
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 156

"You are already surrounded by us!" Yamaji knocked on the soot, and then everyone moved like lightning at the same time!

Yamaji raised his long legs, like a lightning whip, and kicked all the pirates around him and flew out!

"Three knives flow! Cow needles! "Bang bang bang! Sauron slashed out the sword qi three times, and the sword qi passed through the nearest pirate and flew it out!

The sword qi that penetrated the body flew towards the pirate crowd, and Peng's explosion shattered and splashed open, causing more damage in a wider range!

A piece of pirate was swept by the sword qi and lay down screaming!

"Kill them!!" Valpo was furious, and a handful of pirates dared to rebel against him.

Did he think they were monsters like Blackbeard?!

"Bang bang bang!!" Dense gunfire rang out and shot from the boat next door.

Reka just shook his fist, suddenly vibrated, boomed, a loud bang, an air shell, directly blasted out by Reika, Valpo's entire huge submarine, instantly punched out a hole!

But I didn't dare to penetrate it directly, lest the doctor inside be killed, otherwise, Reka would use an axe!

But even so, the pirates in that place were all blasted into the sky!

"Fire!! It doesn't matter if the ship breaks down! "Valpo still gives orders, and he himself becomes a cannon, he is a fruit devourer, as long as the mouth has eaten anything, no matter what, will have its corresponding characteristics.

It can be fully understood as the ability to copy the fruit!

Peng!! The shells are aimed at the Merry attack!

"Rubber, shoot!" But Luffy's fist shadow exploded, all over the sky, and the people around him were easily put down, and they were not his opponents at all!

Against the incoming shells, Luffy also fired all of them, blasting them into the air!

"You are not allowed to destroy the Merry!! Must kill, gunpowder star! Usopp pointed at the cannons and began to shoot with precision!

Within this distance, a shot of gunpowder star was all accurately fired into the enemy's cannon mouth, and although the explosion was not as good as the shelling.

But the blast chamber is enough, the enemy's artillery, a door is scrapping!

"We don't have much time to play with you, and if we don't surrender in a minute, you'll all go to hell!!" Reika squeezed a fired shell with her bare hands, and her fingers slammed up and down, directly pinching the shell and exploding!

"Oops!! It's like kicking into a steel plate! Valpo looked around, his own once-excellent king's army.

In the face of these pirates, it is possible to show a one-sided weakness, how is this possible!

If he knew this, he would not take any risks, but he could not hesitate to abandon a kingdom and run away when he knew that the other party was strong!

There was so much danger, he wouldn't have chosen to get so close before!

Now it's hard to ride the tiger!! This distance, want to escape, simply not realistic!

"Super Cannonballs!!" Valpo had no choice but to fire at Reka and try to kill him with one shot!

As a result, the shells were still crushed!

Sou!! Reka stepped out and instantly appeared next to Valpo!

"What!? Swallow the Factory…" Valpo was startled and prepared to unfold his castle posture and fight back!

The result is too slow! At least for Reka!

Peng! A big foot stepped on Valpo's head and stomped it directly under his feet!

"Don't talk about garbage!!"

"Lord Valpo!!" The pirates around them exclaimed.

Their almost omnipotent, multi-tasking former king Valpo was taken down by the enemy!

So fast!! How is this possible!!

The strength of these guys is probably too strong!

"Stop!! Stop! He says whatever he wants, and he gives what he wants! Have you heard it all!! Valpo hurriedly shouted at his own people!

"It's funny, no wonder you can live until now, you should all hear it!" Reika slammed Valpo's head into the boat, blood flowing like an ant.

But it didn't kill directly, because Reka really needed the cooperation of their doctor!

Even if the doctors were forced at first, they were under the control of Valpo's gang for a long time.

They had become accustomed to it and had become servile, and Reka had no time to awaken their awareness of themselves.

If Valpo died and the other accomplices were so angry that they killed all the doctors first, it would be a missed opportunity.

"Lord Valpo!!" The faces of several cadres changed in an instant, and they thought that Lord Valpo was dead!

No matter how despicable people are, as long as they still have profits on their bodies, they will still have so-called loyalists to follow!

They all knew that Lord Valpo only needed to return to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

There is a high probability that he will be able to become a king again! When the time comes, these people, they are all great heroes!

But if Lord Valpo dies, all his efforts have been in vain!

"Still alive, but if you can't satisfy us!" Well, not only him, but all of you, will die! Do you understand! "With Reka as the mainstay, Luffy Sauron stood left and right, watching them with his fists clenched!

Obviously, they are the side of the numerical superiority, but when they see this kind of look, they feel that they have become little lambs to be slaughtered!

But their "hope" of glory and wealth is still there, and no one is going to the extreme for the time being!

"I understand!" Although they were reluctant, now they wanted to live, they wanted Lord Valpo to live.

Then you must listen to them!

Soon all the doctors were on board the Golden Merry, and they were a little frightened and cautious.

This is a pirate ship, whether it can be cured or not, there will be some danger.

Healed, the pirates at first may have chopped them up, when celebrated!

If you can't cure them, then it's easy to understand, and you will be ashamed and angry and directly kill them for burial!

No matter how you look at it, it's not a good job.

The best doctor came to Nami and took the instrument and began to examine, but with the examination, the cold sweat on his face slowly emerged!

Although just now, Reika told him that Nami was infected like this after being bitten by a poisonous insect.

After a closer examination, the doctor found that this was a bug toxin infection that he had never seen before.

He didn't dare to drug it at all, in case it wasn't cured, it would get worse!

Don't think about it, if you fall into the hands of this group of pirates, he will be worse than death!

"How's it going?" Vivi asked hurriedly.

"It won't be serious!" Yamaji suddenly had a bad premonition, and the doctor's expression had actually told them the answer!

Reika also frowned slightly! Is this kind of disease that even the best doctors in the country cannot cure?

Sensing that Reika's face had become unkind, the doctors suddenly burst out, all fell to their knees, and began to beg for forgiveness: "I have never seen this kind of insect poison infection, and I dare not treat it easily!" Sorry for that… Please, don't kill us!! "

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