
straw in the sea

"Basil Hawkins, I must get used to being called this way now" I was just getting used to the idea of having "reincarnated" in an anime, more specifically in One Piece and in the body of one of the 11 supernovae.

Apparently I woke up in Hawkins's body right after he ate his devil fruit, I don't have many memories of Hawkins's body if not any, the only thing I remember is that he doesn't have living parents.

Oh yes, and I reincarnated many years before the beginning of the plot, if my memory serves me, Hawkins was 29 years old the first time he appeared in the anime, and I am currently 20 years old.

It should be 9 years before luffy sets sail, well not that i really care about luffy.

Should I start my hacking life now? The only way to become stronger is by starting a constant fight against strong enemies, I don't want to reach my 30s and be weaker than a 17 year old.

Very well, with my devil fruit it will not be very difficult to take charge of a ship and a crew because my voodoo technique allows me to control the people of whom I have a straw doll, and the straw doll I get simply by touching the person, this will be quite simple.

Notice Island is a very boring place, there is not even a good bar in this place, and I wanted to have a drink before going out to sea.

I went to the dock where there was only one merchant ship about to set sail, 6 men were uploading merchandise while another man watched from the ship.

"Which place are you headed to?" I ask out loud, with a serious tone of voice and a flat facial expression that seems to be innate in this body.

"We're headed to the Deul realm, but why do you want to know?" The one who seems to be the captain of the ship replied while narrowing his eyes.

"I'm looking for who took me there" I said looking him straight in the eye.

"And why should we take you? We are merchants, not travel services" the captain spoke and everyone burst out laughing.

"You must take me... if you don't want to die" I proceeded to transform into a complete straw man.


I discovered that it is not so easy to control others, it requires an effort although I think it is like a muscle, with more training I will be able to do more.

I also think that I could imitate Katakuri if I get a good observation Haki, because my body transforms into straw that are strands which I can separate to let attacks pass through I can also keep things inside me for example my voodoo dolls, it's not so good as a lodge but at least it's something.

While I was sitting on the bed in the captain's room I took out my deck of cards, from what I understand this must be a tool that gives me a shortcut to some kind of advanced observation haki, it doesn't allow me to see the future clearly, but it gives me a percentage of probabilities of what can happen.

This can be my beginning to learn observation haki, maybe I can predict the future without the need of these cards? I hope so.

"PIRATES!!, PIRATES ARE COMING!!" A shout from the ship's deck caught my attention.

I walked to the deck, where I could see how a sailboat approached with a black flag with a skull and crossbones, the skull had two tears of blood falling from its eyes.

"They are the pirates of Edward Bones, their captain Edward Bones has a bounty of 30 million and his vice captain Karius has a bounty of 25 million, they are pirates with a great bounty in this sea, the biggest bounty in the north blue is 45,000,000 million" the captain of the merchants came to tell me this information.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that I will change transport now, you can go because you will already lose your usefulness" When the ship got close enough I jumped up to the deck.

All the pirates stared at me, the ones that stood out the most was a beefy guy about 2 meters tall and a small, skinny man, he should have been 1.60 meters or so.

"Who are you?" The small man looked at me with curiosity and a petulant smile.

"I am the new owner of this ship" I said while trying to guess the strength of these men, the captain is supposed to have a reward equal to luffy's at the beginning, but I don't think he is as strong as luffy.

"WUHAHAHA little wimp, you don't know the danger you put yourself in by saying this in front of me, the true owner of the ship" the little man looked at me with contempt, and the beefy guy took a few steps forward.

"I am not in danger... I am the danger" I took my sword and unsheathed it, at the same time I transformed into a straw man.

"A devil fruit user, I see where your confidence comes from." The guy I assumed to be Karius looked at me in surprise for a second, but then he glared back at me.

"Still, you're going to fall boy" The man attacked me directly with his fists.

The first was a hook to the face which I dodged by tilting my body to the right, then I tried to stab him in the stomach but the guy used his other hand to hit the flat of my sword and throw it off course.

'He is more skilled than I thought, I thought he would be slow because of his large size'

Then he tried to kick me in the legs, but I jumped and once in the air I did a 360 degree turn to land a kick with my right leg on his left rib, the guy was thrown to crash against the side of the boat I quickly went after him to try to finish him off quickly, when I was on him I tried to lower my sword to kill him, but I received a double kick to my chest that sent me back to the middle of the cover.

'Damn, hit hard' I quickly recomposed myself, opening my eyes I saw how Karius had jumped and intended to fall on me with all his strength and weight.

I immediately retreated a few feet back with a series of flick flacks. When Karius fell to the deck his legs got caught in the wood.

"Stupid Karius! Don't damage my ship." The captain scolded Karius.

"I'm sorry captain, it was my mistake." Karius seemed scared of upsetting Edward, so I figured the captain must be much stronger.

Quickly and taking advantage of Karius's distraction I ran towards him and pointed my sword at his chest, he opened his eyes in surprise when he noticed that he couldn't dodge.

A second later the tip of my sword was embedded in his chest, Karius had prevented my sword from passing through him completely as he had stopped my momentum by hitting both flat sides of my sword with his palms, his strength was something to be respected.

