
Chapter 1 " The Beginning "

The Legend

A bright dragon radiated happiness as her egg started to shake. She looked up as the white cathedral shook, growling protectively she circled around the amazingly sparkling egg.

A glittering male dragon appeared, causing the mother dragon to sigh in relief, even more so as her husband nuzzled her shining scales. He whispered urgently, though quietly in her ear "We need to move the egg. They will surely destroy it because of its power. It's dangerous to them if they let this powerful dragon be born." He picked up the egg, originally nestled in his galaxy ruff. Placing it perfectly in one claw. As soon as he took off a black dragon crashed into him, the egg falling from his claws hitting the ground, with a sharp crack.

Its shell had cracked but didn't break, the egg began to glow as it's mother hurried over to protect her now hatching heir.

As the dark dragon landed, the moonlight shone around the figure, she could make out several details. A loud sound filled the cathedral, the egg glowed brightly. Its mother backed away as the blinding light filtered through the windows of the cathedral. A dragonet appeared, his scales waving with galaxy space and stars, a mix of beauty. The dragonet chirped at its mother hastily. Running over to his mother, stumbling on the way and hid between her legs. The father had chased the black dragon, but he hadn't noticed the trick he just flew himself into.

The black dragon's minions flew in from every angle surrounding the royal family. The Queen of Stars blasted magnesium furiously at the minions who had gotten too close, leaving their ashed bodies on the once-white floor. The family escaped through the weakened walls with a few minor injuries. The baby, however, had been terrified ever since birth, living in fear, always guarded. Until the day when the black dragon known as Blackhole had been forced back into its own universe. Finally, the now teen dragon was allowed to explore his father's domain and uncover his powers, his name…is Jupiter, son of the Queen of Stars and the Space King.

The Beginning



Jupiter had been told that they were victorious in the battle of the sun. He was released from his room to explore his newfound world. The first that came to mind was... "Odyssey"

Jupiter had been reading in the library for years. His favorite planet by far was Odyssey, it was very far from here normal space travel wouldn't be possible. His father had told him he could teleport there one day if he learned how, and he had been taught how to before he left. His

palms glowed as he made a circle of blue light flowing from his talons, making a celestial portal. He walked rather calmly into the glowing portal like a door, arriving at his strange destination. He'd glance at his still glowing paws stunned he had traveled that far that quickly. He looked around, soon realizing he had arrived at odyssey's only moon instead of the odyssey. "Oops…" he quickly created another portal and appeared on the planet's surface, affectictivly draining him.


Trax watched the dragon walk away from the fading glow of their portal, her metal throat ground against itself, creating a loud metallic screech of pending doom. As the dragon turned its head, she launched herself across the space between them tackling it. She roared something at him, though it was in another language.----. Before digging her metal talons into the dragon's forearms and jumped off of him, whipping her tail back and forth, She gave up as the dragon, stunned, just stared at her. She growled, twisting herself around and walked in a small circle mumbling a spell. Before the dragon could say anything, she vanished.


Jupiter was not completely stunned, but a little startled when a dragon came flying at him, muttered a few things, and disappeared. He decided to dismiss the weird greeting and start walking along the mysterious planet's face. Gravity was strange, he could probably float if he lifted his claws off the ground. He decided not to do that. He dug his claws more into the rocky surface looking around at the flower barren plants. His tail gently brushed against the beautifully blue-tinted vegetation. This planet was very strange but was also very interesting. He wanted to practice his powers but didn't want to damage anything, he found a large clearing with a conveniently placed crater with a meteor lodged deep in the middle of the surface, a pretty good practice area, he thought.

A beautiful four-winged bird flew from one tree to another, a feather floated onto his nose touching his multicolored galaxy scales, he blew it gently off his nose and walked toward the meteor. He summoned a portal on one paw and a portal to the other and combined them making a highly-explosive laser from the combined portals, blasting his target of which is the meteor currently. The meteor exploded as he lit up, straining his magic. Never gonna try that more than once. He thought to himself but he also figured if he'd practice more, it would become easier to make them. He glanced at the Meteor that had turned molten, sweat dripped from his bony brow, as he circled the pile of lava astonished. The ground glowed with lava that had been created from the blast melting part of the surface underneath the meteor. Well, that's pretty cool he'd thought and decided to stop, being that he melted a meteor with one hit. But he still wondered how powerful the blast would be if he connected more than two portals together, of course, he would try that later on a dead planet.

A dragon sat on the battlefield across the lava. Its bronze and silver scales seemingly melted into one color, as the lava's light rippled across her shiny body.

Her glowing white eyes stared him down even as she licked her left paw, which was covered with some red fluid. Her rigid claws gleamed like fire.


Trax had been watching him, since he arrived, but currently to see what would be his first attacking move. The exploding meteor was...different, to say the least. She had seen dragons move like him before. Star or space dragons. The dragon was still pacing, he was going to leave tracks there, for a while. She had been watching him fight the meteor, a couple of times he left his side vulnerable to attack, another time she could have slashed open his soft stomach. She had wondered how long it would take him to destroy it, so she grabbed a snack. She was currently behind a bush that had sprouted just moments ago, since plants grew remarkably fast.

The dragon finally noticed her, he seemed like royalty, the starry scales giving him away. She cleaned the rest of the blood off her claws and stood up. Her glowing eyes tracked every move of his. Every twitch, blink, and tap. Jupiter's ears would flick in concern as he noticed bright white gleaming eyes on him. He turned around calmly, looking at the bushes in front of him that hid his "Stalker" his vision shaded a dark blue as he saw the glowing red shape of a dragon. The orange and yellow were mostly around the tail, snout and chest.

Trax noticed how he stared directly at her, his eyes a slight red tint. Infrared vision, a strange ability to have. Even for royalty, again an interesting trait. She thought. Before jumping over the bush onto the cooling lava, the surface didn't break when she landed on it, strangely enough. She walked straight up to him, literally. Then examined him further. Star-like silver scales covered him, his eyes gleamed silver and gold and had many white dots around the pupil. The male seemed confused when she flared her nostrils, breathing his scent to track him. She backed up, her tail going back and forth slightly, she didn't know what to think about this...this male being here. Her eyes narrowed and she growled showing her sharp silver teeth.

Jupiter stepped back a bit studying the dragon that had emerged from the bushes as she looked at him with curious eyes. She suddenly bared her teeth that were a silver metallic color he backed away further, not because he was afraid, just because he had only talked to guards and his parents. He didn't know what language she spoke and didn't even know if she could understand him if he tried to talk. He tilted his head and drank in her scent which he would use to notice when she was stalking him again or maybe she would hide her scent.

She narrowed her eyes further.

He backed up to give the stranger some space and then spoke " uh… greetings?" in a language he learned from a planet closest to Odyssey.

Trax recognized this, normally dragons who came to visit as tourists spoke it. "....Hello."

She said relaxing slightly, though her spikes were still sticking up along the ridge of her spine.

"Why are you here? On Odyssey, dragon prince?"

"Name's Jupiter… I've read of your planet and decided to come visit."

"You're an idiot. If you see a planet in a book and suddenly decide 'Hey, that's a good idea!' then you are not using your brain, Jupiter. You will die, most likely." she snorted.

"Nice to meet you too, uh….what do I call you.."

"You can call me Traxxas."

" Does anyone else live around here? " he said nervously.

"I don't even live in this area. I'm on patrol to protect this space. Though now there are no meteorites, over here. So no. No one lives around here, maybe a few yards in that way, or that way.." she pointed with her claw. "Honestly as soon as I saw you here, near living spaces, I could have killed you on sight." She said pointing her claw at him now. "But no, because of your royalty. Royalty from different planets is normally rare. Meaning war problems or council meetings, but obviously you're not a council dragon. Your parents probably want you to be for your safety, and the good of their kingdom but instead you train with magical portals on other planets." She shook her head. Making herself go silent again.

Jupiter shook his head "Fine I'll go then! " he tried creating a portal and suddenly his powers failed him. A blue sword appeared made out of hardened energy and plopped on the ground. "Well that's new…" he picked up the sword as it grew three inches. Trax growled at this action. "Yikes!" It dissolved in his paw. He grinned nervously and created a portal now that his powers agreed with him and stepped into the portal and appeared next to his home. This is a problem… he thought as the portal refused to close. He stuck his face into the portal and said nervously " uh give me a minute to figure out why this isn't working…"

"Magic works differently in other places. Such as another planet. Research about it first next time." Trax stated. Jupiter was scared the portal might close on his head, still embarrassed by the sass given by Traxxas "Have a nice day?..." he disappeared through the portal as it closed.

As the portal closed Trax turned and trotted from the scene. She wasn't sure why she hadn't killed him. But, perhaps it was because of how moronic he seemed. Maybe not, but she couldn't think of any other reason. 'Perhaps the next time he's here I should test his abilities.' She pondered for a moment. 'Yeah, bye, Jupiter. If she had been caught just taunting him, instead of forcing him away from the territory, she probably would have been slaughtered by the leader them self. Or even speaking to him, "nicely.'"'She stopped her ravaging thoughts, before they could eat her sanity completely. "What a dragonet." she decided.

He sighed with relief as the portal finally closed, man what a weird day… he quickly headed to his father's dining room. Instead of finding the door, he found Traxxas climbing on the ceiling beams."What do you need now…!" he said looking up with a raised eyebrow.

Trax looked down at him startled slightly, she jumped down from the beams as she spoke "Why are you here! I'm on a mission." She hissed through her fangs. "Ahem… I. Live. Here." Jupiter said, pushing open the door staring at her suspiciously "Why are you here…" She stared at him, then jumped straight up onto a ceiling beam and ran across them to a corner and straight down the hallway of beams. I'd better follow her just in case…Jupiter jumped onto the same ceiling beam and followed her, more or less quietly. And glided in front of two guards, they both looked at him questioningly. "Go alert the other guard's that there's an intruder traveling along the ceiling beams, second floor." They both went inside the door with two other guards replacing them. He groaned tiredly. Why can't I have a normal day for once. His ear flicked as he saw the beams trembling slightly.

Trax ran as fast as she could possibly manage, across the beams to get away, and somehow escape notice. She had heard guards approaching though on the ground, they were looking up. 'Jupiter, if I find you. You may not live the encounter.' She thought darkly as she jumped down, melting a hole in the floor big enough for her to get through, to the ground level, she clung to the melting floor, with a claw. Guards were everywhere… she climbed back up and looked over the melted flooring. Two guards, one dagger. Two guarded dragons with armor, one dragon with one dagger, and acid incineration beam of death. 'I can do this.'

She jumped up to find they weren't there, and instead were at the other side. She roared at them. Before literally being smacked into the wall, out of the tunnel she made--with an armored tail. She hissed as she landed on the ground, her vision going in and out of darkness already. "This is why I kill who I meet." She said firmly, before falling over onto her side, claws still outstretched, snout scratched open and pouring blood--from the acid that landed on her, and she also obtained some newly bruised ribs.

Jupiter was racing after the guards in full armor, the armor was encrusted with gold. He hated specialty but he couldn't change being a prince. He skidded to a stop where Traxxas was pinned down but a bulky guard she was snarling and blood was slightly dripping down her snout. Her white eyes glaring at him and the dragons around, before her head slumped onto the floor. He felt kinda bad but his kingdom was more important than a stranger he met an hour ago. The guards hulled Traxxas into a cage. They had put some kind of magical spell on her to make her claws less sharp, temporarily. The guards locked the cell and went back to their regular duty. She would probably be spoken to tomorrow, he thought to sneak a large piece of meat into her cage " Cya tomorrow Traxxas " he dissembled his armor, hung it up, then yawned before curling up in his bed and quickly fell asleep to the sound of the guards talking outside his door.