
The Story Of A Saiyajin [English]

When transmigrators cross over to another world they are always happy to do so and since arthur was no exception, at first he was glad to have crossed over to another world. however recognizing an object that was popular in one of the animes he watched in his previous life made his heart race like never before. "Shit! Did I really cross over to the dragon ball world!?" But in the end he was still powerless since he couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to live as calmly as he could in the new world, but his peace didn't last long since 1 year after his arrival in dragon ball the attack of androids number 18 and 17, he immediately knew that he had crossed into the future of trunks which made him renege against the sky again. "Heh...heh...if you want to send someone to another world at least give them something to start with right?" And as if Arthur's requests were heard by the heavens a robotic voice echoed in his head. " *Ting*... system loading finished... host found... starting system" "ha... haha... you finally show up... system...."

Machiner · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 11 - Calm After the Storm

Looking at the sky Shanot was stunned for a moment, this lasted until the fusion felt the presence of the three people approaching him.

"Hey...what happened to those guys?"

When the three people got close to Shanot the first to speak was Monaito. Which still breathless was worried about the situation.

"Don't worry Monaito... those guys have already been solved by me"

"Ah... glad to hear it. And by the way, how long will he hesitate like this?"

"Didn't I already say it? I'll be like this for an hour. Well, although I know what to do so that the fusion ends before..."

Without waiting for the reaction of the three, Shanot quickly increased his aura and with a quick movement condensed a sphere of energy in his right hand. Which was growing in power more and more.

To such an extent that the surroundings began to present obvious cracks and sure enough, the three who were with Shanot also felt the rising but dangerous energy coming from Shanot's hand.

When Shin wanted to say something, he saw how Shanot released that sphere of energy which left the planet in an unknown direction, but Shanot's actions did not stop there. After doing all this he directly transformed into a Super Saiyan.

But that state didn't last long, since the next second Monaito and the others saw how a light covered Shanot's body and from her two silhouettes slowly separated. As the light dispersed, the figure of Granola and Shallot could be seen again.

When Granola appeared quickly, Monaito approached him to see his condition, when he did so and seeing that he was fine, Monaito breathed a sigh of relief. For her part, Shallot looked askance at Granola, seeing that he didn't have a change of expression, she sighed in relief.

You know he was worried that when he merged with Granola, he would share his memories. But it was not like that, they only shared the combat experience and what the two have lived these years, nothing more.

Well, although I believe that this thing was not luck, rather it was thanks to the System. As he wandered in his thoughts Shin approached him and spoke in a low voice.

"I am glad that Mr. Shallot is well"

"Oh, Supreme Kai, thank you for your words"

"You're welcome... but I would like to talk to you about something even if the occasion is not right, so I apologize"

After hearing Shin's words, Shallot immediately knew what he was going to say. And the next second his guess was confirmed.

"The truth is that we need help about something... it's about a scary monster"

So Shin began to tell the ins and outs of the matter, all about Majin Buu, just as he destroyed planets and absorbed the other Supreme Kaiosamas. All this lasted a few minutes until Shin finished speaking.

"Well Mr. Shallot, what do you think?"

Hearing Shin's words, Shallot didn't respond immediately. Since after hearing about Majin Buu something came to his mind, so after meditating for a while he answered Shin.

"I'm sorry but I won't help you... but, I know someone who will help you better than me"

As she spoke Shallot had to speak quickly so that Shin wouldn't misunderstand her speech. As for this one, he was simply silent for a few moments and then replied.

"But Mr. Shallot, the person who says is he strong?"

".... What if it's strong? Hahaha don't worry, when I come back you'll see for yourself"

Not intending to speak further Shallot addressed Granola directly, Shin for his part knew what Shallot meant so he didn't continue speaking. For his part, Kibito didn't say anything and followed Shin silently.

Arriving near Granola, Shallot waited for a while until he finished talking to Monaito.

"Well, what are you going to do next?"

Big wave: "...."

Granola didn't answer Shallot's question right away. But after a while he responded.

"I don't know, maybe I'll stay here and live the rest of my life"

"Hahaha, if that's the case, why don't you come with me, that way you'll become stronger"


Confused by Shallot's words, Granola looked at him with total confusion on her face. For his part, Shallot didn't take too long and spoke to Granola.

"You know, I'm stronger than you... that's because I've trained too much besides doing it with teachers who know. So, if you want to become stronger, why don't you come with me? I assure you that there are more powerful beings there is outside"

Granola didn't reply right away, simply staring at the hand Shallot held out after speaking. Looking at Shallot's hand, Granola looked away from him to the landscape behind him. After closing her eyes for a few moments, Granola turned her gaze from him to Shallot and shook Shallot's hand.

"So, I hope you'll help me get stronger"

"Hahaha don't worry, and by the way Monaito. If you want you can come with us, you know in a place on earth there is also a Namek, that maybe I needed some advice from you"

"Really, so it bothered you"

So after exchanging a few words with the two of them they got their things ready, for his part Monaito simply small objects and granola for his part some things that he had in his ship. It should be clarified that he also took his assistant Robot with him.

