

Seeing as how likely it is that Kureno can be misunderstood as a thief, Jayne begin questioning this young man in-front of her. "Where are you from and how did you come across this giant polished core?" not giving the trader a chance to talk she place her hand on his face and pushed him away while looking at Kureno with dead serious eyes. Kureno not having any problems about answering straight up gave an answer "Avanthi and the core is from a big deadly pig.", thinking upon the possibility that he is actually being suspected on being as the one who caused the commotion he felt a cold chill on his back and started looking around. With his mind being set that he will taken into custody he began planning his escape route, but he was stopped with the action of the trader to give him a pouch containing 5 polished cores. The real price of the giant core is 20 polished cores but he is already satisfied with receiving 5 cores for the one he got due to his lack of understanding in the world. Not letting the injustice in front of her continue on Jayne gave the trader a mean look to give him a chance to fixing his mistake. In the end the trader ended up giving Kureno three more pouches, Kureno gave Jayne one of the pouches out of respect that she helped him without even knowing him.

Jayne waved her hands to reject the pouch and went on her own way. Walking in the main road of the city a realization came to her, that getting a giant polished core is actually hard and only those who has the ability to wield their powers to the fullest can acquire them from the powerful beasts. She tried looking for the young man who brought in the core so that she may ask him who his master is. She thought that this young man's master might be the person who blew up the wall in a matter of seconds. If she can pull this master wielder to her own guild it will definitely increase their fighting prowess to the point that the other guilds will only have the option to quietly surrender and have their guild swallowed up by her guild.

However unfortunately when she came back to the trader's shop the young man is already gone. She went on around to look for the young man and asked around if they saw a poor looking boy around the area. When she went to the outer ring she was able to find out something from the people more about the young man carrying a giant core around. The information that she got was he went to stay in the same inn where the incident happened. From this information she finally concluded that her theory is correct and that the young man is definitely working for the master wielder who demolished the wall. She kept on looking around until she met someone with an esteemed name, it was Tome apparently they both came to the same conclusion that Kureno might be working for the wielder responsible for the destruction.

Seeing each other made them think that this issue might not be as simple as they thought it would be. "Fancy seeing the Birch clan's expert wielder here in the outer ring." Jayne said. Tome replied with "Well the clan head has asked us to get rid of the monster who caused this. But of course we both know already that no one in this city will be able to match this wielder's mastery over the power. Which is why everyone has been put to the task, whoever they may be the combined power of the Birch Clan will not lose to anyone.". After a tense moment "Then you should already know that the servant is currently running around the city doing odd jobs don't you?" Jayne said this with a mocking smile on her face. "If I find this expert first you will be having another enemy on your list.".

Kureno on the other hand is busy exploring the city eating anything that catches his eyes and always wandering about the streets. From the side he looks like some rural fool who gained a bit of money and went on to do a shopping spree. Kureno already took care of the important matters, first he rented a room for himself in the middle ring paying a huge amount of money so as to not being troubled by the same process, secondly he went and stocked up on food but he still went around eating everything he can, lastly he asked around about the tournament that will be happening in two days.