakugo sat in the living room of his family's apartment, a serious expression on his face. His concern for Izuku Midoriya had grown significantly during the past week. Izuku's unexplained absence from school had sparked an unusual worry in him, one he hadn't experienced before.Katsuki's parents, who were in the room with him, could sense his unease. His mother spoke gently, "Katsuki, you've been preoccupied lately. Is there something on your mind?"Katsuki hesitated for a moment, then decided to share his concerns with his parents. "Yeah, there's something. Izuku hasn't been at school for a whole week now, and it's not like him to skip out without saying anything. I've got a bad feeling about this."His father nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You've known Izuku for a long time, and you two have been through a lot together. If something's not right, it's only natural for you to worry."Katsuki's parents knew about Izuku's close friendship with their son and the complex history between them. They also knew that Katsuki had matured over the years and valued his friendships deeply.Just as they discussed Izuku's absence, a breaking news alert appeared on the television screen. The headline was shocking: "Tragic Death of Inko Midoriya, Mother of Promising Hero Student." Katsuki's eyes widened as he read the report, and his concerns deepened even further.The connection between Izuku's absence, the Hosu attack, and now the news of his mother's sudden death weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, and he feared that Izuku might be going through an incredibly difficult time.Determined to find out what had happened to his friend and offer his support, Katsuki reached for his phone and sent a message to the group chat they shared with their friends:*"Hey, has anyone heard from Izuku recently? He's been MIA, and I just saw some messed-up news about his mom. I'm getting worried."*Katsuki's message was succinct, yet it carried the weight of urgency that the situation demanded. He was keenly aware that, despite their tumultuous history, a deep-seated concern for Izuku resided within him. He understood that Izuku had a tendency to confront such trials alone, but this time, he couldn't bear the thought of letting him face it in solitude._______The press conference at U.A. High School was a somber affair. The school's faculty, including Principal Nezu, gathered before a sea of reporters, their questions and cameras ready. The atmosphere was tense, given recent events, including a villain attack and the tragic death of a parent of one of the students.Principal Nezu, standing at the podium, adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat before addressing the reporters. His voice was measured, conveying a sense of authority and reassurance."Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for joining us today," Nezu began. "We are deeply saddened by the recent incidents that have taken place in our city. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families affected by these tragic events, including the loss of a parent of one of our students."The reporters' questions came fast and fierce, reflecting the public's concern about the safety of the students at U.A. High School.One reporter asked, "How can you assure the parents of your students that their children are safe within the school premises?"Nezu nodded, understanding the gravity of the question. "We take the safety and well-being of our students very seriously. In response to recent events, we have increased security measures on campus. Our dedicated staff, along with local heroes, are working tirelessly to ensure a safe environment for our students.""Principal Nezu," the second reporter began, her voice filled with concern, "we've learned that Inko Midoriya, the mother of one of your students, Izuku Midoriya, was tragically killed recently. We've also noted that her tombstone was found near the center of the earthquake. Can you confirm if Izuku Midoriya is related to the vigilante known as the Heavenly Demon? It seems there may be a connection, as the Heavenly Demon's name has become synonymous with fear in recent days."Principal Nezu took a moment to compose himself, recognizing the gravity of the question. He then responded carefully, "I can confirm that Inko Midoriya, a loving mother and a valued member of our school community, tragically lost her life. However, as for any potential connection between her death and the Heavenly Demon, we are actively cooperating with law enforcement in their investigations. At this time, it is premature to draw conclusions. Our focus remains on supporting our students during this difficult period and ensuring their safety."The reporter pressed further, "But with the circumstances surrounding Inko Midoriya's death and the emergence of the Heavenly Demon, isn't it a cause for concern? What measures are you taking to ensure the safety of your students, particularly Izuku Midoriya?"Nezu nodded, acknowledging the concern. "We take this matter very seriously. As I mentioned earlier, we have increased security measures both on campus and in areas near our students' families. We are working closely with local heroes to enhance their presence in those areas as well. Our top priority is the welfare and education of our students."A third reporter inquired, "How do you plan to alleviate the fears of parents who are anxious about the possibility of villains targeting U.A. students?"Principal Nezu responded with empathy, "We fully comprehend these concerns, and we are deeply invested in addressing them. Please be assured that, as mentioned previously, we are collaborating closely with law enforcement agencies and local heroes to bolster security, not only within our campus but also in the neighborhoods where our students' families reside. Our unwavering commitment is to ensure a safe and secure learning environment."The press conference continued with more questions and answers, with Nezu and the U.A. staff addressing the reporters' concerns as transparently and reassuringly as possible. They knew that maintaining trust and confidence in the school was crucial during these challenging times, especially with the shadow of villainy looming over their students' lives._______a few months laterIn the dimly lit underbelly of the city, where shadows cast their secrets and despair loomed like a shroud, the legend of the Heavenly Demon was born. It was a name whispered with both dread and awe, a figure who emerged from the depths of darkness to wreak havoc