
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 155

"Man standing on the sea, yes, Recassan can do it!" Luffy said of course.

"Luffy, it's not right for you to say that, Reikasan is a minority, how can a normal person stand on the surface of the sea!" Sauron, did you read that wrong? Usopp added.

He was not Luffy, a man who didn't even have common sense.

"So, what's that?" Sauron didn't believe it at first, but he took the telescope and looked back and forth a few times, and he saw it very clearly.

Even the bow and arrow carried by the other party were clear, and he stood on the surface of the sea, silently.

People who don't know think it's a statue that won't move.

Hearing Sauron's words, Usopp and Luffy also fixed their eyes in the direction Sauron was looking.

Then Luffy and Usopp rubbed their eyes together, always feeling that it was too cold and hallucinating.

"It's really cold today!" Usopp suddenly began to change the subject.

"It's really cold today!" Luffy responded somewhat unnaturally.

"It's so cold today!" Usopp nodded.

"Is it?" The person standing on the surface of the sea subconsciously responded!

This response completely broke the self-deception of Luffy and Usopp, and even Sauron's vigilance was mentioned as the highest.

Not statues, not hallucinations, can talk!!

What a situation!

But the next moment, they understand what the situation is!

At the bottom of the sea, inside a submarine, someone suddenly gave orders.

"Float up!!"

Peng! Just below the person standing on the surface of the sea, there was a huge ship, quickly floating up, it was huge, the alien was like a big watermelon, looking very luxurious!

"Ships are coming out of the sea!!" Usopp exclaimed on the spot.

"What's going on here?"

"Is this thing a ship?"

"What's going on, how it's shaking so violently outside!" Reika looked at Nami, who had fallen asleep, and was suddenly awakened, and her face gradually darkened!

"I'll take a look." Yamaji put down his food and hurried outside.

"What's going on out there?" Nami worried, is it the sudden weather of the great route again?

"Rest well, no matter what happens, we can do it!" Reka said calmly.

"I see." Nami nodded obediently.

Click, click… The fully sealed, watermelon-like submarine on the outside world has metal parts moving.

The hippopotamus-like bow rises, and after the iron walls around it fall, a pirate flag with a skull and a crown flutters in the wind.

"Pirate ship, even when we are too busy to fight!" Sauron frowned slightly, and he found that the number of pirates on that ship was not the usual number!

After the iron wall came down, it was densely packed!

"Mooha, startled, by this large diving surprise sailing ship, the White Iron King!" A rough-looking, fat man with dark purple hair and a huge mouth stood at the bow of the ship, nibbling on pieces of meat over and over again, laughing wildly with confidence!

"What's wrong with that?" Yamaji ran out of the master bedroom and asked.

"We were attacked!" Luffy came truthfully, at the moment when the ship came into close contact.

Many of Walpo's men jumped over and were now pointing guns at Usopsolon!

Sauron Luffy was not impressed, and Usopp honestly raised his hands!

"Oh, looking at this situation, I think it is the same way!" Yamaji calmly lit a cigarette.

"Are you really pirates, what a bunch of weird guys?" Waldo asked with some puzzlement, his big mouth chewing continuously, watching them obviously surrounded, but he did not panic at all, and for a moment wondered if they were pirates.

How can there be no decent resistance!

"Have you caught four people, click…" Valpo said, and the dagger with the piece of flesh in it was also chewed up and swallowed into his stomach!

"Eh!!" Luffy saw a stomachache, even his teeth could bite the knife, but he wouldn't eat it!

This guy's teeth are so good!!

"What happened to that guy, how did he eat the knife?" Usopp felt a faint pain in his mouth, just by looking at it.

You can imagine how scared he was inside at the moment!

"In any case, there can't be only four people in the Pirate Regiment, forget it, it doesn't matter, you're listening to me, we're going to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, do you have permanent pointers or record pointers?" Valpo asked with a sneer.

"We don't have that kind of thing, and we haven't heard of this country!" Yamaji said lightly.

"Well, we don't have that kind of thing, you go back quickly, we're in a hurry, we don't have time to play with you." Luffy said with disgust.

If it wasn't for this distance, I was afraid of destroying the Merry, and I would have driven all these guys away.

Of course, there is also a point, they are in a hurry, and if they can solve the matter without wasting time, it is even better.

"Why should life be so hurried, if you don't have it, there is no way, in short, your ship and treasure will return…" Valpo was about to announce that the ship was going to become his private property.

But it was a voice more arrogant and arrogant than his: "There are doctors on their ships, Luffy, Sauron, Yamaji, take them down for me, the roadblockers, slaughter them all!" "

Reka came out with an axe on his shoulder, and since he had met The King Valpo of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, he was welcome!

Luffy they didn't know there was a doctor on the other ship, but Reka knew.

Doctors from all over the country are on their ships, and perhaps there are doctors inside who can cure Nami's disease!

"Where's the arrogant little devil! Do you know your current situation, but you are surrounded now! One of the pirates laughed coldly, really confused about the situation.

Being approached at such a close distance, and being boarded by them on the ship, still wanting to resist?

It's a pipe dream!!

"What?! They have a doctor on board?! Hearing this, Yamaji Lu Fei Sorron and the others suddenly lit up in front of their eyes, and they didn't want to waste time on this group of people!

Now when I listen, there are doctors, who are still hesitant about anything! That's it!

"Hey hey!! Count yourself out of luck! Sauron looked at the pirates surrounding him, and immediately showed an evil expression, and the terrible breath filled the air, making the pirates around him subconsciously shiver.

They felt that this swordsman, who was supposed to be harmless, suddenly became extremely terrifying!

No, not just them, but the one with the straw hat and rolled brows!

They all seemed to show their ecstatic expressions!

This is not right!

It was a pair of eyes looking at the prey! What a joke, they are the hunters!

A few pirates dare to treat them as prey!

"It seems that you have chosen the worst path for you!!" Valpo smiled coldly, he was a king, these guys, how dare they show their fangs to themselves! Must be killed to make an example!

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