
Chapter 2 "The Captured Beast"

Trax woke up in the cage. Immediately, she touched the metal bars, upon seeing her once razor-sharp claws she almost fainted. They were just stubs now. 'They better fix these or I will gut them with these stubs.' She cursed them silently. 'I should have destroyed him. He alerted the entire palace to try and get me. If I had been more careful he would have been dead, and I would have escaped, after killing my target, the queen. Though it would seem it's a star dragon, since it would be his mom. If she's not dead already.' Trax's stomach growled. 'I haven't eaten for a couple days now, and when he arrived I had to deal with him. Ugh. What day is it..?' She looked at the meat that's been sitting there for a few hours now, it was still fresh...somehow. She picked it up and lifted it up to her face before flinging it outside the cage at a guard. The guard turned to her and muttered to himself "Jupiter's too nice to prisoners…" he picked up meat and slid it under her cage

"He should've had you killed, but no. He insisted on keeping you alive" the guard snickered, putting his snout close to the cage, her eyes pinned him with a stare, before she snarled at him, and whipped her tail into the metal bars right next to his ears. Making the dragon wimper slightly, and turned back to his post. Dragonets, all of them. She finished thinking and sat there motionless.

Jupiter woke up with a headache, he groaned and got out of bed sliding bronze clawed gloves on his front two paws. He soon walked over to the door and went to open it when it swung open to reveal his mother. She smiled and quietly nudged him affectionately leading him to the dining room "Did the prisoner get fed?" he asked his mother. She looked at him with a look of curiosity "Why do you care so much for the prisoner?" he looked away from her "No reason…"

He quickly dismissed the question and walked ahead of his mother to the dining table. There was pork on the table cut into pieces, laid on silver plates with spices on top of the raw and cooked pieces that were separated. He sat down in a slightly smaller throne on the left, next to two larger thrones. His father sat in the center throne. While his mother sat down two guards brought in a cage. Traxxas's cage. She stared straight at him with pure hatred, as well as possible annoyance. He gave her a blank look and stayed silent while his parents asked questions like "Who are you…" "Why are you here?" And other questions. She just asked, "How long was I out?"

A guard went to poke Traxxas with a spear since she wasn't answering the questions. when suddenly a flash of light shot from Jupiter, knocking the spear out of the guards bronze paw. His parents turned to look at him. His eyes widened as he stared down at his steaming outstretched paw. "Please don't hurt her…" he quickly said, slightly embarrassed and confused of what came out of his paw. His parents were still staring at him. He decided to attempt getting up to walk away when his mother called him.

"Jupiter, are you sure you're alright?.." His mother asked concern leaking into her confuzed voice, "Yeah I'm okay. Just don't hurt her, please… " he quickly disappeared behind the door leaving the guard staring down at his still melting spear.

As soon as he closed the door a sharp pain shot threw his head he put his paws on his head groaning in pain, after the pain subsided he had a weird red glare in his eyes but it quickly disappeared. He sighed and walked into the garden like this had happened before.

Trax was left in the room with Jupiter's parents, who were still babbling. She hadn't said a word and wasn't stabbed for it, she could have handled it, since she could just tuck, so her denser scales could try to shred the spear before it went all the way through her scales. She started growling random words to herself , so they would give up. Jupiters mom sighed through her nose, before ordering for Trax's cage to be moved back, since they really didn't want her to be escorted outside the cage, back and forth.

"We'll try again in a few hours.." She finished saying, Trax glared at her making the Queen's tail twitch she observed before putting her back to her.

Jupiter was walking in the gardens as the guards marched by a few of them glanced at him respectfully. Seriously... he thought as he tried keeping his expression blank. He sighed and walked over to the centerpiece which was a fountain, once all the guards had passed anyways.

He dipped his snout in the crystal clear water and flicked the water from his nose. He created a portal traveling to a dead planet.

He stepped out of his portal and attempted summoning a sword. The blue sword appeared in his paw. He tightened his grip as it grew at least a foot longer than its original size. He twirled it boredly and chucked it at a rocky mound widening his eyes when his sword sliced the dusty mound in half. Hmmm I wonder… he gently jumped off into the dead planets dark sky.

The planet was surely dead, just a big rock crowding other living planets. He summoned a portal with one that had left it to float there using energy to keep it open, then opened another, and attempted to hold the two and another portal appeared in front of his face. His face looked wary but he would still keep them open, finally he slammed the two portals into the one in the center as a large beam of blue and green light surged from the combined portals crashing into the dead planet below destroying the small planet in seconds. Small rocks slowly flew out of the destruction before disintegrating. After the blast the planet no longer existed. Jupiter was barely keeping himself from fainting, he opened one last portal and jumped inside landing on his bed inside his room. After that he instantly fell asleep.

Trax fiddled with the bars, looking for weaknesses in the structure keeping her trapped, she was starving. She hadn't eaten any of the food they served her in case of poisoning. She needed to be alert enough to register things properly, which she can. Suddenly the metal trimming creaked, she looked around, the guard was slumped over. She flicked her ears up and stained to listen. Snoring, these guards are worse than my advisors. She thought bitterly. Before chewing on one of her claws making it sharp enough to rip through the wood at the bottom of the cage, she made a jagged circle of which she literally broke a small metal horn off her head, to make. She slipped through the small hole between the bars and the bottom of the cage. Morons built this it would seem. She thought as she slipped her tail completely out of the cage. Retrieved her dagger and pack, to put it in. She trotted up to the guard her claws making slight clicking noises. The guards snoring stopped suddenly and she pressed the dagger against his throat, listened to the dragon's heartbeat which sped up slightly, and ripped his throat out with it.

