
Tournament Commences

The tournament that Kureno asked about is none other than the selection for Oar's representative. In just a matter of one day the whole capital began filling up with countless people.

Not liking the atmosphere in the city Kureno stay cooped up in his room after registering for the tournament. Due not having any work and not being able to return to Avanthi he decided to join the tournament as to win some money and so that he can continue renting the place he is staying on.

Right now he is only left with 2 polished cores, he was cheated by vendors and traders left and right since he doesn't know the pricing of each item and place.

During the day he stayed inside the room and focus on activating his light powers, and during night time he will leave the room and go down to a nearby forest to stretch his body and lift up some the giant stones around for muscle build-up. Kureno kept the thought that the people in this world are able to do all of the things he is currently doing.

One of the nights he happened to pass by the city's announcement board, here he remembered one of the reasons he came to the capital and it was to join the Tournament. He immediately read the details and discreetly headed towards the registration area the following day. Fortunately enough he was able to make the cut for registrants, what he did not expect is that the tournament will commence the same day he registered!

Kureno walked inside the stadium as he is told to proceed quickly inside for preparation. He was briefed that he can bring his own weapon and armor or he can procure the ones provided inside for free. Currently the only weapon Kureno have with him is the rusty old sword he received from Mobrey, so he decided that he will have to use the ones provided inside.

While picking his equipment he really wished that he can control his powers at will already. Surely not wanting to die he equipped himself with an armor that caught his eye and another sword similar to the one he used. Right now people are looking at him due to his full-on heavy knight armor with a katana sword on the side.

While waiting his turn he saw multiple contestants either with looks of defeat or with massive injuries. This is when one of the guards beckoned him to go outside towards the arena. It seems like the time for him to fight.