upon those who preyed on the innocent.The Heavenly Demon had risen to infamy swiftly, becoming the most feared vigilante in the city. His modus operandi was brutal and efficient, and he was known for one thing above all else - his ruthlessness.It was rumored that when the Heavenly Demon faced villains, the atmosphere became charged with tension, and the very earth quivered in fear. His sheer power was unrivaled, for he possessed an extraordinary gift - the capacity for incredible might despite his diminutive stature. This meant that he could shatter bones and bodies with horrifying ease, rendering his adversaries incapacitated and broken.As the Heavenly Demon fought, his enemies would scream in agony, their bones cracking like thunder in the night. He was relentless, showing no mercy to those who dared to oppose him. His attacks were precise and calculated, each strike designed to incapacitate but not kill. It was a fine line he walked, one that showcased his power and control.In the background of this grim narrative, the Heavenly Demon, none other than Izuku Midoriya, was engaged in a fierce battle. His eyes burned with determination as he faced a group of villains who had terrorized the city for far too long. They had underestimated him, as many before them had, believing they could defeat this vigilante.But Izuku, now fully embracing his power and the consequences it brought, moved with a grace and power that defied description. His fists struck with precision, shattering bones and leaving his adversaries writhing in pain. His demeanor was different from the boy he once was, for the weight of his mother's death and the world's injustices had forged him into something new.As the battle raged on, the Heavenly Demon's fame continued to grow. News of his actions spread like wildfire, and the criminal underworld cowered in his presence. He had become the city's dark savior, a force to be reckoned with, and the name "Heavenly Demon" struck fear into the hearts of villains everywhere.In the end, the Heavenly Demon was a symbol of both hope and fear, a paradoxical figure who walked the line between hero and vigilante. His actions were a testament to the consequences of a world filled with corruption and darkness, and his name would forever be etched in the annals of vigilante history._______2 month after the hosu attackIzuku sat on the edge of Momo's luxurious bed, his thoughts a tumultuous storm in his mind. He had been wrestling with his emotions for days, and tonight, it all reached a breaking point. The room he found himself in was Momo's private haven, a place he had rarely visited before, and it felt like a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos in his heart.The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a tranquil ambiance over the room. The walls were adorned with elegant artwork, and the scent of a gentle lavender fragrance hung in the air. Izuku's fingers anxiously toyed with the hem of his shirt as he waited, contemplating whether he should have come here.Just as he was lost in thought, the door to the room quietly swung open. Momo, dressed in her elegant nightwear, entered with a book in her hand, a look of surprise washing over her face as she saw Izuku sitting there. Her room had always been a private retreat, a place where she could relax and unwind."Izuku?" Momo's voice carried a mixture of surprise and concern as she quickly closed the door behind her. "What are you doing here? and Izuku, where have you been? We've all been so worried about you."Izuku's tone remained serious as he interrupted, "Momo, I need your help. There's a chilling legend that's been haunting the underworld and the world of villains-a person who can steal quirks. I believe they're the puppeteer behind the League of Villains and those monstrous Nomu. I need your connections, your intelligence to help me track them down."Momo's concern deepened, her voice filled with empathy. "Izuku, your mother has just been pronounced dead, and you're diving headfirst into this legend. You need to take a step back, Izuku."Izuku slowly rose from the bed, his steps heavy with the burden of grief and guilt. He walked to the window, the moonlight casting long shadows across his face. In that moment, his facade cracked, revealing the brokenness that lay beneath. His voice quivered as he continued, "I'm not doing this for justice, Momo. I'm doing it for vengeance. I can't rest until I find the responsible one and make them pay for what they took from me."Tears welled in Izuku's eyes as he looked up at the starry sky, his resolve giving way to the overwhelming pain within him. "Momo, do you know why my mother was taken from me? It's my fault. If only I hadn't unleashed my quirk, if I had just kept control, she would still be here, alive." The tears streamed down his face, mingling with the shadows cast by the moonlight, as he laid bare the crushing guilt that burdened his soul.Momo's eyes widened as she listened to his confession. She could see the pain etched into his face, and her heart ached for him. "Izuku, what do you mean?"He continued, his voice breaking as he poured out his guilt and sorrow. "You remember when the Nomu first appeared in the USJ, right? When it first punched me, my first thought was, 'I can finally fully use my quirk. I finally don't need to hold back.' Not just to save others, but for myself. But where did that lead me? With my mom dead."Momo's concern deepened as she absorbed his words. She wanted to understand, to offer him some solace. "Izuku, you couldn't have known..."But he interrupted, his voice filled with self-blame. "You know, when I was little, I was using my quirk, and I punched a tree. But when I suddenly decided to increase my mass and hit the tree, the tree broke. And the kid who was further back, a few meters away, ended up having his leg broken. At that time, the look he gave me... at that moment, I realized that my power is dangerous. Since then, I started to hold back, not using much of my quirk at all, just the bare minimum. And I should have done the same in the USJ incident, waited for All Might instead of trying to unleash my quirk."Momo's heart went out to him, and she could see the weight of past events bearing down on him. She gently probed, "Izuku, is there more to this? Why did you start using your power so cautiously?"Izuku hesitated, his eyes clouded with memories. "It's not just that tree incident. There was another time, when I was in elementary school. A kid with a strength quirk came to challenged me to a fight. I