
The Story Of A Saiyajin [English]

When transmigrators cross over to another world they are always happy to do so and since arthur was no exception, at first he was glad to have crossed over to another world. however recognizing an object that was popular in one of the animes he watched in his previous life made his heart race like never before. "Shit! Did I really cross over to the dragon ball world!?" But in the end he was still powerless since he couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to live as calmly as he could in the new world, but his peace didn't last long since 1 year after his arrival in dragon ball the attack of androids number 18 and 17, he immediately knew that he had crossed into the future of trunks which made him renege against the sky again. "Heh...heh...if you want to send someone to another world at least give them something to start with right?" And as if Arthur's requests were heard by the heavens a robotic voice echoed in his head. " *Ting*... system loading finished... host found... starting system" "ha... haha... you finally show up... system...."

Machiner · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 21 - Frost vs Saiyans, Part 1

When Shallot descended to the place where Caulifla and Kale were, he only saw a battlefield divided into two sides. On the right side were the Saiyan's warriors from Planet Sadala. Of course Shallot didn't care about all these Saiyans and his attention was only on three Saiyans.

These Saiyans were Cabba, Caulifla and Kale. Of course, Shallot's attention was focused more on the two women than on Cabba, he simply looked over and that's it. And it is normal, since the appearance of the two women is really remarkable, with unparalleled beauty, with the temperament of each one and the defined body makes them both look better than ever.

Of course, Shallot was also surprised by the change of clothing of the two women. Caulifla for her part still has a pink top, but under it is another black one. After that, there are his pants which are the same purple color but now they are gathered up to below the knees and are supported by a martial arts belt, and finally there are his wristbands and shoes that are still black and of the same style. .

Then there's Kale who wears a maroon red outfit, which underneath also has a top just like Caulifla. With a skirt which also has a black garment underneath. In addition to black pantyhose, she also wears golden bracelets and golden boots along with a pair of earrings in her ears.

But hey, leaving aside the description of the two women, we return to the main topic. On the right side are a group of Saiyan's warriors and on the left side is where King Sadala and Frost are facing each other, yes those two.

Which by the way, King Sadala is in the state of a Super Saiyan and Frost is in his final form. Although it seems surprising that King Sadala has the transformation of a Super Saiyan, but Shallot does not find it strange.

Since using his time ability, he could see how all this conflict that is brewing now began. And it is that Frost was sick of the Saiyans meddling in his business, so he decided to kill them all completely.

But what he did not expect is that King Sadala, seeing that his people were being hurt, would become a Super Saiyan. However, even transformed, King Sadala is at a disadvantage, since he was previously injured from fighting Frost previously.

However even exhausted, King Sadala is giving Frost a close fight, even Shallot can see Frost's impatience which does not square at all with his Frozen Demon race.

"Hum?...is this it?" Suddenly Shallot felt as if he was being watched by something. So he quickly looked up from him into space and as he did so he could see the reflection of a woman with white hair and blue skin looking at him.

However this reflex disappeared the next moment. And of course being watched by Vados is not strange to Shallot, not to mention that he did not hide his presence which far exceeds a God of Destruction and Angel together.

There is the fact that Shallot knows that the Daishinkan informed the Angels about him. As for why he believes this happened, it is very simple, he did not believe that Zeno or Daishinkan were like those in the novels written by some people, that these two, having a relationship with the protagonist, did not notify the Gods and Angels so they don't mess with the protagonist.

And as Shallot thought, the reason why Vados was watching him was because recently his father Daishinkan informed him about Shallot's identity, but of course he won't say everything and he won't even say anything about Azathoth.


Just as Shallot was still thinking about Vados' observation, a rumbling from below caused his attention to be diverted and he returned to the battle that was brewing below.


Meanwhile, in the place where all the Saiyans are.


Cabba really didn't know how to react to what he was seeing and of course the other Saiyans did too. Since a short time ago, Caulifla suddenly transformed like his King for some reason, which surprised them quite a bit.

However, the one who was causing all this commotion was calm, although at first Caulifla was surprised by her power but then she got used to it and immediately prepared to fight.

