
the story of green

this story is going to be merciless and incredibly gory. it's also going to be incredibly horny. and may have some sibling on sibling intercourse. ye have been warned. do not expect regular releases. I will try to release a new chapter every Wednesday but don't get your hopes up.

William_Legge · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


when I woke up I was in Maria's arms. but I needed to pee. so I had to wake up my sister. she woke with a grown and pushed me away. "five more minutes." but I had to go now. "I'll pee on you if you don't find me a good spot." at this she sat up like a bolt hit her but. "ok let's go" with that she led me out of the cave and to some bushes. after I was relieved she led me to the river running by the cave. I never knew that it was there but it was nice to take a bath and get a drink of clean water. "we should get going people will start to look for us soon." Maria had a point we have been missing for at least two days. at the orphanage if a child goes missing for more then three days it's assumed that they ran away. at that point the search Begins. so because of this we need to keep moving. Maria was leading me deeper into the woods hoping to find something we could use to help us. "what is that?"