"Ahhgg" Karius spit blood, still it hadn't completely prevented the damage, I stretched out my left hand which was free and started to choke him, but at the same time I put more strength in my right hand to try to stick the sword completely.

"I don't like being ignored" I heard a voice behind me and I only managed to glance at Edward Bones before I felt something go through my chest from behind. A sharp bone protruded from my chest.

"Bones is not only my last name, it's also my power WUAJAJAJAJA" the guy took out the bone that was going through my chest and started walking back to his place.

I just looked at the place where I was hit… there was no pain, a voodoo doll fell from one of my arms.

"AAAAAAHHHH" A shout came from the merchant ship.

"Huh?" all the pirates were surprised and ran to the edge of the ship to see what was happening, there they could see one of the merchants with a hole in his chest.

"Well, one less" I turned around and saw how everyone, including Captain Edward looked at me surprised to notice that my body was intact and without any injuries.

"What are you?" the captain took a step back.

"I am a magician" I proceeded to attack the captain, my sword and his bone sword collided.

We quickly engaged in a high-speed battle, our weapons colliding and sparks flying.

The battle continued in an even state for a while, as I continued to focus on the feeling I had when using the cards, I wanted to develop my haki.

I couldn't get it that easy, the battle continued for a few minutes we were evenly matched and no subordinate intervened for fear of getting hurt.

When I thought that I would have to finish the battle without having obtained my haki, I could feel a strange sensation and my head was saturated for a second of information, the presence of all the pirates entered my field of perception.

Edward didn't miss my moment of carelessness and plunged his bone sword into my chest, he quickly pulled out his arm bone to pull out a new bone sword, his shoulder immediately recomposed with a new bone.

With his new sword he tried to cut me in half, but with my haki I could foresee it, I dodged it and at the same time I took out the first bone sword from my chest and a voodoo doll fell from my body, I dodged his second attack and stabbed the sword bone in his abdomen, he spit blood, I quickly proceeded to cut off his head.

I turned to look at the pirates and they all raised their hands in the air.

"WE GIVE UP" what cowards they all are.

Very well what should I do now with the captain and the vice captain.

I decided to claim his reward and keep his ship, why the reward? Very simple, I will save as much money as I can so that when I get to water seven I can build the best boat possible.

I arrived at the nearest town where there was a marine base, of course the ship had removed its pirate flag.

I got off the ship while dragging a tied Karius and a sack with Edward's corpse.

The unrewarded pirates were waiting for me, and they knew they couldn't escape, after showing them that I have a voodoo doll of each one (that's what I made them believe), they know what will happen to them if they leave without my permission.

I walked impassively to the marine base, the civilians looked at me surprised because they all managed to recognize Karius.

When I was near the base a few marines approached, one of them came forward to speak.

"Stop, what are your reasons for coming to the marine base" said the man while looking at me from head to toe.

"I wish to claim the bounty on Karius and his captain Edward Bones," I said as I pulled Karius tripping and falling in front of the officer.

The officer saw Karius and recognized his face, then looked at the sack I was carrying on my shoulder.

"I imagine that Edward Bones is dead and is in that bag, follow me to the rewards office, there are the coroner and the person in charge of delivering the rewards, as for Karius, he will be taken to the cells by my soldiers" The officer I assumed must be a captain, he turned around and started walking towards the base, I followed him with Edward's body on my shoulder.

The soldiers took Karius away.

After arriving at the bounty office, the coroner confirmed that the body was that of Edward Bones and not just any pirate.

While I was with the captain watching as the man who would give me my reward finished putting the 55,000,000 in a briefcase for me, a soldier came running.

The captain turned around to look at the soldier, I just ignored him and kept looking at my money.

"What's wrong Marin?" the captain asked

"Captain Tetsugaya! There is a report of a criminal with a devil fruit, those affected are some merchants from Notice Island, they say that they were forced by the powers of the devil fruit to transport him to meet some pirates and two of them. his crew members died mysteriously, they said that the criminal fled with those pirates "

"Who could that guy be, those cursed with devil fruits are always a headache... do you know what group of pirates the criminal left with? Do you know his name?" The captain sounded angry, after all, when a pirate consumes a devil fruit, his danger increases enormously.

"Yes sir, as reported the man went with the pirates of Edward Bones but his name-"

"My name is Basil Hawkins," I said as I put my hand on the captain's shoulder.

End of the first chapter.

I write this for fun, I have a bad habit of leaving my works abandoned, if you still want to read then you are welcome.

I write for fun, because my mind keeps full of ideas and it annoys me not to find stories with these ideas, writing is not something that is a priority for me, I have a family, my grandfather is sick, I have a girlfriend, I am at the University, I have a job and I am studying English (I am Colombian), therefore I have many other priorities instead of writing, but I repeat, if you want to read it you are welcome.

I don't plan on Hawkins going to the East Blue, maybe after a few years, but he's going to the grand line first to make a name for himself.

I only plan to steal a single luffy nakama, the other hawkins nakamas will be other characters seen in the anime.

There will be several Oc, at least while in North Blue.



King_Ryumacreators' thoughts