"Brother take care of Kale, I'll go fight alongside King Sadala." Without waiting for an answer from his brother, Caulifla quickly rose up and then headed for the battlefield, leaving his brother stunned on the spot.

But even if he was left speechless by his sister's attitude, of course Renso didn't get angry either and could only wait for his sister while taking care of Kale, even if that sounds embarrassing for a war veteran like him.

"Well, Kale, you better stay by my side in case something happens, because if something happens to you, Caulifla...".

"I won't let Caulifla fight alone...". Kale directly interrupted Renso and then at a speed greater than Caulifla's, Kale headed for the battlefield.

Seeing Kale's departure, Renso was again speechless but with previous experience he quickly recovered. And seeing at the speed that Kale reached Caulifla, he didn't care about Kale, it would be useless if he went to battle, it would be a total burden.

"Kale, what are you doing?" Seeing Kale who followed her, Caulifla couldn't help but ask this question with a bit of anger in her tone of voice.

Of course Kale noticed this but she didn't care much for her it's more important to protect and help Caulifla than anything else.

"Sister Caulifla, I won't let you fight alone, in fact, I won't let you be hurt again either." Kale said with a firm voice.

After hearing Kale's words, Caulifla was silent for a moment and then she just smiled at him and kept flying towards the place of the battle. She was already aware of Kale's strength and even when she briefly fought Frost she only pretended to be weak as she wanted to save her strength to protect her.

For this and other things, Caulifla let Kale follow her. This part of her was happy that Caulifla will not send her back to the place where everything was safe.


Meanwhile, at the battle site.


"What's wrong? Are you tired already?" As he sent King Sadala flying into a mountain, Frost couldn't help but taunt him.

On King Sadala's part, he directly ignored Frost's words and with a great effort stopped himself before crashing into the mountain behind him.

[I really didn't expect this guy to be so complicated, if this continues I'm afraid planet Sadala will disappear]. When King Sadala had these thoughts he was not idle.

With both hands he hurled several spheres in Frost's direction. He only sneered at King Sadala's attack and relaxedly dodged all the attacks that in his opinion were simply fireworks.

However, Frost suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he quickly looked around and realized that the energy spheres thrown by King Sadala were surrounding him.

"Hmm, are you trying to attack me with this crude method?...naive!" With an angry shout Frost launched several spheres of energy which collided with those of King Sadala and generated a loud explosion that enveloped the entire place in rubble and dust.

"Hmph, now what are you going to do stupid King Sadala?" Frost muttered in a dismissive tone, as he deactivated the Ki barrier that covered him from the blast and dust.

The moment Frost deactivated the Ki barrier, in front of him the air wavered and with it King Sadala's fist was directed towards him. Seeing this, Frost at a speed faster than his fist blocked it with the palm of his left hand.

However, King Sadala's attack did not stop there, since the next moment a kick was directed at Frost's face, who had to step back but without first being injured on the right cheek, leaving a slight cut from the force of the kick. .

When Frost felt the wound on the right side of his cheek he was instantly angry, he didn't expect that a simple bug he was playing with would still hurt him even with its power in its final form, quotes.

Of course, King Sadala saw Frost's ugly face and seeing it he couldn't help but mock Frost as he did before.

"Hehe, what's wrong...don't you accept being hurt by my punch?"

"You…unhappy Saiyan." Angered by King Sadala's words, Frost was about to kill him with one blow.

But suddenly he felt that something was approaching behind him, so he quickly crouched down and as he did so he could see from the corner of his eye one of the Saiyan's that he hit a while ago transformed like King Sadala which made him frown. frown.

However, he could not continue frowning because the next moment he felt how he was kicked in the stomach, which made him spit out saliva and blood at the same time. And not only that happened, but the next moment, at great speed, it flew towards a mountain and crashed directly, generating a great noise.

"King Sadala is he alright?" At the moment when King Sadala was stunned by what happened to Frost, suddenly Caulifla's voice reached his ears which made him come to.