didn't want to, but he kept taunting me, saying that I was scared. So, I agreed, thinking I could control my quirk. But I lost control again, and I ended up injuring him badly."Momo listened with a mix of sympathy and understanding. "Izuku, these were accidents. You can't blame yourself for not fully understanding your quirk as a child."Izuku still looked up, tears falling down his cheeks, as he continued, "When my mom was kidnapped, I didn't tell anyone. I thought since I have this incredible power, I alone am enough." He let out a broken laugh, his voice trembling with regret. "Oh, how foolish I was. And to make matters even worse, when I found out that the League of Villains were the kidnappers, I was excited to fight the Nomu. I guess in my head, I thought I would defeat the Nomu and save my mom."Momo spoke with incredible sincerity as she approached Izuku, her voice filled with compassion. "None of that was your fault, Izuku. It's just that after years of suppressing your quirk, you were finally happy to use it fully, even just once. It's not your fault."She gently placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to offer him some solace in the midst of his overwhelming guilt and grief.But instead of listening to Momo, Izuku laughed bitterly as the tears streaming down his cheeks seemed to thicken. He began to speak in a broken, desperate tone, as if he were worn down and fed up with the world and himself. "When you first saw All Might, I'm sure you thought of how amazing a hero he is. But not me. When I saw All Might for the first time... my first thought was, 'How did he not end up killing the villains he takes down?'" After Izuku said that, all he did was look up and seem to crumble within himself, whether it was due to his regrets about not suppressing his desire to fight or his failure to save his mom.Momo listened in stunned silence, her heart aching for her friend. She couldn't begin to fathom the guilt and self-blame he carried. The weight of his words hung heavily in the room. She gently placed her arms around Izuku, embracing him with warmth and understanding. "Izuku, we all have moments we regret," she whispered softly, "but those moments don't define who you are now. You've grown so much, and your power can be a force for good. Please, let us help you carry this burden."She continued, her voice filled with compassion, "We all have doubts and fears about our quirks, but it's how we use them that truly matters. You've shown incredible restraint and responsibility with your power. You can't blame yourself for things you couldn't control. We're here for you, and together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way."Momo's embrace was warm and comforting, a symbol of the support and solidarity she offered to her broken-hearted friend.Tears streamed down Izuku's face as he finally let out the emotions he had been holding in for so long. Momo remained by his side, offering comfort and understanding, determined to help her friend through this difficult moment.Izuku's emotional breakdown had transformed their conversation into a heart-wrenching exchange, where the weight of his past regrets and the pain of his recent loss were laid bare for Momo to witness. It was a moment of vulnerability that bound them closer together, a testament to the strength of their friendship in the face of adversity.PS: if you all are wondering the previous scene (heavenly demon) happens after this scene________________________________________________________________________________The dimly lit room was filled with a hushed tension. Momo Yaoyorozu sat at a sleek computer terminal, her fingers flying across the keyboard as lines of code scrolled down the screen. Momo Yaoyorozu sat at her desk in the quiet confines of the room, surrounded by the soft hum of the computer equipment she had meticulously set up. Her fingers danced over the keyboard with practiced precision, her quirk allowing her to manipulate the digital world with unparalleled finesse. The room was dimly lit, and the soft glow of multiple screens illuminated her determined expression.PS: if you are wondering how momo got out of ua izuku came to momo's dome and then grbed her went to the top of the dome building increased his mass swang momo with incredable force which send her flying in the high sky and then izuku decreased his mass as the rope between him and momo made him fly alone with her and then when he was in the same hight as her (in the sky) he grabed her and the increased his mass and made a safe langingsOn the screen before her, a real-time map of the city sprawled, filled with data points, surveillance feeds, and reports of recent Nomu sightings. Momo had been meticulous in her research, cross-referencing information from various sources. It was her duty to handle the surface and digital aspects of their mission, ensuring they had every advantage possible in their pursuit of the elusive All For One.A secure communication channel was open on one of her screens, a lifeline that connected her to Izuku Midoriya, her vigilant partner in this dangerous endeavor. She had to be careful, cautious, and discreet. Their mission was paramount, but the world outside the UA dome was fraught with danger.Momo's fingers flew across the keyboard as she processed the latest data. The reports indicated an unusual concentration of Nomu sightings in a specific district of the city. It was a chilling pattern that hinted at something sinister, something that required their attention. Momo quickly typed a message to Izuku. "Izuku, I've narrowed down the reports of Nomu sightings to a particular district within the city. If we're going to find any leads on All For One, that's where you should start."Within moments, a response appeared on her screen. "Got it, Momo. I'll check out the underworld connections I have in that area. They might have some inside information."Momo nodded to herself, her determination unwavering. She continued to work diligently, scanning the information pouring in from various sources. Her advanced analytical skills allowed her to process vast amounts of data quickly, and she was careful to maintain her digital trail. No one could know the true nature of her activities, especially not her parents or the school authorities.Time ticked away, and Momo's focus remained steadfast. She coordinated with Izuku, providing him with real-time updates on potential hideouts, suspicious activities, and any data that might aid in their quest. Their communication remained encrypted and hidden from