
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


"The general class hall is really large" Alex watch in amusement.

"Yes we are having a grand class today" Jake excitedly said.

"What are we waiting for? let's go in" Luke push the door and walk in.

"You see the reason why I have been telling you to get ready and not be late?" Alex angrily said as he point at the front row which have been completely occupied.

"Calm down Alex bro, we can sit at the rows close to the front row" Luke try to make things peaceful.

"Try wasting my time again and I will make sure that you know how an enrage Roy will behave" Alex angrily threatened as he walk straight to row that is close to the front and find a seat.

"Alex bro, I will even tell you the secret Interesting topic" Jake try to stop Alex.

"I am no longer interested in your bullshit*t interesting topic" Alex push him to the side, he then find a seat and sit down.

'Before the class start I should do something else' Alex thought.

'I should check up on Roy's progress' Alex thought.


<<Status: Evolving>>


<<Reward: Skill>>


<<Inspect: When used, Shows the user information on objects or someone that the skill is used on>>

<<Level: 1>>

'Such a good skill, let me try it on Luke' Alex thought.

<<Luke Leviathan>>

<<Ability: Water>>

<<Race: Human>>

<<Energy: 2490/2500>>

<<Health: 50/50>>

'Wow so useful, it can shows me a person's ability and energy, which will be very useful during combat with unknown enemies. Old Shitty Emperor, is this the gift you are talking about?' Alex ask shifter emperor the shameless.

'Of course it is, wait, what did you just call me ?' Shifted Emperor questioned.

'I just say Shifter Emperor and you are thinking something else, or you have an embarrassing name after this one?' Alex asked.

'Hahaha come on, I only have shifter Emperor as my name' Shifter Emperor proudly declared.

"Good day to you all brave students of earth, I am the head General, Ryan. I and the other two generals will be attending this class, And I Will personally present the topic: The humanity history" General Ryan said.

Next is a deafening applause by all the people in this hall.

"Are the Humans that are our ancestors have abilities? No they did not. All they have is technology and then everyone live in peace in that era. At that time, any uprising terrorist group, criminals organisation can all be dealt with using guns and other technological weapons" General Ryan said.

"But in our current generation, are guns useful?" General Ryan asked.

"No!" The students shouted.

"Correct in this generation, guns are no longer useful, what is useful is how strong and how high your affinity with your ability matters. The demons we are fighting now has such a physical strength that no bullet can penetrate" General Ryan shows how powerful the demons, their current enemy is.

"You might be wondering how are we able to injured them and defeat them, right?" General Ryan asked and all the student nodded their heads.

"It is partly due to our abilities but abilities use energy. It is here that we remember our ancient and primitive ways, using weapons like swords, spears, daggers and other weapons. Whenever we defeat a beast, we use its core to turn it into a powerful weapon, Currently we have not found a single magic beast that can be used to create guns" General Ryan now explain to the students why their beast weapons are always hand weapon but never seen a gun.

"So beast weapons contribute massively to our survival, if not we might not be here this day." General Ryan pause here for the dramatic effect to set in.

"But can we always depend on our teachers, our soldiers, our parent? They also needs to rest and this is where you come in. What if I die one day? Anyone can die at any time, Only if you work hard, will those that come after you live a peaceful life." General Ryan continue.

"How many people lost their parents due to this war? How many people will die because of this war? And don't think that you will be safe and you slack off" General Ryan warned those that think they will be safe even if they have slack off.

"Don't think that we are currently at a truce and the war is not going on, no, if you are thinking this way, then you are very very wrong. War can break out at any point" General Ryan laugh at the end, he just can't belief that some people are thinking of slacking off.

"If the truce can last forever, then why am I standing here, in front of you, telling you all this. I will have retired and join my family and friends but I can't, no we can't rest now. We still have to fight, I even have a feeling that someone among you will end this senseless war, it can be anyone among you" General Ryan speech raise the will to fight in all the student here.

"Do you know that, we are just living peacefully in our planet, we have never invaded any planet but guess what, those bastards came and want us to give up our whole damn planet. The planet our ancestors lived in, the planet we grow in. If we give up earth, then where the hell are we supposed to live in!?" General Ryan shouted.

"I will rather die than be a coward and gave up my home planet, I don't know about you? but I will never surrender and I will fight to the bitter end even if it means I will fight to the death" General Ryan said with conviction.

'General, I will try my best and make sure that I end this senseless war and I will rather die than give up my home planet too' Alex steel his resolve.

"Any one want to add more or elaborate on what I said?" General Ryan look towards the other teachers and generals.

"I am General Roger, Head General Ryan has already said all that need to be said. I just want to add a few words of encouragement to you all, never slack off in your training and always fight for your home. Earth forever!!!" General Roger shouted.

All the a student's eyes are burning with determination and the will to fight, work harder and train harder!

Some world building and history of the past.

Yay!!! :)

Guess the next chapter is on what...

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

This book is in the WSA 2022, I will really appreciate it if you are to vote for me with your power stone.

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts