
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime e quadrinhos
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282 Chs

230. War Begin

Straw Hats & Elbaf's Giants are now facing Big Mom pirates. Big Mom is really crazy to attack the Straw Hats & Elbaf at the same time. She seem to bet everything in this war, so it's all or nothing situation.

Big Mom realized Straw Hats' growth and can't let them grow even further. It might also because she felt humiliated in the war on Wano. She felt the Straw Hats are taking pity on her by releasing her after the war.

She couldn't accept that humiliation, and she keep getting nightmares because of it. That's why she decide to attack Straw Hats even if she need to have a war with Elbaf. Now she came with all her troops that have thousands in number.

Big Mom's troops are like usual, composed of real living beings, and homies. She have made a lot more homies now, so she must've took many people's souls. She also turn all her normal homies on Totto Land into battle homies.

"Get ready to die, Straw Hats! This will be a lot different from the war on Wano. Beasts Pirates are a bunch of stupid people, but my crew is different."-Big Mom

"BRING IT ON!"-Luffy

"Fire!"-Big Mom

All Big Mom ships shoot their cannons to the island. Their distance is still very far, but her cannons can reach the island. They must've use the same cannon technology as Beasts pirates' ships.

Jon open his eyes and stop his meditation. He have entered Sage Mode now, and he move to the very front. The giants didn't know what Jon's gonna do in the front of everyone.

"Mokuton: Deep Forest Emergence!"-Jon

Jon create many big & tall trees on the shore. He make the trees turn into big, tall, & thick wall to defend the cannon balls. The cannon balls destroy Jon's trees slowly, but the tree wall is very thick, so there's no problem.

"That's impressive, young Jon."-Jarul

"Don't let you guard down, old man Jarul! That woman is one of the strongest person in the world."-Jon

"I know."-Jarul

The Giants are impressed at Jon's tree wall's defense. But Jon is right, they can't let their guard down just because the cannon balls are stopped. Big Mom isn't titled an Emperor for nothing.

"!! Incoming! Zoro!"-Jon


Zoro get in front of Jon and prepare his swords. They waited for a second, and suddenly the trees got cut horizontally. Zoro immediately use his swords to defend the slash attack, and he throw it to the sky.

Everyone look at the one who cut the trees, Big Mom herself. She ride on her new Cloud Homie that replace Zeus, her hair is burning with Prometheus on it, and she cut the tree wall with Napoleon.

"Advanced haki attack?"-Zoro

"Yeah, it cut through the tree wall like a butter."-Jon

"Mamma~mamma~, you got stronger than before, Roronoa."-Big Mom

"Of course, i always train to improve myself, so i will be stronger."-Zoro

Big Mom fly up, and cannon balls start to shot on the island again. Now, the tree wall have been destroyed, so the cannon balls will hit them. Jon won't let that happen, so he activate his Rinnegan.

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon

Jon use Shinra Tensei on the cannon balls and shoot them back to the ships. Big Mom's grin vanished a little when she see the cannon balls fly back to her ships. But she's not worry though, because she know her children can take care of it. She's just annoyed of Jon's interference since earlier.

"Candy Wall!"-Perospero

Perospero create a candy wall in front of their ships to block the cannon balls. The cannon balls explode upon contact and destroy many parts of the candy wall.

"Mama, i don't think that shooting our cannons again is a good idea, perorin."-Perospero

"No, keep shooting. Let thrlem waste their energy. This is the 12th day of their fast, so they must be already low on energy. Make them spend more of it. Don't worry about the cannon balls."-Big Mom return to her ship

"Ok, then."-Perospero

The Big Mom pirates continue to shoot at the island. Jon is about to use his jutsu again, but Jarul stop him.

"Don't overwork yourself young Jon! Let us handle it too, this is our land, so let us protect it."-Jarul

"He's right, young man, don't do everything yourself!"-Odin

Some giants then stand on the front and have their shields ready. They cover their shield with armament haki and block the cannon balls. The cannon balls explode on their shield with big force, and the giants got pushed a little.

"These cannon balls are stronger than i thought."-Raideen

"They have excellent cannons with great power & range. That's why they will keep shooting at us to reduce our energy slowly."-Jon

"So unless we do something to their cannons, they will keep shooting until they run out of ammunition?"-Olaf

"Yeah, i think so."-Jon

The Big Mom pirates shoot their cannons again. The Giants keep defending with their shields and they switch positions with the other giants after some rounds. The Straw Hats also defend some cannon balls that are shot to them.

The giants try to use long range attacks like flying slash attack or throwing spears to destroy the cannons. However, the Big Mom pirates also can defend the attacks. Both sides keep attacking each other, and Big Mom ships also keep getting closer.

After many rounds of shooting, the ships finally arrive on the shore and they run out of ammunition. They land rather far from the Giants' & Straw Hats' location. Then the Big Mom pirates get down from their ships, and their number is really high.

Previously, their number couldn't be seen because they're on the ships. But now, their massive number is really apparent. There are hundreds of thousands troops in there, form of real living beings and homies.