prying eyes, a testament to her prowess in digital security.As the hours passed, Momo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. All For One was a legendary figure, and the League of Villains had proven to be a formidable force. They were stepping into dangerous territory, and the stakes were higher than ever. But she also knew that if anyone could face this threat head-on, it was Izuku Midoriya.Then, another message blinked on her screen. It was Izuku. "I've made some contacts, Momo. They confirmed that the district has become a hotbed for criminal activity lately. There are whispers of powerful villains lurking in the shadows."Momo's heart skipped a beat. This was a breakthrough. "Thank you, Izuku. I've pinpointed a few locations that might be worth investigating. But we need to be cautious. All For One is said to have multiple quirks at his disposal, and the League won't be far behind."Izuku's response was resolute. "We'll find them, Momo. We have to."the room in which Momo was stain was a haven of digital prowess. Multiple screens displayed a myriad of data feeds, surveillance footage, and encrypted channels. She used her quirk to create detailed maps of the district they were investigating, marking potential hideouts and areas of interest.As she worked tirelessly, Momo couldn't help but reflect on how they had come to this point. It all started with the tragic event that had changed Izuku's life forever. His mother, a casualty during a fierce battle with the League of Villains, had been taken from him in the blink of an eye. It was a devastating loss that left Izuku shattered and filled with an unquenchable desire for vengeance.The catalyst for their mission had been this heartbreaking loss, driving Izuku to become a vigilante in pursuit of vengeance. This newfound purpose had transformed him from a once-promising young hero into a relentless force against his enemy.And yet, even as they faced the darkness of their mission, Momo couldn't help but worry for Izuku. His once-proud but not arrogant personality had been replaced by a determined, almost grim resolve. The weight of his mother's death and the constant battles against the League of Villains had taken a toll on him.One night, in a moment of vulnerability, Izuku had a breakdown in front of Momo. Tears streamed down his face as he confessed the pain he felt, both from his mother's loss and the responsibility he now carried. It was a poignant moment that brought them closer together, as Momo's concern for Izuku deepened, knowing the immense burden he bore. Their bond grew stronger, united by their shared mission and their support for each other in the face of unimaginable challenges.Momo had been discreetly following the news and gathering information scence they embarked on this mission. She had used her family connections sparingly, careful not to arouse any suspicion. Her parents, both influential pro heroes, had no inkling of her involvement in this covert operation. To them, she was just their diligent daughter, a student at UA with a bright future.But Momo knew that sometimes, the hero world required more than just following the rules. It demanded sacrifice, stealth, and the willingness to venture into the shadows to protect society. She had embraced this mission wholeheartedly, knowing that the stakes were higher than ever.As Izuku ventured into the district that held the secrets they sought, Momo couldn't help but worry for his safety. The underworld was a treacherous place, teeming with criminal activity and hidden dangers. She monitored his movements through the surveillance feeds she had set up, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, ready to provide assistance at a moment's notice.Hours turned into an anxious wait, and Momo's mind raced with possibilities. What if Izuku encountered the League of Villains? What if All For One was truly watching from the shadows, aware of their pursuit? She couldn't afford to let fear cloud her judgment. She had to be prepared for any eventuality.Finally, a message from Izuku broke the tension. "Momo, I've made contact with some individuals who have ties to the underworld. They've confirmed that the district is crawling with criminal activity. There are whispers of a powerful villain, but no one dares to speak his name."Momo read the message with a mixture of relief and anticipation. They were on the right track. "Thank you, Izuku. Stay cautious and gather as much information as you can. I'll continue monitoring the feeds and cross-referencing data for any leads."Izuku's response was swift. "Understood, Momo. I'll be careful. We'll get through this together."Momo watched as Izuku continued his investigations, her heart filled with a sense of pride and determination. They were vigilantes, operating outside the boundaries of the law, but they were driven by a shared purpose-to protect society from the looming threat of All For One and the League of Villains.As the night wore on, Momo maintained her vigil, her screens displaying a city shrouded in darkness. She couldn't afford to rest, not when the safety of countless lives hung in the balance. Her role in this mission was clear: to handle the digital world, to gather information, and to support Izuku in his pursuit of the vengeance.Outside, Izuku navigated the labyrinthine streets of the district, relying on his underworld connections to guide him. He wore a mask to conceal his identity, moving with the stealth and agility of a seasoned vigilante. Every alleyway, every corner, held secrets waiting to be uncovered.Momo's secure communication channel remained open, and she watched with bated breath as Izuku delved deeper into the heart of the underworld. She knew the risks he faced, not just from the villains but also from the emotional toll that this mission had taken on him.Momo's thoughts drifted to a painful memory, one that had shaken Izuku to his core. It was the night when he had received the devastating news of his mother's death at the hands of the League of Villains. She had seen him that night, his emotional breakdown, the guilt that consumed him.She had been there for him, offering a shoulder to cry on, words of comfort, and the reassurance that he wasn't alone in this fight. Momo understood the weight of his guilt, how he blamed himself for not holding back, for using the full potential of his quirk, which had ultimately led to his mother's demise.It was a burden he carried with him, and Momo couldn't help but worry about the toll it was taking on his emotional well-being. He