
the strongest hero through science

in this fanfic what if deku had a quirk that made him one of the strongest from the awakening of his quirk. I promise you guys that this is op deku but with a simple quirk it is not some overpowered quirk like all for one or one for all it's just simple it is just that the law of physics makes it OP anyway I was going to make this izuxmomo but I do no if I can do it right if I can't do it right than I am just gona remove the romance in it ok. but i think i did start it pretty good

earthlyreader · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Crisis in the Shadows: The Battle of Heroes

The arena was electric with anticipation as Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya, their eyes locked in a fierce rivalry, prepared to face off. The crowd knew they were about to witness an epic battle between two of U.A. High's most talented students.Bakugo's palms crackled with explosive energy as he clenched his fists. The referee raised a hand, signaling the start of the match.

As Bakugo lunged forward, detonating explosions beneath his feet to close the distance, Midoriya activated his Quirk, his body becoming denser and more massive. Bakugo's fiery blasts struck Midoriya with tremendous impact, but he stood firm, absorbing the explosive force.Midoriya spoke through gritted teeth, "You've gotten stronger, Katsuki."

Bakugo scowled, "Don't think you can just tank my attacks, izuku."The exchange continued as Bakugo focused his explosive energy. but suddenly bakugo With a smirk,launches into the air, his hand erupting in flames as he executed the "Meteoric Descent." He spiraled downward, creating a comet-like effect.

Midoriya, with his unyielding form, found himself unprepared for Bakugo's sudden assault. Despite his mastery over mass manipulation, he couldn't react swiftly enough to alter his weight and withstand Bakugo's explosive onslaught. The resounding impact of Bakugo's landing echoed throughout the arena, propelling Midoriya through the air and causing him to skid uncontrollably along the ground.

As Midoriya struggled to regain his footing, Bakugo landed with a determined look in his eyes. He shouted, "You can't just bulk up and expect to win, izuku!"

Midoriya, his unwavering resolve propelling him upright, displayed a unique blend of determination and exhaustion in his expression. As he gathered his thoughts, he couldn't help but reflect, *He has certainly grown stronger, and he's pinpointed my weakness with my slow reaction speed. But I want to see just how far he can take this challenge, even though I should put an end to it before my skin sustains any more damage.*

While the intense match continued, Bakugo's explosive attacks dazzled in the daylight, creating a spectacular display that had the audience at the edge of their seats. Izuku remained acutely aware of the need to maintain his concentration, even in the face of Bakugo's unrelenting onslaught of explosions.

Bakugo leaped into the air, creating a blinding trail of fiery sparks. He aimed a powerful Impact Grenade directly at Izuku. Thinking quickly, Izuku increased his mass, becoming denser and more resistant to the explosion's impact. The force of the explosion sent shockwaves through the arena, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

Izuku seized the opportunity, charging forward with strength in his arm. He swung a heavy punch, but Bakugo managed to dodge with his remarkable agility. Bakugo retaliated with a point-blank explosion, sending Izuku staggering backward.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku focused his attention on harnessing his power. He knew he couldn't afford to exert too much force and risk the dire consequences. Sensing Izuku's struggle, Bakugo opted for a tactical shift. He unleashed a rapid barrage of Explosion, each detonation producing blinding flashes of light that temporarily disoriented Izuku, leaving him in a momentary state of vulnerability.

Izuku stumbled, his vision blurred, but he refused to succumb to the disorientation. He relied on his remaining senses, listening carefully to locate Bakugo. Just as Bakugo charged forward with an explosion at his back, Izuku swiftly sidestepped and seized Bakugo's outstretched arm, harnessing his increased mass to anchor Bakugo firmly to the ground.

Bakugo fought fiercely to break free, but Izuku's grip remained unyielding. Bakugo's frustration intensified as he strained to escape Izuku's grasp. In a surge of fiery determination, he unleashed his signature move, the "Inferno Cyclone." With a deafening explosion, Bakugo sent a swirling vortex of flames roaring from his palms. The Inferno Cyclone spun around them, forming a searing wall of fire that loomed menacingly, threatening to engulf Izuku.