After the two prepared these things they left with Shallot to earth, before that Shallot told the Supreme Kaiosama that he should wait for the man who would help him to return in two weeks. To which Shin didn't say much and totally agreed.

Already fired from the two Gods, Shallot did not take too long and directly used the instant transmission to reach the earth, more precisely in the temple of God.

When he arrived at the temple with the two Shallot, he could see how it was full of people, some of whom he knew and others he distinguished. And he distinguished some people because these were Goku, Vegeta and the other Z fighters who were revived.

It is clear that Shallot noticed them and they noticed it too. Seeing him, the resurrected people and those related to them approached him and thanked him. Given this Shallot of course I accept his thanks.

After receiving all these thanks, Shallot set her sights on the man in front of her, she did so since it is Goku himself. The protagonist of this Dragon Ball world.

"Hahaha, I'll see you at the end. Nice to meet you, and by the way... what an exciting fight you had with him. I really liked that fight."

As he spoke Goku shook Shallot's hand and at the same time he looked at Granola with a smile, but at the same time he looked at him with the expectation of the fight in his eyes. Which Granola noticed and made him uncomfortable for some reason.

"I'm also glad to meet you and also you Vegeta...as for the previous fight, I'm glad you liked it"

When talking to Goku, Shallot also looked at Vegeta behind him. Which simply nodded to Shallot without saying anything, he knew perfectly well that Goku had already transmitted the same thing he had planned to say.

While exchanging a few words with Goku and Vegeta, Shallot was finally able to notice Picoro who seemed to be coming from a battle.

"Hey Picoro, did you finally face that monster?"

Hearing Shallot's question, Picoro looked at him for a few moments before answering with a smile.

"Yes, in addition to facing him I also annihilated him, although it was complicated in the end I did it"

"Well, I'm glad you're okay"

"Heh, don't underestimate me. Even if that guy was slippery, it's not that he was that strong"

"I see... well before I forget, everyone. He introduced you to Granola and Monaito, they will now live on earth so I hope they get along"

After speaking, Shallot pointed to the two behind him who nodded to all of them, they also nodded but apart from that they approached them to greet them.

Seeing this a smile appeared on Shallot's face, however seeing Monaito, Shallot remembered something. With a thought of the space he had in the System he pulled out a tracker that the Saiyans used before.

Holding it in his hand, he approached Goku who was by his side, Goku for his part did not know why Shallot gave him this kind of thing but he still received it, at the same time he asked Shallot the reason for doing this.

"Hey Shallot, why are you giving me this tracker? I don't need it at all"

At Goku's words, Shallot didn't get too upset and explained things directly.

"This tracker belongs to your father, Goku"

Goku: "!!??"

Goku was shocked by Shallot's words, even Vegeta who was on the side was also stunned. Of course Shallot didn't and explained the ins and outs of the matter slowly.

"Well, with the subject that was facing me before, your father also faced him, he defeated him but he was badly injured. Of course nothing happened to him, then he recovered from his injuries and left Cereal planet, but not before giving him the tracker to Monaito who took care of him all this time"

"....I see, I thank you for giving me this"

"You shouldn't thank me, thank Monaito"

Goku after hearing Shallot's words didn't say too much, Shallot already made things clear so he won't insist on the matter. He now has a mature attitude and not like the one shown in the Dragon Ball Super part.

"And Picoro, maybe what I tell you will be of some use or maybe not, but I'll still say it... if you want to become stronger you can ask Shenron

to unlock your hidden power, something like the great patriarch did with Gohan"

"Hidden power?"

When Picoro heard Shallot's words he fell into contemplation, for if that works his strength will grow at a gigantic pace. Even Goku and Vegeta paid attention to Shallot's words, you know they still want to get stronger.

"It seems you guys are interested in this, but don't worry... I'll show you a way to increase your strength"


Shallot didn't reply to Vegeta and simply gave him a sidelong glance before walking away. Though he was dissatisfied by Shallot's not-talking attitude, Vegeta didn't stop him. Goku for his part didn't say much but he waited eagerly for what Shallot wanted to show them.

Likewise, Vegeta also suppressed his dissatisfaction and waited eagerly. He wants to get stronger more than anyone, he doesn't want to die again after reviving and leave his family alone again. You are not allowed to do such a thing.

For her part, Shallot walked over to where Bulma was as she told everyone that they could have a Dinner to celebrate that they all got together. After so many years.

Meanwhile, what Shallot wants to show Goku and Vegeta is the divine Ki, since now that he has it, he will take advantage of moving things forward on divine transformations.

Of course Shallot has priorities first, such as resting after a hard battle. And it is not that he was physically tired but mentally, it is the first time that he fights in such an intense way so he is not used to it.

However, I think he deserves a break, he has worked during all this period of time for this. So it's not bad to take a break after the storm, then you'll think about the future. In the same way, he is no longer alone, he has people who can become his companions.

When Shallot was thinking about these things she looked at the group of Z fighters, after doing this a smile that no one could see appeared on her face. At the same time the burden that he carried on his back after so long finally eased.

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