
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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44 Chs

Y couldn't it have been butterflies part 1

Copper had one of are squad mates lead us to are barracks are squad mate name was Zero she was another clone but instead of having on armor like Copper or Heavy the only peace of armor she had on was the helmet nothing more but on her back was a engineers belt and around her waist was a tool belt as for clothes she had on red camo pants and shirts which was the color for the engineers as we was walking Zero didn't say much hell she didn't even really acknowledge Heavy or I she was dead focused on reading a data tablet in her hands I could see scans from Rembo and Drake on it they were making sure they were fully operational and up to speck I cleared my throat saying you have no need to do that I can assure, you the mechs are battle ready Zero huffed unimpressed y should I care what a shinny says your not a engineer your a soldier stick to your job and I will stick to mine I huffed and used my one of the arms from engineers belt and I grabbed her tablet she turned around angrily but she stopped when I started modifying the data to are mechs to make them more power sadly Drake already had most of these upgrades but Rembo definitely did not when I was done I flicked the tablet back at Zero who cot it and looked over the data I couldn't see her face but I imagined her eyes going wide as she read over all this her body posture definitely said the same thang she was shocked it didn't take long for her to read through it all when she was done her head shot up to me and she took three steps closer to me saying where did you get this data its nothing I have ever seen I shrugged I made it I could tell I stunned her I shrugged I maybe a soldier yes but this doesn't mean I ant a engineer as well zero shook her head saying damn do you think these modifications could improve the other mecha in are group I shrugged it should improve them all by at least 5 % more then what they are but sadly you will have to ask Copper before going through with these updates sense Heavy and I own are mecha, and not the military we have more leeway to improve them as much as we won't as long as we don't go to crazy Zero side nidding that's true I will see what I can do I will also tell her your a engineer so you can help us work I nodded shrugging but we are here and she walked to a door and opened it we walked in there was 4 bunk beds across from each other I seen 2 lockers next to each bed Zero waved her hands saying welcome to your new home might as well make it yours I am one of 6 who share this room you can have the back left locker and beds I looked to Heavy and he looked to me and we sent a few messages back and forth between each other he nodded thank you Zero but my brother and I will be sleeping in our mechas she side nodding you ant the only ones who do that but your definitely rareer most pilots prefer to sleep in a actual bed especially after a long mission but no one will stop you just make sure to clean up regularly Heavy nodded and like that we walked back to the hanger Zero splitting off from us saying she needed to report to Copper wall Heavy and I walked to our mechs it was placed on the left wall there was 15 more mechs bays next to us we was at the end on the left side engineers was running all around are mechs making sure the guns were ready hell they even cleaned the outside so they were shiny clean I smiled up at Drake happily to see her shine but that's when one of the engineers slipped on the left shoulder the man fell backward into the razor wire main he yelled in pain as he tried to get out but his engineer belt arms got cot up in the wire some how he got himself more stuck I yelled do not move and stop panicking you fucking fool I am coming up no one go near him I used my engineer's arms to climb up next to him deactivate the arms I said the man yelled no if I do that I will just get cut more I huffed angrily you will deactivate your engineers belt and you will do it know the man trembled as I started at him but he deactivated his belt the arms shooting back into the belt but the man didn't move do to one of my arms under him I used the other 2 arms to dig him out and I must say it took me 5 minutes but I got him out when I did I lowered my self onto the ground the man being held by one of my metal arms one of his buddies walked forward and took him from my arm the man thanked me and the two walked away the one helping the one to walk they was probably heading to the medical room I looked around I had drawed plenty of attention to my self but I fidnt care I used my innate ability to control Drake he lowered his hand to me I hoped onto it I razed my self to the cock put door and I walked in when I did Drake want back to normal deactivated the hatch door shut behind me I looked around the piloting room everything was normal but I noticed a box sitting on my piloting seat I walked forward to see a note ontop of the box it said to Hunter I picked it up and put the box to the side as I sat down as I flicked open the letter and two pictures dropped out of it the first was a family photo my father and Serenity was at the center of this group Fives and his girlfriend Ayla was on the left side of my father will Jason, Freddy , Rose, Angel, Crag and Delta was in front of Father and Serenity these was all the kids they had or adopted and I must say Delta which was Serenity youngest son was good friends with my little brothers wall Crag and Rose was holding each other hands wall Angel simply had a happy smile in-between them I could see some of the girls hair as colorful feathers like a peacocks wall I seen patches of scales on the boys and there eyes was more like mine red slits on Serenity left was grandmother with Star next to her was Rex with Rage locked arms with him and at the very end on the right side was Rushal wall at the end in the left side was Rick he had on a nice suit his arms was behind his back very prim and proper like but he had a huge grin on his face the man looked much younger then the last time I saw there was much more life behind those eyes and he looked thick and healthy like he had been hitting the gem again but there was a space between Ayla and him room for two people it was Helges and I spot they were saving it for us I picked up the other photo when I seen it a huge smile spread across my face it was the initiation party I was on the dance floor Helge in my arm and I must say she was rocking in that dress I could tell this was from my family's table probably from Grandma or Rex I looked to the note