Izuku held on, his mass still increased, but the scorching heat from the Inferno Cyclone began to wear him down. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he gritted his teeth, refusing to give in. The audience watched in awe as the battle reached an unprecedented level of intensity. Bakugo, relentless as ever, used the distraction of the Inferno Cyclone to his advantage. He aimed a powerful Explosive Dash at Izuku, who managed to dodge at the last moment. The explosion sent shockwaves through the fiery cyclone, intensifying the blaze and making it even more challenging for Izuku to maintain his grip.

Just when it seemed like Bakugo had the upper hand, Izuku made a daring move, paying no heed to the toll it took on his skin. He utilized his increased mass to anchor himself firmly to the ground, preventing the explosive cyclone from pushing him any further. Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, he surged forward with a burst of strength, breaking free from Bakugo's explosion. He attempted to seize Bakugo's arm, but Bakugo quickly countered. Drawing inspiration from the fiery battle around them, Bakugo executed a maneuver of his own, one he dubbed the "Blazing Fist Uppercut."

As Midoriya reached for him, Bakugo's right fist ignited with an massive explosive power. He aimed his fiery uppercut at izuku, the explosion creating a shockwave that rocked the arena. The sheer force of the blow sent Midoriya soaring into the air.

The crowd watched in sheer amazement as Midoriya, caught off guard, fought to regain his composure while suspended in mid-air. His thoughts raced, *This is the largest explosion I've seen Bakugo make, and he was nearing his limit.* He could sense that Bakugo's next attack was going to be the last one of this battle.

Bakugo, however, wasn't finished. He propelled himself skyward, his body enveloped in a scorching aura of explosive energy. Bakugo channeled the intense heat and energy of the Blazing Fist Uppercut into his arm, transforming it into a scorching weapon of unparalleled power. As he soared through the air, propelled by controlled explosions from his palms, his unrelenting gaze locked onto Midoriya's vulnerable form. The arena fell into a hushed silence, everyone realizing that this moment could define the outcome of the battle.

With unwavering determination, Bakugo executed his signature move, "Rising Inferno." Flames erupted from his entire body as he ascended toward Midoriya. Spiraling like a fiery cyclone, he surrounded himself with a controlled storm of explosions. Midoriya, still suspended and unable to maneuver freely, wore a smirk on his face as Bakugo closed the distance. Rapidly increasing his mass, he prepared for what was to come. The sheer power and intensity of Bakugo's "Rising Inferno" were indeed overwhelming. Bakugo's voice reverberated through the arena, a blend of rivalry and determination in every word, "This is the end, Izuku!"

At the pinnacle of his ascent, Bakugo unleashed a final, devastating explosion. The shockwave rippled through the air, creating a fiery vortex that engulfed him. It was a force that demanded respect, a testament to his unwavering pursuit of victory.

With precision and impeccable timing, Bakugo directed the explosive force toward Midoriya's suspended form. The impact was colossal, sending shockwaves reverberating throughout the arena. Dust and debris filled the air as spectators watched in awe.

As the dust gradually settled, the arena fell silent once more. Midoriya, battered but not broken, had employed his Quirk's mass manipulation to shield himself from the full brunt of Bakugo's attack. He hung in the air, bruised and battered, but his determination remained resolute.Bakugo landed on the ground, his breaths heavy, his fiery aura slowly subsiding. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, recognizing the incredible power and unwavering resolve displayed by these young heroes.


Izuku approached Bakugo, a wry smile on his face, "That was a testament to your power, Katsuki. You've left bruises and burns all across my skin." He chuckled softly, his smirk widening, "And you're the only one who's managed to damage me to this extent. Not even the Nomu could do that."

Bakugo heaved a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping. "How much damage I do doesn't matter in the end, does it? All my life, I couldn't defeat you. I tried my hardest, pushed myself to the limit, but I still couldn't." Izuku looked at Bakugo, his gaze filled with understanding and encouragement. "To tell you the truth, I consider you a true threat among all the people in Class 1-A, heck, even the entire school." He paused for a moment, then added with a determined tone, "Oh, and your last attack? It inspired me. So I'm going to try something similar, okay? Stay safe."

With unwavering determination burning in his eyes, Midoriya activated his Quirk. His body underwent a remarkable transformation, growing denser with each passing second. The crowd watched in astonishment as he increased his mass to a level he deemed sufficient. Then, in a sudden burst of power, Midoriya propelled himself into the sky, leaving behind a trail of sonic booms in his wake. His augmented mass (making it smaller) allowed him to reach an astonishing altitude. From that vantage point, he peered down at the arena, now appearing as a mere speck in the distance.