was driven by a deep desire for vengeance, a thirst for justice that sometimes pushed him to the brink.Momo knew that her role extended beyond being his digital support. She was his confidante, the one who understood the pain he carried, and the one who reminded him that he was fighting not just for vengeance but also for the safety of countless others.As she continued to monitor the digital landscape of the city, Momo's fingers tapped out a message to Izuku. "Izuku, please remember to take care of yourself out there. Your mother would want you to stay safe."The response from Izuku was filled with a mix of determination and gratitude. "I will, Momo. And thank you for always being there for me."Momo nodded to herself, knowing that their partnership was built on trust and unwavering support. She was committed to helping Izuku achieve his goal, to bring justice to those who had caused him so much pain.Outside in the city's darkened streets, Izuku pressed on, driven by a desire to uncover the truth and avenge his mother's death. He knew that Momo was watching over him, providing support from within the UA dome.As the night wore on, the city's shadows seemed to grow darker, but Momo and Izuku remained resolute. They were vigilantes on a mission, fighting against the darkness that threatened their world. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, and in doing so, they would honor the memory of Izuku's mother and work to ensure that no one else would suffer the same fate at the hands of All For One and the League of Villains.The hours stretched into a tense and quiet night, with Momo tirelessly monitoring her screens, ready to assist Izuku in his quest for justice. The digital world was her domain, and she used it to support the vigilante who had become more than just a partner- he was family.In the heart of the city, Izuku moved silently, his determination unwavering. He knew that every step he took brought him closer to the truth, closer to the confrontation with the legend known as All For One.As the city's lights flickered in the distance, Momo's screens continued to glow with data, and Izuku pressed on into the night, carrying with him the weight of his past and the hope of a brighter future. Together, they were an unstoppable force, a beacon of justice in a world threatened by darkness.As she continued her vigil, Momo's attention was drawn to a message that appeared on her screen. It was a notification from UA, and her heart skipped a beat. Tomorrow, there was going to be a school field trip. Momo knew that this news might cause concern for Izuku, who was always cautious about balancing her responsibilities as a student with her commitment to their vigilant activities.Taking a deep breath, Momo sent a message to Izuku through their secure communication channel. "Izuku, there's something you should know. There's a school field trip scheduled for tomorrow."Within moments, Izuku's response appeared on her screen, his worry evident in his words. "A field trip? Momo, are you sure with all the villain attacks that are happening? UA was already attacked once; it can happen again, especially during these times."Momo understood Izuku's attachment to her and the importance of her presence in his life. She replied, "Izuku, I understand your concerns, and I feel the same way. However, I have a solution. I've created a tracking device that will send my location to you at all times. That way, you can keep a virtual connection to me even during the field trip."Izuku's apprehension began to ease as he considered Momo's solution. "A tracking device? That would give me some peace of mind. Thank you, Momo. Your support means the world to me."Momo smiled, knowing how much their bond meant to both of them. "You're welcome, Izuku. We're in this together, and I'll always be there for you, even when we're physically apart. Just don't focus on the field trip, and I'll make sure I stay connected with you."With the assurance of the tracking device, Izuku could feel safe with Momo attending the school field trip without feeling completely separated from her. Their emotional connection remained intact, providing him with the strength and support he needed to face whatever challenges lay ahead.As the night continued, Momo resumed her digital vigil, her screens filled with data and surveillance feeds. Tomorrow would bring a new challenge, but with their unbreakable bond and the tracking device, Momo and Izuku were ready to navigate the day ahead, whether it was in the world of heroes or the world of students.In a sterile, well-lit hospital room, the atmosphere was heavy with tension and concern. Izuku, who had been missing for months, and now Momo was injured, while Todoroki was taken away by the League of Villains. Izuku's classmates from UA had gathered at the hospital, their faces etched with anxiety and despair.As they sat in the room, their faces etched with a mix of relief and apprehension, a sudden hush fell over the group as the door slowly creaked open. There he stood, unmistakably Izuku Midoriya, albeit with a look of weariness that none of them had ever seen before. His presence sent shockwaves through the room, and gasps filled the air.Uraraka, Iida, and the others stared at Izuku, their expressions a complex blend of emotions. They had all been worried sick about him, wondering where he had vanished to and what had become of him during his absence. But now, with him standing there before them, they didn't know what to say.Bakugo, on the other hand, was the first to react. He shot up from his seat, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger, frustration, and relief. For years, he had been Izuku's rival, and he had struggled with the complicated feelings that came with that rivalry. Losing to Izuku time and time again had been a bitter pill to swallow, but it had also pushed him to grow and change."Bastard," Bakugo hissed, taking a step toward Izuku. "You disappeared without a damn word. You think you can just waltz back in here like nothing happened?"But Izuku didn't respond to Bakugo's outburst. Instead, he glanced around the room, his eyes searching for someone specific. His voice, when he finally spoke, was filled with a deep concern that overrode any other emotion. "Where's Momo? Is she okay?"The room fell silent once more, as everyone realized the singular focus of Izuku's concern. It was as if everything else faded into the background, and all that mattered to him in that moment was the well-being of Momo Yaoyorozu.Tokoyami, who had been sitting