
The Stray Path

Where am I? Land of fire? Why are my eyes so different from most people? Why does my body hurt so bad? What happens when a man from modern day earth falls between dimensions and ends up in the world of Naruto? With my special Kekkei Genkais I’ll make my way through this cruel world. I do not own the characters or items in this story. I’m doing this for the competition. Hopefully it make me want to write again as well. I took some liberties with some abilities since they aren’t defined very well in canon.

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12 Chs

Growing up

Through the past 11 years I never neglected my training and learning. With my past experience I was able to train my body to remember all the martial arts of my fathers school. Because of how refined it is I was able to learn praise of the person who took me in as his little brother. Finishing my training session I walk into the house.

"Little Jun what do you want for dinner." Iruka said to me with a slight pitying look on. People in the village believe I was blinded from the giant fox attack 11 years ago. Iruka looked tired as he's been given the task to teach my class. In the class there is this trouble maker called Naruto. Just this month he painted on the faces of the past hokages multiple times. A person knocked on the door and answered. "HE'S WHAT. Jun I have to go out. I'll be back later with some dinner. Why don't you rest." He then darts out the door towards the forest.

I sigh. I walk back out back and sit on a rock in the middle of the yard and start to meditate. I do this as a practice to both calm myself and to grow mentally as a person by reflecting. Suddenly I felt a click the pain I felt from that void in my previous life occurred again. I clenched my teeth. Because of how long I felt in that void the pain although extreme is bearable now I can function with it. While sitting on the I felt the pain slowly start to subside. Then as if on cue, after the pain subsided a flood of energy engulfed me. It radiated our of my body cloaking me in it. The world became so clear; it almost as if I could see everything. Moving slightly the rock under me shattered into many pieces which spread through the yard. Iruka burst out the door ready to fight. When I looked in his eyes everything became blurry as I passed out.

I woke up 3 days later in the hospital with the hokage in my room. He looked into my eyes either a lot of seriousness.

"It seems him awakening his kekkei genkai allowed his chakra to finally flow and his eyes to return." The third said.

I kinda want to correct him in that I could always see but I tried that once with Iruka. It didn't turn out well he look at me with so much pity for the next month and treated me like a price of glass. Soon after he left I got up and walked to the mirror. In it was the look I grew accustomed to. Long pure white hair that reached the top of my thighs, soft features that one could describe as cute or pretty depending on what I wear, skin that is as pale as snow and a thin body. No matter how much I worked out I couldn't build any bulk to my body, but I did feel I was growing in strength. It always confused me. plus when I say the skin is as white as snow I mean you could lose me in a snowy area with little effort. The thing that changed was that my eyes that looked dull and lifeless now had what seemed like boundless energy in them. The had a flower like pattern in them now. I felt so much energy poring from them endlessly. I felt like the could make the energy forever. It was slowly strengthening my body. The next day I went back to class to the normal ogling from both the boys and girls. Both sure that I was of the opposite gender. It was annoying for a while but I'm pretty much used to it. It's still annoying to shop for clothes though.

Yes I’m goin with the Tenseigan. I feel it’s extremely underrated for its power. After all the moon guy wanted to use the eyes to destroy and rebuild the Earth. I mean in his fight his split the moon in half. And yes he’s an anime Trap.

Jun is a very androgynous person leaning towards feminine. The type that you as see with typical trap.

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