Compared to that, the giants' number is really small. The giants only have around 1000 warriors right now. Even so, these 1000 Giant warriors are feared by the world. They are called the Strongest Nation even with their small number.

However, their enemy right now is Big Mom. She was able to destroyed a giant village on her rampage when she was just a kid. Now, she have grow a lot stronger than that time, and even considered as one of the strongest in the world.

"Linlin, you should know what will happen after you step your foot on this island right?"-Jarul

"You think i'm afraid of that? If i'm afraid, i won't come here at all."-Big Mom

"Then, prepare to die!"-Jarul

Everyone get ready to fight, and prepare for the worst. Big Mom came here knowing the consequences, even if it means death. She gamble everything in this war, so this will be all or nothing.

'She came here with all her troops & allies, that mean Totto Land is defenseless now. Other Emperors might take this chance to take over that place. I want to just send someone to take over that place, but we need to focus on this war.'-Jon

Both sides look at each other for a moment, before they start to move. They rush at each other and meet on the centre. They use their attacks and clash with the enemy's. Now the battle have finally started.

The Straw Hats also move to attack the Big Mom pirates. They can't just stay behind just because they're weakened by their fast. It's the 12th day, and they really got weakened after not eating for so long. But that doesn't mean they will just stay behind and let the giants fight by themselves.

'Kurama, you need to gather a lot of chakra first. We will need it later.'-Jon


Jon move forward alongside Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. Jinbe, & Brook move in the middle with Nami & Robin. Chopper, & Usopp stay on the rear, and Jane is even further on the back on the mountain cliff. Jon also have assigned a wood clone to protect & assist Jane.

On the front, Jon, Luffy, Zoro, & Sanji spread to attack the enemies. They fight with the enemy's frontliners which are just homies & low leveled troops. So the 4 of them just use normal attacks to save their energy, but that's enough to defeat these weak guys.

Jon now use his taijutsu & kenjutsu only, he just use his chakra to give his body more power. He didn't even bother to use any jutsu or even coat his swords & body with haki. Jon choose to dodge & redirect the attacks rather than blocking. Blocking need a lot more power, and he might need haki to do it, and haki mean energy too.

'I need to save my energy now, to fight the bosses.'-Jon

Jon keep defeating the enemies, without getting any damage. Jon use his rinnegan & observation haki to the max to avoid all attacks from hitting him. His speed & agility also really help him from dodging & attacking at inhumane angles.

Suddenly, Jon sense a small projectile is shot to the left side of his head. Jon immediately duck to dodge the projectile, and it hit a homie, killing it instantly. Jon frown and look at the projectile.

"Jelly bean?"-Jon

Jon look to where the projectile came from, and see Katakuri is there. Katakuri shot the jelly bean to Jon with high precission and speed. If it's not for his strong sensory ability, Jon would be hit on the head by that jelly bean.

"I see that you've recovered, Katakuri."-Jon

"It will be strange if i haven't recovered by now. Still, i never thought that you would do that after your war on Wano. To attack the Marine & WG right after the big war in Wano, make your crew look very crazy."-Katakuri

"People always said that since we start to sail."-Jon


Jon is about to move and attack Katakuri, but many homies suddenly attack him. Jon didn't have any choice but to fight these homies back like before. But suddenly, another jelly bean projectile is shot, so Jon dodge it.

"Tch, he want to disrupt my movement."-Jon

"Sorry for this, Demon Eyes. I would like to have a fair fight with you, but this is a war, and a war need to use strategy."-Katakuri

Katakuri keep shooting the jelly beans while Jon is fighting with the homies. Jon can avoid the shots, and they hit the homies, then kill it. However, it doesn't really matter for Big Mom pirates, because the homies are disposable.

Even so, with Katakuri disrupting his fight, Jon start to get hit many times. Katakuri can timed his shots, so if Jon dodge, he will get hit by the homies. But still, Jon can avoid vital damage, and he use haki just on the places where he got hit. Jon doesn't use his haki excessively to save energy.

"Damn, this fasting is still long. We might die from hunger before we get killed by enemies."-Jon

It's not just Jon that have a hard time, but the others too. The other Straw Hats also have difficulties in their battle because of their hunger. They often lose focus when the hunger attacked, and it's really dangerous in a war like this.

Then, just like Jon who got disturbed by Katakuri, the other Straw Hats also got disturbed by Big Mom's children. Smoothie disturb Luffy, Cracker disturb Zoro, Daifuku disturb Sanji, Oven disturb Jinbe, Snack disturb Brook, Amande disturb Robin, Galette disturb Nami, Decaplets disturb Usopp & Chopper.

No one can reach Jane, because she is too far behind, and on the top of mountain. Beside, they don't see her as a threat because she didn't have any bounty. But that's really a big mistake, because now Jane can attack those who disturb the Straw Hats.

Jon's clone help Jane to choose which one that she need to shoot. The clones can detect who is in danger and tell Jane to support them. So now, Jane disturb those who disturb the Straw Hats.