
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

229. Attacked

Since their suffering on the first day, the Straw Hats try to not spend too much energy at day. They can get energized when they train in Jon's mind scape. Jon's meditation really help them gain some energy that they spent at day.

Every one of them now start to have significant growth. Usopp, Nami, and Chopper also can overcome their fear under Kurama's intimidation and fight back. Jon is satisfied with them, because even though they are scared, they don't let themselves become helpless. It will be dangerous if they suddenly froze in fear when fighting strong opponents.

Jane's growth also satisfy Jon, and now he won't need to worry of her that much like before. He will still worry of her, but at least now she can save herself in bad situation. Many snipers are vulnerable on close range, but Jon won't let Usopp & Jane be like that, so he always train them slowly on close combat.

Days passed by, and soon, it's the 12th day, last day of the fast. The Straw Hats look significantly thinner than 12 days ago, except the girls. Even if they got energyzed every night by the nature energy, but they didn't have any nutrition entering their body.

Even Jon has become thinner than before. He have meditated for 3 days and night before on Fishman Island, but 3 days & 12 days are a lot different. It's 4 times longer, and Jon never thought that it would be this hard. Beside, after he meditated for 3 days, he filled his stomach until full before going to war.

The Straw Hats are now laying on their room in Astrid's house. They look very haggard and become very thin. Those who often eat a lot like Luffy, Jon, and Usopp have their skin stick to their bones like mummies. Even the fat Jinbe start to get thin & have his muscles visible.

"Damn, nature energy may fill my energy, but it didn't fill my stomach."-Luffy

"Of course it didn't, but at least it make you last longer in this fast."-Jon

"Yeah, if we don't get that daily energy, we might've died now."-Usopp

"You won't, you would just feel too hungry because you always eat a lot, that's why you get hungry easier than anyone else."-Robin

"I don't understand how you girls didn't change at all."-Usopp

"Hehe, it's because we are used to not eat a lot, and even fast sometimes."-Nami

"Our diets really help in time like this."-Robin

"Damn, my Seimei Kikan is useless now. I should've turn all that food into fat so i won't be like this."-Jon

"There's no use to regret over spilling food. This will be over tomorrow, so just hang in there."-Zoro

"It's still morning, and we can only eat tomorrow morning too, so it's still a full day fast."-Usopp

The Straw Hats just sigh and decide to not doing anything today. This is the last day, so they can rest as long as they want.

"Are you guys, ok?"-Astrid

Astrid check on them, and they just answer that they're fine weakly. Even the Simp Sanji didn't have energy to flirt with Astrid. They all just want this day to over as soon as possible. However, it won't be as easy as that.

"Boss, we have big trouble coming."-Zetsu #1 suddenly come out from the ground

"What is it?"-Jon

"Some pirate ships are coming toward this island, and i don't think they're friendly."-Zetsu #1

"Why did you think so?"-Jon

"Because they're Big Mom pirates."-Zetsu

""What!?""-Straw Hats

They all know that this is bad, because Big Mom pirates won't come to Elbaf with good intention. Big Mom is hated by all Giants, so she know the consequences of coming to Elbaf.

"She come at the last day of Fasting, i don't think that's a coincidence."-Robin

"The 12th day is where everyone in Elbaf is at their weakest. They haven't eat for almost 12 days, and lost a lot of energy."-Jinbe

"But why did she suddenly attack now? She can do it last year, or the years before that to attack in every Winter Solstice Festival."-Brook

"Maybe because we're here, or maybe she have someone that helped her."-Jon

The Straw Hats think of many possibilities. Jon also sort all information that he got from Zetsu's investigation.

"Leave the speculation for later, now we need to find a way to defend ourselves. We are not in good conditions, so i don't think we can fight them that have full energy."-Franky

"Should we eat and restore our energy?"-Nami


"As i thought."-Nami

They are already in the last day of their fasting, so they won't break it just to fight Big Mom pirates. It will be meaningless if they eat now after fasting for almost 12 days.

Suddenly, the alarm on Elbaf went off and alert everyone. It seem they have realized about Big Mom's possible attack to their island. The Straw Hats also hear this, and they need to act too.

"Let's go! We need to help the Giants."-Luffy

The Straw Hats nod, and then they follow Astrid to gather with the other Giants. The Giants now gathered near the castle, and then King Odin & Prince Loki come out.

"Everyone, our coast guard have detect an incoming threat. Some people are trying to attack our Kingdom, something that didn't happen for a long time. And the attackers are none other than the most hated human that we know, Linlin & her crew."-Odin

The Giants are surprised and shocked by this. They never thought someone would dare enough to attack them, and it's Linlin who attack them.

