
the story of green

this story is going to be merciless and incredibly gory. it's also going to be incredibly horny. and may have some sibling on sibling intercourse. ye have been warned. do not expect regular releases. I will try to release a new chapter every Wednesday but don't get your hopes up.

William_Legge · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


my sister was scared. and so I started to panic. this only made things worse. we where running to the best of our ability. but then I tripped. *that's it I'm done for.* then I felt cold take my body. afterword I heard my sister "green are you ok!?" she was with me did we both die? "please God don't take my sister. take me and send Maria back. she did nothing wrong." I pray my pleas hoping to at least save my sister. "I have no interest in killing children. my name is Silvia Silver. and it's the job of an adult to protect children from any threat." it was the voice of a woman. one who saved my life. "then why am I cold." I ask still cold from before but standing now. "are you bli-... oh. sorry. I used ice magic." she says as she notices my blindfold for the first time. "magic! that's so cool. I wish I could use it. . . but instead I'm just a blind bastard who can't take care of herself." I start to berate myself. "stop that your my sister and I would not have it any other way." Maria then chimes in. "you know you can get your sight back from magic. but it will be magical sight instead." I am told that I had a dumbfounded expression after I heard that. and so Silvia lead us to her home. where I would learn magic.