Dear Hunter I hope this letter finds you well cuz gods I know we are this household hasn't been this lively sense Fives was a baby that little shit was always trying to get into things he should have its sad but after the dead of Fang father he hadn't been quite the same more withdrawn he did his best to be there for Crag and Delta but it didn't feel like the same like with Fives but sense you arrived and you brought these little angels with you it has brightened are lives to much I can't tell you how much I appreciate you allowing us to adopt them I believe it ant just helping Fang but all of us so thank you I know I have no right to call you son seeing all those things I did when we first met which I am terribly sorry the gilt still stays with me but allow this mother one chance to say I am proud of you son it doesn't matter if your my blood or not I am proud of what you have done the little ones and I can't wait to see what more you accomplish and build. Also I heard you and your father got into it I don't know y or any of the details but whatever you said to him thank you he is starting to act more like him self more like a leviathan but more importantly he is acting more like a Dragny but you might want to wish to talk to him and station things out but that's up to you feel free to contact me if you wish to talk to your siblings here is my contact info good luck and my the ancestors watch over you

Signed Serenity Dragny ps the box is a gift from me and the kids hope you enjoy it

I leaned back in my chair I was trying to understand what I was feeling pride yes pride mixed with happiness yes happiness for my siblings to have a loving family and parents but it was more then that I felt proud and happy to call them my parents as well it would seem I hadn't felt a parents love for a long time it feels nice I smiled hanging the photos above my left controls there was a slot to put piloting notes and stuff but most people put pictures there instead I grabbed the box and put it on my lap before opening the box and what I seen made me laugh folded up in the box was a pink hammock those little shits I laughed they are definitely trouble good hehehe that's good to hear I got up and hanged the hammock up behind my piloting chair there was actually hooks built into this mecha for this reason I laid down in it smiling home sweet home I put my hands behind my head as I sent a massage to Bear asking if we could talk I immediately got a call which answered my question I answered appearing on my screen was Bear his helmet off his beard as long as ever and his head as shiny like normal behind him I seen the edge of a control room he smiled saying it's good to see you sir I chuckled nodding its good to see you to also Bear I heard you all has been given my father a hard time Bear glanced away and he scratched his beard shyly umm I ant sure what you mean Sir I laughed saying Bear you best not play poker cuz your poker face is terrible no matter we will leave it at that I want but right then I got another Call it was from caption Buck good I said Bear I wish for you to meet someone and I answered the call I seen Black hitting in a captions chair there was buttons on his chair arm Black looked a bit tired but lively Sir we have done as you said I raised a eyebrow asking you took control of the hole Army in not even a day are you joking with me he shook his head and a proud smile spread across his face no sir I talked to all the hi ranking members of the Army and they all agreed to follow you after I told them what we would get I have recordings of each of them making a blood oath as for the engineers they agreeded even faster at the promise of building new tech as for the royalty and all that they took control of the situation fast so we was sadly not able to reach the other half of the Army all those who are following you now are no longer Stonewall people they stripped us of that but most of us are ok with that fuck them we are fully under your command Sir what is are orders I chuckled don't worry Black tell your people they have no need to fear they are now part of the KT trading company from here own you all are leviathan the same way as the clones are on that note caption Black I wish to introduce you to caption Bear he is one of clone captions under my company's he is heading your way with 2 war ships, 20 bombers, 50 gunners, 300 infiltrating, ,200 light mecha, 400 medium mechas and only 2 heavy mecha Bear nodded to Black saying I have heard of him before Sir Black also nodded its good to see you again Bear I nodded good you know each other that makes it a hole lot easier this reminds me Cortana is heading yalls way Black mouth dropped open you mean Cortana the mecha pilot that pilots the mech called Chief I nodded yes she and the woman with her will be taking command if I can't be reached the woman called Helge is my partner any orders that come from her take them like they came from me both nodded saying yes sir good the first step is to upgrade your gear and mecha wall Bear and his group teach you all what it means to be a leviathan plus to get your first gains with the system but take this to heart Black at the end of the day we are more mercenary / merchants then soldiers but this doesn't mean we can't fight or be are own army ant that right Bear He chuckled and thumped his chest saying damn straight Sir wall you all are being