nearby, finally found his voice. "She's in the next ward," he said quietly. "She's been recovering here for a while."Without another word to Bakugo or anyone else, Izuku turned and walked out of the room, heading in the direction of Momo's ward. His friends watched him go, still in shock from his sudden reappearance and the clear urgency in his actions.Bakugo clenched his fists, torn between anger and confusion. He had been ready to confront Izuku, to demand answers and perhaps even a fight, but now he was left standing there, wondering what had changed in the time Izuku had been gone.As for Izuku, his heart raced with worry for Momo. The moment of uncertainty had taken a toll on him. When he saw Momo's location was in a hospital, he was determined to make sure she was alright. In that moment, nothing else mattered but finding her and ensuring her safety, even if it meant ignoring the confrontations and questions of his friends.In the dimly lit hospital room, Momo lay in her bed, her condition stable but clearly in pain from her injuries. The hushed murmurs of nurses and the distant beeping of machines filled the room. Izuku, his face etched with worry, cautiously pushed the door open and stepped inside. He had been frantically searching for her, fearing the worst, and now seeing her in this state, he couldn't contain his concern."Izuku," Momo whispered weakly as she noticed him. Her eyes, though weary, held a warm and reassuring gaze. "I knew you'd come."Izuku rushed to her side, his voice quivering with relief and concern. "Momo, are you alright? I was so worried."As he began to express his concerns about her going on the field trip, Izuku's voice quivered with a mix of regret and anxiety, "I knew that you shouldn't have gone on the field trip. My fears came true, UA has been attacked again, and I should have gone with you." However, before he could continue with his self-blame, Momo interrupted him by wrapping her arms around him in a comforting hug.Momo managed a faint smile, despite the pain. "I'll be okay, Izuku. I knew you'd find me. But there's something important I need to tell you." She glanced around to ensure they were alone and then reached under her pillow, retrieving a small tracking device.Izuku's eyes widened as he realized what it was. "A tracker?"Momo nodded weakly. "I planted this on one of the Nomu during the League of Villains' attack. I thought it might help you locate them."Izuku was overwhelmed by her selflessness. "Momo, you risked your life for my selfish goal..."Momo gently placed her hand on his cheek, her touch soothing. "Izuku, we're friends, and that's what friends do. Besides, you're not selfish. You're determined, and that's something I admire."Touched by her words, Izuku lowered his head. "Thank you, Momo."Before he could leave the ward, Momo's expression grew more serious. "Izuku, there's something else you need to know. I also gave a locator to the heroes they might be planning a possible raid on the League of Villains. There's a chance something big might happen soon."Izuku's eyes widened once more, realizing the gravity of the situation. "A raid? You've been busy, Momo."She managed a weak chuckle. "I had to do what I could. Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?"Izuku nodded firmly. "I will, Momo. I'll protect everyone, including you."_______As he left the ward with renewed determination, he knew that he had not only a friend but a reliable ally in Momo, someone who shared his vision of making the world a safer place.*Inside the League of Villains' hideout, Tomura along with the Vanguard Action Squad and Todoroki have been watching the broadcast of U.A.'s public apology. Tomura understands why society is criticizing U.A. for its failure and that is because the current hero society is not just. Spinner agrees that the current Hero society isn't just since the modern Heroes are only doing their job for compensation and not out of selflessness. Tomura explains that the League of Villains are fighting for a just society and intends to win this battle.*Inside the dimly lit hideout of the League of Villains, Tomura stood before Todoroki, his voice laced with purpose as he addressed the captive hero "We've brought you here for a reason, Todoroki. We believe your past holds the key to exposing the injustices of the hero society."Bound to a chair, Todoroki's countenance remained stoic, betraying none of the fear or uncertainty that might have plagued a lesser soul."What does my past have to do with your cause?" Todoroki inquired, his voice steady and composed.Dabi, one of the League's members, took a step closer to Todoroki, his eyes smoldering with a dark intensity as he spoke "Todoroki, your story, the abuse you suffered at the hands of your father, can be a powerful weapon against this corrupt system. We want to expose the truth, to show the world the dark side of heroes."Todoroki's dual-colored eyes remained focused, unwavering in the face of temptation."I won't be a pawn in your game, Dabi," he declared with unwavering resolve. "My lifelong aspiration has always been to become a hero on my own terms, and nothing will waver that conviction." However, a nagging thought crept in - the idea that by becoming a villain, he could bring about Endeavor's downfall. Yet, he envisioned a different kind of revenge, one where he emerged as the hero without his name being tethered to Endeavor. A plan where, if he claimed responsibility for his actions, no one would pay heed, rendering him inconsequential. The thought of their despair, unaware of his true role, struck him as oddly amusing.Nevertheless, the longing to be a hero persisted, not just for himself but also in alignment with the desires of his brother, sister, and mother. Their collective hope fueled his inner turmoil and complexity of purpose.Tomura, the enigmatic leader of the League of Villains, nodded in understanding, acknowledging the unwavering spirit before him."I respect your determination, Todoroki," he conceded. "But remember, we're not just villains; we're fighting for a just society, even if our methods differ."but then tomura asks help from his that he can't convince todoroki to join the group but suddenly todoroki says "So, Tomura," Todoroki began, his voice laced with both curiosity and defiance, "you're not the true leader, are you? Who is your master, and what are you truly after?"Tomura's eyes darkened, his patience waning as Todoroki's probing questions pushed the boundaries of their uneasy alliance."I won't divulge everything to you," Tomura