The guard had been blocking the exit. She ran past the dead dragon straight into a set of guards with flung themselves around, and she jumped up onto the beams, they started shouting and getting reinforcements, but she had literally melted the wall to get outside. She jumped into open space and yelled, she was apparently on the second floor, "No!" She shouted as she literally fell into the earth by at least a foot. She roared, metal ground against itself as she flung her light body into the air and opened her wings, they were relatively big for her species, perfect for quick take offs. She looked down and back at the castle. Dragons were following her, for now of course.

She then crashed into a branch, her back curled around the tree before her tail flung her onto the ground. She decided to lay there for a moment, her breathing was relatively even, after being chased down as well. Skull thank you, for the training…even if I didn't pay attention, at all. She thought.

Two guards crashed into Jupiter's room. Jupiter almost had a heart attack jumping off his bead and hastily put on his armor. "What's wrong?" he asked the guards, "The prisoner has escaped, she also killed her guard.." They responded quickly. Not all that surprising..from what I've seen. He thought as he ran after the guards, opening his starry wings flying down to a second-floor balcony where the guards were racing to contain the prisoner. And try to capture her again. He opened a portal which made him feel dizzy and tired again. He hadn't quite regained his energy yet. Why can't my powers work with NO LIMIT! He thought annoyed with so many guards coming to fight off ONE prisoner.

Trax felt a presence getting closer, the army perhaps. She groaned and got back up. Traps….I will run for a bit and set traps. Air, lake, and land. Most would be air associated traps. She ran off, wrapping trees in vines, and crisscrossing them in certain patterns to create a net, which she flew and attached into a ravine they may explore to find her, or accidentally find a spider.

Trax hissed as a vine ripped out of her paws, making them bleed slightly, as it tore through the metal and her scales with its almost metal thorns. She jumped into the air, hissing. That's enough traps, ravine, between the trees, and right on the ground. She thought critically.

Jupiter was running through the second floor, some guards say she somehow got outside. There was a flash of a blue dragon as he flew by leaving several guards behind. He really didn't want tons of guards racing after him. He quickly slipped into a corner as the guards ran past Wow they really are that bad. He walked up to the weirdly bright blue dragon. Too much chaos he thought while walking up to the butterfly-like dragon, she looked female. Great another one… he stated though hoping that she wasn't as similar to Traxxas.

Amara spotted the dragon who approached calmly. She fanned out her light colored wings out and jumped back, lashing her tail fan back and forth. Amara's dark blue spikes started protruding from her mid back as she let out a shrill hiss, sending a sense of hesitance into the other dragon's eyes. Trax leaped onto Amara literally from nowhere, pinning her down; but Amara would not go down without a fight. She thrashed and clawed at her attacker, sending Trax sprawling into a nearby corridor wall.

Trax recovered from the sudden blow and began circling Amara; her bronze scales reflected the faint light that showed through a small hole in the tunnel's stone ceiling. Through Trax's scales, Amara could see charging guards; she was also trying to escape them. Amara turned her back to the stranger dragon that leaped onto one of the guards, and got thrown back again. The sound of cracking bones filled the corridor, sending a shiver up Amara's spine.

The guard laid there, still, and lifeless. He was small compared to Amara and held no worth, yet Amara still stumbled backward, out of pure fright, right into Trax. Trax pushed Amara to her paws, still keeping a close eye on her; and charged the last remaining guard. With one blow to the dragon's neck, he crumbled into a heap; in between spasms, the dragon launched into the air and aimed straight for Amara. She shielded herself with her semi-transparent wing, bracing for impact; but in the few remaining seconds, Trax flicked out a claw and cut the guards unprotected stomach, sending blood droplets raining down on Amara, her wings like umbrellas.

Every one of Trax's muscles tensed as she readied to pounce, but something changed her mind. Instead, she once again circled Amara, this time inspecting her; she was taking note of Amara's every flaw.

"Why are you here?" Her voice flecked with demand.

"I-I was born here… th-this is my home." Amara stuttered.

"If this is your so-called 'home', why are you trying to escape from it?" Her voice still held it's authority, though ire poured off of her.

"It is also my prison."

With a sudden burst of quiet bitter laughter, that made Amara shrivel back into a corner; Trax said, "You have no idea what it means to be imprisoned. Not even referring to their poor excuse for a cage." she sniped at Jupiter

At that second Amara could not take the hate that was thrust upon her; she had been through too much over the few weeks; and so, she snapped. She pounced on top of the other female and raked her back. The sound of metal against claws echoed through Amara's head, causing a searing pain making her head throb, along with the metal noises coming from the dragon.

Trax reared on her hind legs hitting her into the wall behind her, her head hit the stone with a loud crack, and Amara went dazed, she couldn't move from the pain anyways. The world seemed to spin, Amara, fought to keep consciousness as she felt hot liquid ooze from her skull; blood she momentarily thought.

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