trained and your gear is being upgraded the rest of Bears people will help evacuate, civilians, wall also probing the enemies strength do not get into a battle you want confident to win is that understood Bear he slammed a fist to his chest saying yes sir I nodded other then that the rest of the plans I will leave up to the two of you and the girls that reminds me Black how is the upgrades I sent you going he side we are 3% the way done I nodded good keep up the hard work but remember to get plenty of rest and food he nodded yes sir that reminds me sir there is a few a banded mining planets near us I was thinking that would be a perfect place to meet up and work seeing how the planets still got plenty of minerals we can us wall also binging surrounded with a shit load of meteor I thought about it and looked to Bear asking what's your thoughts Bear he ran a hand through his beard a few times before nodding that sounds like a good plan out of the way but not to far out well covered wall also having good cover I nodded ok that sounds like a plan thin send us the location I was about to say more when beep beep beep beep an alarm started going off and over the speakers, I heard a female voice say swarm hives in coming to battle stations this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill I shot out of my bear saying I got to go yall both of there faces want white but Black slammed a hand to his chest saying good luck Sir don't worry about us we will take it from here Bear followed his lead he slammed a hand to his chest saying good luck Sir my the ancestors watch over you I slammed a hand to my chest this is are way I hanged up and ran to the harp which swung open I looked out to see Copper yelling orders people was running getting into there mechas wall some pulled out weapons and started posting up at the entrances I looked out side through the force field I seen the flash of blaster and cannon fire that's when I seen them oddly shaped fleshy hunks of mass flying through space I looked to Copper and I jumped down and calmly walked next to Heavy who was was waiting for words as well Copper turned around and seen us he hesitated but side I know you can fight Gollum but can he and she looked to me Heavy chuckled my little brother is one of the best warriors that I have had the pleasure to fight with I assure you be it in a mecha or out of one he is a force of nature he has passed both the moon empires special forces test plus the infantry test plus the test all clone have to take with very Hi marks I trained and pushed him to his limit so don't worry about him and give us your orders she looked to me I could tell she was skeptical so she asked is what your brother said true I smiled and chuckled yes ma'am I but before that's when my instincts was screamed something was about to happen I looked behind Copper out of the force field and seen 3 of those fleshy pods flying straight at us about to impact take cover I screamed I hacked into the speakers so everyone could hear me and I tackled Copper to the ground Heavy diving to the side luckily I did cuz the next second flying over are head was one of those pods it slammed and exploded on the wall and landing on the floor was these huge spider like that was bigger then a fucking Brown Bear I seen green aesthetic poison dripping from there mouth I heard their pitchers click together as they stood up the next second the whole ship shook from multiple impacts a red light came on and a robotic voice said warning alien pods have breached the ship prepare for combat that's when all hell broke loose I bun shots started ringing through the room that's also when one of the spiders ponsed onto Copper and I it tried snippign its pitchers around my neck but two metal arms blocked it I turned around and thrust my right hand my claws pocking through my gloves I ripped off this things face with one fast movement some of its poison got on my right arm Copper shot up saying shit whip that off it seep into your skin fastddd and I seen her clock her head when some of my right arms sleeve was burned away do to the acid and she seen shining black steal I chuckled and pulled off my right sleeve showing my fully metal arm I whipped the poison off my arm with the sleeve before throwing it away your arm she said you're a cyborg I shook my head saying it doesn't matter we got bugs to killad I pulled out both ace and Thorn from my hip and started blasting at one one of the ones that was crawling on the sealing it was spitting out a sticky acid web my first shot from Ace blow off 2 of its legs the spider screamed as it feel to the floor its legs kicking in the air someone ran and point black blasted a plasma shot gun in its face Copper started giving out orders her helmet was on and I wasn't sure where she got that blaster machine gun but no matter I connected all of are radios together and I sent Copper a scan of the ship where it was breached ok we got to clear are floor before we can clear the others so Hunter take a group to the left side Heavy will take the right and I will take right down the middle split know my group which was a group of 12 ran to left door they posted up on the sides but I stood in the center right when that door opened swarms of bugs of many types lunged at us from the hall I raised my pistols saying you all cover my and I started blasting as I walked forward at this swarm of bugs.