In a bold and audacious move, Midoriya skillfully reduced his mass further, allowing him to hover momentarily in the air. From this elevated position, he watched as the arena and the crowd below shrank further into the distance. With unwavering resolve, he took a deep breath and increased his mass once more, pushing his power to the absolute limit.

Midoriya descended like a meteor, hurtling toward the arena ground at a velocity beyond imagination. The sheer force of his descent sent shockwaves rippling through the stadium, causing the very ground to tremble in anticipation of the impending impact. As he drew nearer to the arena, Midoriya focused his power with pinpoint accuracy, targeting a specific spot on the ground below. With an earth-shattering crash, he made contact, and the arena erupted in a cataclysmic display of devastation.

Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring the arena from view as the crowd watched in awe and disbelief. Amidst the chaos, Bakugo was pushed beyond the boundaries of the arena, unable to withstand the tremendous force of Midoriya's attack.

(PS: the hero acted to save the people)

The once-proud battleground had been reduced to ruins. Emerging from the depths of the crater, Midoriya climbed out, his body battered but his indomitable spirit unwavering. His presence commanded the attention of everyone present.

Midnight, the announcer, stepped forward, her voice resonating throughout the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, what you have just witnessed is nothing short of extraordinary. A new force has emerged, a level of power that defies imagination. I present to you, Izuku Midoriya, the victor of this incredible battle!"


Izuku Midoriya had just concluded a grueling battle against Bakugo in the sports festival, though he hadn't exerted himself fully. However, something surprising occurred. As he walked through the bustling hallways, his steps grew increasingly labored, and he could feel his body freezing up.

He hadn't utilized his Quirk to its fullest potential during the battle, but even the moderate use had taken a toll on him. The physical strain was beginning to manifest, and he could no longer move freely.

Frustration and pain contorted Izuku's face as he clenched his fists. He realized he couldn't continue walking. His muscles rebelled, and his limbs felt as though they were encased in ice. Each step became a battle, and he was losing. As he pondered his situation, he softly murmured to himself, "Ever since I came to UA, I've been using my Quirk more frequently—changing my mass on the fly, shifting between light and heavy. It's been a crucial part of my hero training. But maybe... maybe I've been pushing it too far."

He closed his eyes, analyzing the situation. "My body wasn't able to adapt to the constant changes in mass. That's why it froze up like that. It's like... it became too tense, too strained to keep up."

Izuku sighed, acknowledging his own role in the predicament. "I need to be more mindful of my limits, even in high-pressure situations like the sports festival. Pushing my mass too hard to any extreme could have serious consequences on my body." As Momo Yaoyorozu approached Izuku, she noticed his distress and rushed to his side. "Izuku, what's going on? Are you hurt?"

Izuku managed to gasp out an explanation between strained breaths, describing how overusing and rapidly changing a fundamental aspect of his existence had caused his body to react poorly to this moderate strain. Momo's eyes widened with concern, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We need to find help. Let's get you to the infirmary."

However, Izuku calmly responded, "This will go away after a few hours. It's just my body being tense and unresponsive because it wasn't able to adapt. I just have to take better care of myself, even in the midst of all this hero training."

With Momo's assistance, Izuku stood up, waiting for his body to fully recover. In that moment, he made a silent promise to himself. He would learn from this experience and become a better hero, one who not only protected others but also took care of his own well-being. As he lay there, his body slowly recovering, Izuku couldn't help but feel frustrated at his own limitations. This experience served as a stark reminder that even when he held back, the physical strain of his Quirk could still catch up with him, and he needed to be more cautious in the future—a lesson that humbled his prideful but not arrogant personality.

(really so)


after a few hour All Might's booming voice filled the arena, "Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to honor the remarkable performance of these young heroes in our arena today!" He raised the third-place medal and continued, "In third place, demonstrating exceptional skill and determination, we have the shadowy and enigmatic Tokoyami!"Tokoyami stepped forward, a sense of pride in his eyes despite his reserved demeanor. All Might placed the medal around his neck, and Tokoyami nodded respectfully, acknowledging the honor.

