

Just like any other day in his normal life, Jun was was walking from his families martial arts school. His father created his own style from many ancient martial arts, and when Jun's mother got pregnant with him, his father settled down in America. He was well off due to both the gym and the tournament rewards he's gotten throughout the years. Jun enjoyed learning his fathers form. Although he didn't master it, he is good enough to help teach with his father.

Jun was heading to his first college class. Due to the training he was relatively good looking. Nothing extreme but enough to turn heads. Walking past an old bookshop he looked in. There was an good sized tv playing anime about ninjas that were able to do fancy attacks. Jun kept walking past the building not knowing he was in the middle of the street. A truck was barreling down the street, and the drive was half asleep. Noticing a person in the road woke him up quickly as he slammed on the breaks. He expected to hit the person; however, the was no sound.

"Strange." He thought. He went out to look to see if he was ok, but didn't see anything. "Must be still mostly asleep. Before that actually happens I sound find a hotel." The man sighed.

A few days later a massive search went on for the jun, but no one ever found any trace of his disappearance. Even the cameras so him walk in front of a truck and disappear. With no body or evidence it went cold and eventually got blew out of the news by an election coming up.


In a dark space Jun felt he was falling through a ocean of gel. His open eyes started burning like the we're being clawed our by animals. He went to scream out in pain but as soon as he opened his mouth his entire inside started to burn, itch, and freeze as well. His entire essence was in pain. He continued feeling this pain as he fell through the dark void. He felt like his body was getting denser and denser. His eyes started to see lights and what seemed like flies from rivers. Sometimes a storm and sometimes it was just a bunch of the liquid crushing together. Sometime he could see everything bend around him. He saw him self get whiter and whiter. His hair and skin turned into snow. With the constant pain and loneliness, he felt he was going insane. He slowly felt that what ever was sustaining him was losing grip. He knew he was going to die in what ever hell he was suffering. What felt like a few dies later all the colors he saw when black and silence occurred.

Minutes later he heard crickets. He slowly opened his eyes. He was in a forest. He wanted to get up but he couldn't. Soon he hear a massive cry from a beast. After a few minute of explosions it died down.

"Isn't that much explosives a little excessive to kill an animal." Jun though. Soon a few people jump down from the trees. To Jun they were massive.

"Report back we found an abandoned infant but the ancient shrine." He picked jun up. "Hurry up. We don't want it here when the forth fights the monster." The lady picked up Jun in here arms and ran with him. She had brown hair, a bandanna with a metal emblem on the forehead of it, and a green tactical vest. Soon she found another child.

"Iruka. Honey. I need you to take this child to the shelter." Not long afterward a massive roar was heard again. Jun looked and say a fox that stood many stories tall. The child named Iruka nodded and started running toward a large crowns leading up the mountains.

Not long afterward the howling stopped. Peace somewhat returned. Jun fell asleep and during the time the Hyuga's looked at Juns eyes and frowned. It wasn't from their lineage. They came to the conclusion he was just blinded as there was no light in his his eyes. This made them care less about him. With no family coming forth to collect him, he became orphaned and started living with the Iruka child.

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