
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 13

Monka wielded an axe in front of him.

Listening to the man's overbearing words in front of him, the anger in his heart instantly climbed to the extreme.

He had never met such an arrogant maniac, and he had always been the only great man who despised others.

Never before has he been so despised by others, and must not be easily forgiven, but must be deprived of his limbs and tortured well.

It's just that in the face of absolute strength, everything is a futile struggle, and as soon as he rushes forward, he is slashed down by Reika wielding the divine axe Rita.

With a crackling sound, the axe in Monka's hand was cut off.

"How can that be?!" Colonel Monca thought that the people in front of him would not be ordinary, but he did not expect that it was only the first blow, and the hundred refined steel axe that he was proud of was cut off.

What kind of monster is this?!

But before you think about it!

His head was stomped on by a big foot, and the whole person was trampled under the feet of Reika like an ant, unable to move.

He was even more humiliated by the arrogant Reka.

"What's great about an ant like you?" In pirates, you are not strong enough, in the navy, you are nothing more than a moth! Bang, the first words fell, and Reika, who was shouldering the axe, stomped his head into the ground.

"So weak, what courage to call Hima?!" Yes!! Reika said arrogantly, and then stepped on it again!! Stomp its metal jaws all over.

"Bow down and beg for forgiveness!" Just like that you ho ho ho ho Bring about one's own destruction!! Come, please forgive me to see!! "

"Abominable !!!" Monca was furious and fell as Reka's frantic kicks fell.

The roles of each other seem to have been changed long ago, and at this moment, Reka looks more like a villain, a domineering dictator.

It's not just about defeating, it's about being extremely humiliating, with arrogance, and humiliating to crush Monca's twisted heart!

Khrushmaber had fainted in fright when he saw his father fall.

The other navies saw the situation and looked at each other, but not only did they not rush up to save people, but they took a few steps back with tacit understanding!

And these few steps back are not out of fear of Reka, but out of dislike of Monca.

During His tenure, Monca not only imposed taxes, but also killed and killed many innocent navies on weekdays.

Many families have been torn apart by Colonel Monca!

In their opinion, don't say that it is such an insult and violent beating, even if it is directly shot ten times, they feel incomprehensible!

Usually, they didn't dare to be angry or speak up, but now someone knocked Monca down.

They were too late to be happy, if they were not afraid that Monca would come to them afterwards to settle the account.

They all wanted to go up and give him a kick!

"This guy is pretty dangerous." Sauron said with a calm face, looking at Reika, who had stomped Monka bloodied with one foot and one foot.

Sauron felt that this guy was not the king of evil spirits.

However, if it is your own partner, it can bring a sense of security.

He didn't resent Reka's approach, but he wasn't very supportive either.

What Monca did, he knew when he came to the town.

But he wasn't an eventful person, he didn't provoke himself, and Sauron wouldn't bother.

Once provoked, cut it is!

"Reka, wouldn't it be a little too much for us to do that?" Luffy tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"What a cruel Recassan!" Kirby shivered at the side.

The little girl looked a little scared, but very relieved, listening to Luffy's words, she hurriedly said: "It will not be excessive, my good friend Lina just accidentally bumped into him last time, and the whole family was killed by him!" And Grandpa Jony, because he couldn't pay the taxes, was also ordered to be shot by him, saying that he was not in awe of him enough, whining…"

When it came to the sad place, the little girl Rika couldn't help but cry.

The whole town of Sherz knows about Monca's brutality! Otherwise they wouldn't have mentioned Colonel Monca's name when they first came, and they would have scared those people like that.

"Soga!" Luffy's face was also slightly gloomy, and he reached out and pressed his straw hat without any further dissuasion.

At this time, a naval officer fell to his knees: "You can't easily forgive this demon of Monca, otherwise the whole town will suffer!" "

He was afraid that after these powerful guys left, Monca would once again regain control of the town!

Then they will go back to the old days.

So he laid down his arms and risked his life.

Other navies saw the situation, and some people followed suit and knelt down, but more still did not have the courage.

Just laid down the weapon in his hand.

Kirby was stunned to hear this, he didn't expect that the navy he envisioned in his heart had such a bad person!

Such a natural anger and resentment, even the Navy itself could not look at it!

"You guys eat inside and out!" Monka heard the words and was furious, but he had already breathed more and out less.

"Don't try to order me!" Reika said coldly!

But I also thought in my heart that Reika did not intend to kill Monca in the first place, and maybe he would play some role in the future.

But after hearing what the little girl had said, Reka changed her mind.

Although he drank and rebuked the navy who knelt down to pray, he raised the god axe Rita in his hand.

"No, no… You can't kill me, I'm a captain, I'm great, you kill me, you'll be wanted by the Navy! When Monca saw Reika raise his axe, he was so frightened that his face was bloodless.

"I don't care." Reika took the knife in his hand and cut off his head directly.

"Really killed!!" Nami leaned against the window and looked at the situation outside, kind to her, although she couldn't bear it.

Seeing the Navy, and the little girl's reaction, and the things she had investigated, she felt that it was right.

Usually, she is a thief cat who specializes in stealing pirates.

But this time he set his sights on the Navy, but also to make Monca suffer a big loss.

It was something she could do.

"Nice handsome." Nami looked at the man who was as strong as a demon king, as handsome and masculine as a god, and who was extremely domineering, and her heart was swaying.

But quickly took control and continued the purpose of her trip.

"Thank you guys!!" Many navies looked happy, long-term oppression, and liberation at this moment made them extremely excited!

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