
The Sick Team

The Modern era which was rising has suddenly ended and a new era arrived . The apocalypse era ! After escaping into a safe place and becoming a Boss to a group of survivors , Ethan who failed to awaken an ability still became popular among the group of survivors . But suddenly one day , a survivor has awakened a ability that changed the order of the group. People started to have second thoughts about working under Ethan and the plan to overthrow the leader appeared in their mind ! Ethan peaceful debauchery ended ! ................ "What do you mean that someone has awakened ability ?" "What ? Someone died today ?" "Wait ! Are you telling me that one of the survivor has a gun ?" "Crap! Who poisoned my food ?" "Why do I hear footsteps sounds from outside of my room in middle of night?" The group of survivors who had peaceful and easy going personally now suddenly became menance and killers ! "Um...Boss I heard that you are interested in men ?" "YOU GUYS CAN ALL GO TO HELL!"

Hollowlives · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10

The second culprit !

Hearing the words from Sera made the survivors gaps in astonishment even Ethan was surprised by her answers .

He casually asked her for politeness but who knew her answer was out of his imagination .

Julia and Mei who had their own thoughts about this case was now left in confusion.

They only thought that there is one murderer and now someone saying that there is a second murder who is hiding with us . This caught off guard of them and they didn't know what to say next.

Ethan looked at Sera and said with questioning tone

"And why would you say so?"

Sera came forward and gave a smile at him which almost made his blood boil . She Pointed at the dead body and said

"There are two culprits here , one male and another female ."

Ethan looked at the dead body and frowned because he didn't find any clues of the culprit .

Julia looked at the corpse once again but still she failed to find anything .

Mei looked at Sera and said in cold tone

"How can you be sure that the murder is a male and female without any evidence?"

Sera didn't mind her cold tone but said with smile

" First let's talk about the male murder, Don't you find it's odd to have only one handprint in her body and the other handprint is missing."

Hearing this Julia and Mei looked at the corpse once again and then her eyes brightend in realization .

"Yes She is right . There is only one handprint in the body and the other handprint is missing in her skin nor clothes. "

Samuel who had a short temper directly asked in annoyance from lack of understanding their words .

"Can you guys clearly say who killed her?"

Ethan looked at him in contempt and said

"The killer used only one hand to hold the knife and stab her repeatedly and according to Julia there is no other handprint of other hand which means the murderer used only one hand but the thing is why would use only one hand to kill? Isn't it easy by using both hand ?"

After saying that he focused on a person and said with smile

"Unless the murderer was holding something in other hand or the murderer has only one hand!"

Samuel immediately said in loud voice

"It's John. The one hand cripple!"


"John? how could he do that?"

When the survivors were in absolute shock , John immediate ran outside in panic but pity someone was even faster than him .


A transparent blade clashed at the running John which made him fall and spit out blood.

His back was wounded heavily and he laid there in the ground , losing the energy to even move .

Samuel appeared in front of him with a smile .

"Trying to run from a awakened? You court death mf "

Everyone surrounded John and looked at Samuel in awe and fear. Samuel speed was too fast for them so that they only saw a fleeting shadow pass them.

Ethan heart raced from seeing the ability of Samuel .

'So this is what the ability does but it's too powerful for current me'

He shook his head inwardly and lowered at John level. He said to him with amazement

"John why did you kill Kayla?"

John laid on the ground and looked at him in calm face . He knew his life was over after they found out he killed one of the survivors , so he admitted that he killed her to save the torture .

"First tell me how did you confirmed it was really me ?"

Everyone became curious of the reason so they waited for the answer from the Ethan.

Ethan gave a faint smile and said

"Julia said that the Kayla was fed on a drugs before she died so the question is how did she consumed the drug ? It's simple ! The drug was on food and who gave the food today is the one who culprit"

As he said he looked at Gary and smiled which made the latter shudder from the smile.

John coughed and said in difficulty

"So you guessed based on that?"

Ethan shook his head and said

"I was only suspicious of you but I suddenly remembered that Kayla had a bf before when she joined the bunker and then suddenly they broke up after hearing rumours of Kayla"

The rest of survivors immediate remembered the forgotten matter .

Aamon nodded hsi head and said

"Yeah now the boss mentioned it ! I remembered that John and Sera were dating at past months but they broke up without warning "

Samuel sneered while saying

"Ha. You were dating a stripper? You have a very good taste my friend"

John panted furiously hearing mockery form Samuel


Ethan glared at Samuel ans said in deep voice


Samuel froze then he looked at him coldly with faint killing intent but Ethan ignored it .

Ethan looked at John and said in cold tone

"Since you are the first culprit then tell me who is your accomplice ?"

John shook his head and said with hesitation

"No you are wrong . I'm the only murderer here . The lady is wrong in her guess !"

Sera appeared god knows how at their place and looked at John in mockery

"Did you really think you killed Kayla?"

John was taken back for a moment and said

"What do you mean?"

Ethan had a slightly change in expression . He already had figured out who is that person but he had hard time figuring out who is that person .

Sera looked at the survivors and said with clear voice

"As I told you , there is a female culprit who is the real reason for the death of Kayla"

Everyone frowned from the statement and Mei asked in cold tone but she had slightly curious face

"Who was it ?"

Sera looked at the survivors one by one and pointed at the panic female who was looking at them in panic and gulity face.

When they saw who it was .... They couldn't believe that this person killed !

"It's you..."

John eyes opened his eyes in wide from disbelief .