"She must've thought that we're getting weaker in our last day of fasting, but that's just her imagination. Let's show her that we are strong warriors and fasting won't make us weaker. This is a trial that get in our way before the Winter Solstice Festival. If we can get past this, the sun will shine brighter on us."-Odin


The Giants are ready to defend their land from attackers. They are warriors, and they will defend their homeland from anyone who try to harm it. However, they also confused on why Big Mom suddenly decide to attack them.

"Why would they suddenly attack us? They never do it before even though this fasting is yearly tradition."-Giant 1

The giants also murmur and think of the reason.

"I believe it's because of those human pirates."-Loki suddenly accuse the Straw Hats

"Just think about it! The only difference between this year's festival and the previous years are them. They have defeated Linlin on Wano, so now she come for revenge with her full crew."-Loki

The Giants think that Loki's assumption make sense. They all look at the Straw Hats now, with some even have blaming look on them. Hajruddin & co try to defend the Straw Hats, but they're not that good with their words.

"Heeh, so what if they come because of us? They come here because they dare to attack you too. If they only want to attack us, they can just follow us on the sea or attack us on another island. But they choose to attack us in here, even though they knew you hate Big Mom. That mean they're confident they can defeat us & all of you together."-Jon

"He's right, they attack this place even though they knew you'll attack them. That means they're confident they can defeat all of us together. Or maybe, you guys are afraid to fight them, and try to blame it on us?"-Franky

"Afraid? Us?"-Giant 2 seem offended



The Giants got fired up after Jon & Franky mock them a little. Jon smirk at Loki who have sour expression. Loki want to mess with them, but he just didn't know who he's trying to mess with.

The Giants then take their weapons and armor from their house. Then they all go to the coast where Big Mom pirates will land. They will defend their land, and show them why this Kingdom is called the strongest Kingdom.

The Straw Hats are already near the coast when the Giants take their weapons & armors. Jon teleport them here, and they all can see Big Mom pirate's ships from a distance. It won't take long before the ships reach this island.

"Should we use our ship?"-Jane

"I don't think naval battle is possible with their ships number. What happened on Totto Land sea have proved it. Running away is not an option now, so we can only fight back."-Jon

"But they'll bombard this place with their cannons, what should we do?"-Nami

"Naval battle might not be an option, but we still need Sunny. Sunny's weapons will really help us in this war."-Franky

"Ok then, Franky, you take Sunny here to help us in this war."-Luffy

"Ok. Jon, please!"-Franky

Jon nod and teleport Franky to Sunny.

"You guys, get closer to me! Let's prepare ourselves a little too."-Jon

Jon meditate again to gather nature energy. It will also energyzed his crewmates a little. Their energy won't last for long, but at least it will help them to fight for now. Jon have a plan to make his crewmates fully energyzed, but he will do it later. They need to save energy in the beginning, and leave the fight to the Giants.

"Mamma~mamma~, Straw Hat, i've come to get my revenge. I will surely kill you today."-Big Mom

"Damn, so she's really after us."-Sanji

"Luffy, come here!"-Nami whisper something to Luffy


"I know that, but they're weakened after fasting for 12 days. Meanwhile my crew members are completely fed, and full of energy. I haven't done anything for years, but i can't wait anymore. So i need to risk it and attack right now, or i'll gain nothing. I will control Elbaf and take the strongest race under me. That way, i will be the greatest pirate, a Pirate King."-Big Mom


"Mamma~mamma~, you can't even defeat me on your own. Don't dream of becoming a Pirate King if you can't do that! On the other hand..."-Big Mom

Big Mom look at Jon who meditate peacefully. Jon open his eyes when he feel Big Mom's gaze, and he look back.

"Mamma~mamma~, Demon Eyes, you're the only unknown factor on my victory today. You defeated Kaido, and Ryokugyu on your own, that's impressive. How if you follow me instead of that brat?"-Big Mom

"No thanks, i'm not interested in an old hag's crew."-Jon

"Too bad then, you will also die here."-Big Mom

"Linlin, how dare you come here again."-Jarul said with low angry voice

The Giants have come in their battle suits and ready to fight. They all hear the Straw Hats & Big Mom' talk, and they're irked. Big Mom is really confident she can defeat all of them in this confrontation.

"Jarul, you're getting really old now. It will be better for you to surrender now before you lose your life like your brother."-Big Mom

"!? HOW DARE YOU!"-Jarul get angry

"Don't be rash, Jarul!"-Odin stop Jarul

"They're still on the sea, and rather far away. Don't get baited by her provocation and give them an opening & chance to attack."-Odin

"I'm sorry, i just got too emotional."-Jarul

"It's fine."-Odin

The giants look at Big Mom with hatred. She have done things that make Giants really hate her. They've gave her chance, but she wasted it too. Then now, she dare to attack them and try to rule them. They can't accept this at all.

The Straw Hats also get ready, and prepared for a big war again. They've done big war after big war nowadays, but it's the risk they need to take. The way to the top, will never be easy.