responded tersely. "But know this: we are fighting for a world free from the tyranny of heroes."Todoroki's resolve remained unwavering, and he could feel the tension in the room escalate. He contemplated unleashing his formidable powers, but the presence of Kurogiri, whose Warp Quirk posed a significant obstacle, gave him pause.As Todoroki mulled over a potential escape plan, the room was suddenly plunged into an unexpected and bewildering turn of events. A knock echoed through the hideout, breaking the uneasy silence.Someone from outside called out, "Kamino's pizza delivery guy here!" The statement hung in the air, a perplexing intrusion that left the League of Villains and their captive hero thoroughly confused.Tomura's brow furrowed with suspicion as he exchanged puzzled glances with his comrades. A pizza delivery at this critical juncture was an anomaly they hadn't anticipated. The unexpected visitor's presence added an enigmatic layer to an already complex situation.In the midst of the chaos that had engulfed the League of Villains' hideout, Izuku Midoriya found himself observing the unfolding events. He stood there, a silent observer.Suddenly, the symbol of peace, All Might, burst through the hideout's wall, a powerful entrance that sent shockwaves through the League of Villains. Tomura Shigaraki, their leader, tried to command Kurogiri to create escape portals, but before he could, Kamui Woods swung into action. With his Lacquered Chain Prison, he managed to immobilize all the villains at once, effectively preventing Kurogiri from executing his Quirk.Dabi, the fiery villain, prepared to unleash his flames to free his comrades from Kamui Woods' restraints, but he didn't get the chance. Gran Torino, a veteran hero, swooped in with incredible speed, delivering a swift kick to Dabi's head, rendering him unconscious and stopping his Quirk in its tracks.The trio of heroes-All Might, Kamui Woods, and Gran Torino-had successfully restrained the League of Villains. Mr. Compress, one of the villains, suddenly realized that U.A.'s press conference had been nothing more than a diversion to catch them off guard. The heroes had played their cards well.Edgeshot, the hero who had masqueraded as a pizza delivery guy, used his Foldabody Quirk to slip through the door and unlock it, granting entry to the waiting police force. He informed everyone that the police and other Pro Heroes had encircled the perimeter outside, effectively sealing any potential escape routes. Endeavor, the fiery hero, questioned All Might's decision to lead the raid from the inside, while he remained outside with the police. Naomasa, a police officer, calmly explained that Endeavor's vantage point allowed him to apprehend any fleeing villains, given his wider field of view. Endeavor begrudgingly accepted Naomasa's reasoning.As the dust settled, All Might noticed a familiar face among the onlookers. It was Shoto Todoroki, a student from U.A. High School. All Might approached him and offered an apology for involving him in such a dangerous situation. Todoroki admitted to his fear, his icy and fiery sides reflecting the turmoil within him.Tomura Shigaraki, undeterred by their current predicament, reminded the heroes that they were not outnumbered and ordered Kurogiri to summon the Nomus. However, to everyone's surprise, Kurogiri's Quirk failed him. The Nomus were nowhere to be found. All Might revealed that the other Hideout Raid team had already infiltrated and captured the Nomu factory.Meanwhile, a few minutes earlier, Izuku had watched from a distance as the police and various heroes had surrounded the hideout. Mt. Lady, with her Gigantification Quirk, had transformed into a colossal figure, her feet anchored into the back of a pickup truck. With immense force, she had smashed through the side of the warehouse, creating an entry point for the heroes. Joined by heroes like Best Jeanist and Gang Orca, they stormed the Nomu factory with precision and control, quickly subduing the monstrous creations with their Quirks. Tiger, another hero, had been on a mission to rescue Ragdoll.Within the ominous confines of the League of Villains' hideout, a chilling confrontation unfurled. All Might, his towering presence a beacon of hope for the world, declared that the game was over for Tomura and his sinister League. But Tomura, defiant and unyielding, vehemently refuted the symbol of peace. He saw this moment not as an end but as the genesis of the League of Villains, a force determined to extinguish the very society that All Might had fought to create.In a desperate bid for escape, Tomura barked orders to his loyal ally, Kurogiri, to conjure portals. However, before their escape plan could take flight, a blur of speed disrupted their intentions. Edgeshot, his body seemingly fluid as he phased through matter, pierced through Kurogiri's form from the inside, rendering him unconscious.Gran Torino, a grizzled hero with years of experience, demanded that the villains stand down. He proceeded to unveil the identities of each member of the League, save for the enigmatic Dabi. The police had worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind these villains. But it wasn't mere curiosity that drove Gran Torino; he sought the location of the elusive All For One, the mastermind behind this web of chaos. Tomura, typically defiant, lapsed into silence, his mind wandering back to the haunting specters of his past.Suddenly, an inexplicable phenomenon unfolded. A mysterious black liquid materialized out of thin air, an eerie substance that defied comprehension. From within this enigmatic abyss emerged the grotesque figures of Nomus, horrific entities that sent shivers down the spines of both League members and Pro Heroes alike.The heroes were left bewildered by this unexpected turn of events. Gran Torino turned to Edgeshot, questioning whether his actions had truly incapacitated Kurogiri. Edgeshot, his voice tinged with uncertainty, assured him that this sinister liquid was beyond Kurogiri's capabilities. Nomus continued to pour forth from the ever-expanding pool of darkness.All Might, with his unwavering determination, commanded Kamui Woods to block the villains' path, but chaos reigned. A surreal horror unfolded as the black liquid erupted from Todoroki's mouth, rapidly encasing him in its malevolent grip. All Might, his frustration palpable, desperately reached out to save the young hero, but Todoroki was whisked away before he could intervene.Kamui Woods, recognizing the dire situation, called upon Endeavor for