"Hum, thanks for the help, I really needed it." Composing himself, King Sadala spoke in his usual King tone in front of the two women as if nothing had happened.

It is clear that as much as Caulifla and Kale noticed this but they did not expose King Sadala, even if they are more powerful in the future they will keep a little face to this King who fought to the death for his people.


Meanwhile, in the mountains where Frost crashed.


"Damn, I didn't expect that Saiyan brat to be so strong!...Ah!....Damn!...they'll pay me!" Cursing hoarsely, Frost struggled to his feet from the rubble as he fought the pain in his body and wiped away the blood that trickled from the corner of his mouth.

[I have to calm down first, first of all now it's 3 vs 1 and even from the Saiyan who kicked me I feel a great threat. Even if it increased my strength to the maximum in my current state]. After having this thought Frost expelled all his Ki, but even so he felt that the Saiyan woman was still a threat to him.

"Huh...seems that guy still has strength to spare." Caulifla spoke with astonishment.

She really didn't expect Frost to have so much hidden power, before she felt that Frost was one point stronger than her and King Sadala, but now she feels that Frost is three points stronger than her and King Sadala. Of course, that doesn't make her nervous, as she feels that Kale is still stronger than Frost, even if it's just a point stronger, but she's still stronger than Frost.

On the side King Sadala also had a thought similar to Caulifla's. But Kale was on guard, for some reason she felt that things weren't as simple as they seemed, even if she still has an Intermediate transformation to her sister's.

On the other side, Frost was frowning, he didn't expect that when trying to eliminate the Saiyans he would find himself in such a situation. But he knew that this was not the time for regrets and it was time to show all his strength.

"Hmm, since you brought me to this situation, accept the consequences...Ahhhhh!" With a roar Frost's aura increased dramatically.

The entire environment changed to a bluish purple color. This same color also covered Frost's body like a flame which helped her change in appearance, however the changes due to the increase in Frost's power did not end, since the entire Sadala Planet began to tremble as if something was happening. large earthquake of magnitude 10.

"This guy still has this large amount of strength!?" Caulifla couldn't help but exclaim as she felt Frost's growing Ki in the distance.

To the side the faces of Kale and King Sadala turned ugly, they didn't expect Frost to have this hidden hand. And in the sky, Shallot couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, she really didn't expect Frost to have another transformation, moreover, looking closely, Shallot could see that Frost's transformation resembled Cooler's Fifth Form.


And when Frost was transforming, into the Planet of the God of Destruction of the Sixth Universe.


"Mr. Shampa, aren't you seriously going to go where Frost is causing trouble?" Vados asked this question to Shampa while he was watching Frost's battle against Caulifla and the others.

"Hum, I won't go, since the moment Lord Shallot got to where Frost is, that guy won't leave that place alive." Shampa answered Vados lazily in his seat.

Of course, he still couldn't hide the slight fear in his eyes. You know since she sensed that someone was fighting the Grand Priest she was shocked. And yes, Shampa could feel traces of that battle and of course he wasn't the only one, even powerful beings from other Parallel Worlds also felt that fight.

For example, the Kaioshin of Time from the Xeno World, the other divided versions of Zeno and The Great Priest, powerful beings from the AF World, the Mother of Angels and among other beings. But going back to the topic, when Shallot arrived in the Sixth Universe, Shampa planned to destroy him for such audacity, seeing him come to his Universe without permission.

But after feeling Shallot's Ki and seeing that it was the same as the being that fought against the Great Priest, I doubt. And when he was in doubt, the Grand Priest himself contacted him and confirmed Shallot's status, of course he told Shampa that if he provoked Shallot and he was killed, he and Zeno would do nothing.

Having heard this information, Shampa thanked Zeno for hesitating to do anything. So now that Vados told him to go where Shallot is he simply refused, he doesn't want to die, even if the High Priest only told him that he could die if he offends Shallot, but who knows if Shallot gets offended just by being in his presence, it's more who knows if he is angry by the observationde Vados, which until now has him nervous.

