
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 14

Solving the monca, after noon, the boiling magic on Reika's body gradually subsided.

"Hungry!" Sauron fell to the ground and starved for three weeks.

Already exhausted, he had just exploded his last bit of strength to fight with the Navy, relaxed, and directly lay down.

Luffy then stays behind to watch Sauron, and Reka and Kirby enter the base in search of Sauron's three sabers.

The Navy looked at the dead Monka and the Khrushmaeber who didn't know if he would survive.

Dialed the telephone at the naval headquarters and informed the people above about Monca.

No one had dared to do it or had the opportunity to do so, but Monka was dead and all the restraints were gone.

The captain of the Navy, who temporarily took over command, did not expose Luffy Reika and the others.

Instead, he put his hat on a mountain thief who knew the cause of Sauron's incident.

And Luffy and the others did not indiscriminately kill innocents against their navy.

The Monka father and son are completely self-inflicted, and even now see Reka Luffy and others as benefactors.

However, as a navy, you can't express too much gratitude to the pirates, you can only cover up for them.

"Someone has been here, but it seems to have left." Reka walks with Kirby inside the base and sees the Navy tied to the side and stuffed with cloth strips in its mouth.

Kirby was stunned, could it be that there were other invaders in this naval base.

However, they searched several houses and found nothing, and then in Khrumeber's office, they found Sauron's three sabers.

They didn't even know that one of them was a famous knife and a Daoyi script.

In this backcountry, people's knowledge and knowledge are limited.

"The money of the naval base has been scraped clean, and even if it is not scraped clean, there will not be much left, or the devil fruit is valuable, just such a gadget, if it sells well, it can be worth hundreds of millions of Baileys." Reika sorted out three swords and took them with her.

As he sighed, he took out the Demon Fruit from the back of the package and held it up in his hand.

Nami, who was about to slip away, heard these words and turned around abruptly.

What is worth hundreds of millions of Baileys!? Is there such a valuable thing in this world?

Just now, Nami entered Colonel Monka's office.

Look for nautical charts of the Great Passage, but when you find the safe, only a note left by Bucky's clown remains.

The real nautical charts have long since fallen into the hands of bucky clowns.

As soon as Nami noticed that Reika and the others were coming in, she prepared to slip away, only to hear such a sentence.

Nami couldn't tell if it was true or not for a moment, but Reika and the kid in the straw hat didn't look like normal humans at all.

It is not impossible to know the value of treasures that ordinary people do not know.

If it were true, wouldn't it be enough to make up for a hundred million Baileys, or even more than enough!

However, the other side is powerful, both are non-human, and the man has seen himself.

It is not advisable to do it openly, but to wait for a good time.

Moments later, they left the naval base.

At The restaurant of Rika's family, many people watched.

From inside came Sauron's contented voice.

"I've eaten so much, I haven't eaten in three weeks, and I've reached my limit." Sauron had eaten and drunk enough to touch his stomach, and finally felt that he was alive again.

"Are you full?" Luffy continued to eat with a knife and fork.

"Why do you eat more than I do?" Sauron said with a puzzled look on his face as he pointed to the food in front of Luffy.

"Because it's so delicious, you're right Kirby."

"I'm really sorry, even I'm entertained." Kirby looked at the pretty lady of the restaurant and touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, because you saved the town." The hostess said softly.

"Let's rest here for a night tonight and then leave, it's not early, and the other navies are not coming to this island so quickly." Reka suggested.

He was worried that with their staffing, going out to sea was too dangerous.

It is not a question of combat strength, but of navigational capabilities.

Kirby, who currently has the strongest nautical knowledge, decided to stay here

Luffy grinned widely, and his navigation skills were not equal to zero, but they were almost the same.

Sauron was a road fool who went to sea for a long time, and sometimes it wasn't that he didn't want to go to the Great Passage, but that he couldn't find the way.

Reka's navigation techniques were also learned only recently.

So when he was suspicious at the base, he dropped a decoy.

Sit and wait to see if any prey is hooked.

Several people felt that Reka's proposal was fine.

Rika nodded happily, "Big brothers are so powerful." "

"I could have been better because I was going to be one piece man and I had found a companion." Luffy smiled brightly.

"So now, how many people have you found besides me?" I remember you said you were gathering your companions, and since you were going to be One Piece, you must have gathered a lot of people. Sauron looked at Luffy expectantly.

Since you have decided to survive, whether it is notoriety or good name, as long as you can be famous in the sea, you can do anything!

"Not a lot, you're the second."

"Huh?!" Sauron was stunned for a moment, and suddenly an unreliable feeling came to mind.

"So the three of us?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, we're strong anyway."

"Can the three of us be called pirates?" What about the ship, where is our pirate ship? "

"There." Luffy pointed outside.

Sauron got up and, through the window, saw a small boat moored in the harbor not far away.

Three people are barely enough, four people, I'm afraid it's a little reluctant, and there is no cabin that can shelter the wind and rain.

Just go to sea in this little boat? How far can it go.

Sauron's forehead sweated, and he felt like he had been tricked into getting into a thief's ship: "That ship…"

Sauron's tone was full of helplessness, but now that he was on the thief's ship, what else could he do.

"It doesn't matter, sooner or later we'll have a big ship, and we'll have to find more partners." Luffy didn't feel anything wrong at all, and still didn't have the heart and lungs to laugh.

"Have you been following this kind of captain?" Sauron looked helplessly at Reika, somewhat sympathetic.

It feels very unreliable.

"It's okay, we will soon have a high-class talent who is proficient in navigation, gambling, stealing, meteorology, public relations (good at bargaining), mathematics, financial management, and personnel management!" Reka smiled.

"And such a powerful person?!" Luffy, Kebisolong and several others were very surprised.

But is this kind of thing still predictable?

Looking at the mysterious smile on Reka's face, they didn't know to ask.

In the evening, Sauron lay down drunk, and Luffy was full and fell asleep directly on the table.

Kirby went to the naval base to try it out.

Reika also looked a little tired, her body had become thinner, half squinted, and she was drowsy.

Rika also fell asleep on the bar, while the hostess went upstairs to clean up the room.

At this time, a flexible figure climbed over the wall, like a kitten, coming silently, still wearing a black face scarf.

"Where are the hundreds of millions of Baileys hidden?" Nami approached reika, who looked as if she had been sitting asleep.

"Young maiden, I will allow you to use the Beauty Meter on me." But as Nami approached and just reached out, Reika suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her with a smile.

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