"All right, Tokoyami!" All Might exclaimed. "Your mastery over Dark Shadow is truly impressive!"Turning to the second-place medal, All Might continued, "In second place, showing incredible power and tenacity, we have the explosive Bakugo!"Bakugo, his usual fiery spirit slightly tempered by his recent defeat, accepted the medal from All Might. He spoke with maturity, "I'll learn from this and come back stronger next time." All Might nodded, his respect evident. "That's the spirit, Bakugo. Your determination will take you far."

Finally, All Might raised the first-place medal, shining brilliantly in the sunlight, and turned his gaze toward Midoriya. "And in first place, the undisputed champion of today's battle, the indomitable Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku approached All Might, his pride and self-assuredness radiating from him as the symbol of peace placed the medal around his neck. "Thank you, All Might," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

All Might leaned down, his voice filled with pride, "You've come a long way, young Midoriya, and your growth as a hero is truly remarkable." Izuku met All Might's gaze, a hint of playful aloofness in his eyes. "I'm just getting started," he replied with a smile, embodying the spirit of a hero ready for new challenges. All Might grinned, patting Izuku's shoulder. "I have no doubt you'll continue to shine, my boy. Now, let's celebrate your victory and the incredible potential of all our young heroes!" The crowd erupted in cheers as All Might, Tokoyami, Bakugo, and Midoriya stood united in their pursuit of heroism.

Izuku had spent a delightful afternoon with Momo Yaoyorozu, exploring the city's park and discussing their recent internship experiences. It was a rare moment of respite for the young heroes-in-training, free from the constant rigors of their training.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Izuku realized he had lost track of time. He glanced at his watch and exclaimed, "Oh no, it's much later than I thought! I need to get home." Momo nodded with a warm smile. "Of course, Izuku. It was a pleasure spending time with you today. We should do this again sometime."

"Definitely," Izuku replied, genuinely appreciative of the company. With a final wave, he dashed off towards home, eager to share the excitement of the Sports Festival with his mother and show her the medal he had won.

However, when he arrived home, he was met with an eerie silence. His mother, Inko Midoriya, was nowhere to be seen. Panic welled up inside him as he searched the apartment, his heart pounding.

Izuku couldn't help but think about the Sports Festival. "You know, I wanted to show my mom the medal I won at the festival. She'd be so proud..."He sighed, hoping she would return soon. However, as minutes turned into hours, concern gnawed at him. Where could his mother be, and why had she left without a word? and Finally, his gaze fell upon a mysterious note placed prominently on the kitchen table. He picked it up and read the message:

If you ever want to see your mother again, listen carefully. She's in our custody, safe for now, but her fate depends on you. Come to Hosu, alone, at midnight. You'll find her unharmed if you follow our instructions to the letter. Do not involve the authorities or any heroes, or your mother's life will be in grave danger. Remember, you have until midnight. If you're late or attempt any tricks, the consequences will be dire. Come alone, and come quietly if you want her to be released unharmed.


The One Who Holds Your Mother's Fate

PS: here are some of the move bakugo used 

Blazing Fist Uppercut: Bakugo coats his fist with an explosive sheen and delivers a powerful uppercut. The resulting explosion propels his opponent into the air, leaving them vulnerable for a follow-up attack.

Inferno Cyclone: Bakugo surrounds himself with a rotating cyclone of controlled explosions. As he charges at his opponents, they find it nearly impossible to defend against the constant barrage of explosive shocks and shrapnel.

Meteoric Descent: Bakugo leaps high into the sky, saturating himself with explosive sweat. As he descends, he spirals downward, creating a comet-like effect. Upon impact, he releases a point-blank explosion, creating a fiery crater and devastating his target.

Rising Inferno: Bakugo leaps into the air and surrounds himself with a spiral of controlled explosions. As he descends, he can rain down a continuous barrage of explosive attacks on his opponents, making it challenging for them to escape the onslaught.

some weakness of izuku

Muscle Fatigue: When he changes his mass, his muscles might experience strain and fatigue, especially if he makes rapid or extreme changes.

Physical Stress: The stress on his joints and skeletal structure could lead to discomfort or even injury, especially if he frequently uses his power.

Recovery Time: After using his power extensively, Izuku may need significant recovery time to allow his body to heal and reset, making him vulnerable during these periods.

(some will go away after his body adapts)

PS: i have left a sentence that will be a plot point try to find it and comment

its a long one.

now only one more is remaining

earthlyreadercreators' thoughts