Who knows if after getting rid of Frost he will come to him. Of course Shallot in Sadala Planet didn't know about Shampa's brain circuit at this time, even Vados aside didn't know anything and just thought that Shampa was too lazy to go to Sadala Planet.

So he just left Shampa alone and continued to watch the fight in progress. And not only was she watching, but her father and her Zeno were also watching Frost's fight against the Saiyans.

"By the way Mr. Zeno, do we have any plans next?" While he was looking at the picture of the fight, Daishinkan asked this question to Zeno.

Which, after hearing Daishinkan's question, diverted his attention from the screen and looked at it for a few seconds until he spoke calmly afterwards.

"First we will reunite with our divided parts from the other Parallel Worlds, and then the Guards will also become one with their other versions."

The moment Zeno spoke the guards behind Zeno nodded in understanding, they themselves will not dispute any of Zeno's orders. As for who will supervise those Worlds? Well, Zeno of course, since when he merges with the other versions of him he will recover his Omniscience.

"So what are we going to do with those troublesome guys?"

"Hum, which guys are you referring to? Those two Saiyans who live fighting in Hell one? Or the Zarama from the other world who tried to overthrow me? Oh I also forgot about your wife who went to another Parallel World to prepare a Multiversal rebellion to overthrow me".

When Daishinkan finished listening to Zeno, he couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched, he may have previously worried that Zeno won't consider these things seriously, but since they learned the Origin Power and soon the Void Power he doesn't bother. in those things.

"Hehe, but still when we're fighting maybe those guys will do something." Although Daishinkan doesn't care about those guys now, he still reminded Zeno to do things.

He of course knew what Daishinkan meant so after thinking for a few seconds he spoke.

"First make Zarama merge with his other versions and take care of his two evil versions, then take care of those two Saiyan's in Hell, of course don't forget to seal the Hell of all the Universes so that those Demons are still while you don't we are here. And lastly, take care of your Wife yourself." After saying his orders, Zeno paid no more attention to Daishinkan and continued watching Frost's fight.

Daishinkan on the other hand was helpless, he really didn't expect Zeno to be so carefree now. However, although he was defenseless, he still followed Zeno's orders and after saying goodbye to him, he began his task.

When Daishinkan left, Zeno saw Daishinkan's game for a few moments until some time later he sighed with exhaustion. He already knew what Daishinkan was thinking but those thoughts were far from reality, he is not relaxed in the least.

Since he learned how all creation is formed and that he is inside the Internal World of a superior being, nothing can surprise him anymore, well, something if he did and it was that the powerful helpers that Kaito was looking for are no longer there, they disappeared from all existence and even in other Existential Planesthey are not found either.

The most important thing is that thanks to Kaito he also learned that his other versions in existence had also disappeared which made him really nervous. And it's normal, since Kaito who is much stronger than him was also a little nervous about this.

And it is normal, since from Kaito he learned the greatness of those beings, how they can handle reality at will, create and destroy at will and other things.

[Well, now I can only increase my strength so as not to die inexplicably]. With this thought Zeno continued to watch Frost's fight with heavy spirits.


Meanwhile, on Planet Sadala.


"Just as I thought, this guy has a transformation the same as Cooler's." Looking at Frost's new form on the ground, Shallot couldn't help but mutter these words.

On the other hand the Saiyan trio was already sweating from nervousness, they really didn't expect Frost to have another transformation and become so powerful all of a sudden.

Frost on his side, seeing the reactions of the Saiyans in front of him, was pleased, he was really looking forward to seeing the faces of these annoying bugs that had led him to this point.

"Okay, shall we start?" Saying his words, Frost sealed his mouth part with his biological armor and prepared to torture the Saiyans in front of him.

Caulifla and the others prepared for Frost's attack, they know that now they are fighting to the death and must give everything of themselves. And when the fight was about to start Shallot in the sky he watched all this with indifference, he wasn't worried about Caulifla and Kale.

Since if they are in danger at any time you can protect them. As for doing nothing, it's very simple, he knows that Caulifla has a strong fighting spirit so he won't interrupt for now. Of course, when she does, she'll make Frost pay the worst for beating her future wives.

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