reinforcements. Outside, the battle raged on as the relentless Nomus launched an assault on both heroes and the valiant police force. Bullets from law enforcement pierced the air, while Endeavor, with his blazing inferno, held the monstrous creatures at bay.Naomasa attempted to contact Best Jeanist regarding the ongoing crisis, but his calls remained unanswered. Tomura, his realization dawning like a storm on the horizon, knew that these nightmarish developments were the machinations of the elusive teacher, All For One.In a different corner of this complex web of events, just two minutes before the chaos within the League of Villains' hideout, Best Jeanist and his team had successfully infiltrated the warehouse where the Nomus were being created and held. The mission had unfolded with an unsettling ease, prompting a disgruntled comment from Mt. Lady. She questioned whether they should have accompanied All Might into the heart of the confrontation. Best Jeanist, a man of unwavering resolve, reminded her of the critical nature of their assignment. He then ordered the police to prepare the iron maidens, a grim indication of their intent.Amid the eerie silence within the warehouse, Tiger attempted to reach out to Ragdoll, a fellow hero who had fallen silent and unresponsive. Her vacant gaze spoke volumes of the ordeal she had endured.Beyond the confines of the warehouse, in the inky darkness, a lone figure emerged before the Pro Heroes. This enigmatic presence acknowledged Tiger with an apology, revealing that Ragdoll had fallen into a comatose state due to a stolen Quirk. It was a chilling revelation-theft of her Quirk, Search, had left her incapacitated. To this mysterious figure, it seemed like a pragmatic acquisition of power.Best Jeanist, his instincts sharp as ever, wasted no time. He utilized his Fiber Master Quirk to ensnare the intruder, a move met with questioning glances from his comrades. He explained that they could ill afford to grant the villains any openings in their defenses.But fate took a malevolent turn as the shadowy figure shattered Best Jeanist's restraints with terrifying ease. A shockwave surged forth, a cataclysmic force that razed the warehouse to the ground, reducing it to rubble and causing widespread destruction in its wake. The mysterious individual seethed with anger at the Pro Heroes for meddling in the affairs of his apprentice, Tomura Shigaraki, who had begun to think and lead independently. His hope was that they would cease to interfere with Tomura's newfound path.Amidst the chaos and devastation, Izuku Midoriya stood witness to these events, his heart heavy with realization. The man orchestrating this catastrophic turn of events was none other than the infamous All For One, a legendary figure whose shadow had loomed large over their quest, a figure that Izuku and Momo had tirelessly sought to unmask.Amidst the chaotic battleground that was the League of Villains' hideout, the heroes valiantly grappled with the grotesque Nomus. But as the battle raged on, an ominous turn of events unfolded. Tomura and his allies found themselves ensnared within the sinister embrace of the mysterious black liquid, a force beyond their comprehension.All Might and Gran Torino, undeterred by the bizarre circumstances, made a desperate attempt to intervene. They lunged toward the trapped League members, seeking to halt their escape. However, the enigmatic power at play had other plans. In an instant, the League of Villains was wrenched from the hideout, vanishing into the void. Their adversaries watched in frustration as their quarry slipped through their fingers like ephemeral shadows.Kamui Woods, grappling with a sense of failure over his inability to restrain the League, couldn't help but mull over his perceived shortcomings. Edgeshot, a voice of reason in the midst of turmoil, consoled him. He explained that this newfound Warping Quirk possessed the chilling ability to target specific individuals, rendering traditional countermeasures futile. In the face of such an extraordinary power, Kamui Woods bore no responsibility for their escape.Meanwhile, within the crumbling edifice of the hideout, multiple Nomus descended upon All Might, their grotesque forms attempting to immobilize the symbol of peace. Unyielding in his resolve, All Might summoned his boundless strength. With a mighty twirl, he executed the Oklahoma Smash, unleashing a devastating shockwave that sent the monstrous creatures hurtling through the crumbling building, clearing his path.Outside the hideout, a different battle raged on. Naomasa, alongside Endeavor and the stalwart police force, confronted the relentless tide of Nomus. Their coordinated efforts had granted them the upper hand, a testament to their unwavering determination. Endeavor, the fiery hero, confirmed to All Might that the situation was firmly under control. With a steely resolve, he urged his comrade to pursue the League of Villains without hesitation.In the heart of this tumultuous confrontation, a sudden and startling development occurred. Todoroki materialized from the inky black liquid, his presence drawing the gaze of Izuku, who watched with bated breath.All For One, the shadowy mastermind behind this sinister plot, offered a solemn apology to Todoroki, his eyes reflecting a complexity of emotions. Tomura and his companions emerged from the same mysterious substance, their forms taking shape before the very eyes of their mentor. All For One, in his wisdom, saw that Tomura had faltered once more. Yet, rather than anger or disappointment, a strange sense of understanding and encouragement radiated from him. He implored Tomura to persevere, to continue trying, for he still valued the Vanguard Action Squad and Todoroki as important assets. All For One urged Tomura to make as many attempts as necessary, for every action was driven by a singular purpose-for Tomura's sake.In the midst of this tense exchange, All Might, the embodiment of unwavering justice, materialized above All For One, his determination etched across his formidable visage. With blinding speed, he launched an attack, declaring his intent to reclaim everything that had been taken from him. All For One, ever perceptive, detected his arrival and moved to block All Might's assault. A profound clash of titans unfolded, their combined might creating a shockwave that sent Todoroki, Tomura, and the Vanguard Action Squad tumbling backward.

fuck webnovel they did allow me to post a 20k chapter so i needed to split it into twp

earthlyreadercreators' thoughts