
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Origins Of abilities.

After a round of deafening applause, two new Generals went up the stage.

"Moving unto the next topic, the topic is abilities and its Origin. I am General Carl and here with me is General Aaron" General Carl introduce himself and the other Silent General beside him.

"Abilities are the powers we used to defend ourselves and the only power we used to attack the demons. They are our saving grace, as you know their are no abilities at the time of our ancestors, but in this generation, we have abilities" General Carl said.

"It is just not long ago after we started the war against the Demons that a mysterious stone find its way to earth" General Aaron is the one that continued, his voice is cold.

"A team of military and archeologist where dispatched to the place, there have been rumours that in the primitive era, humans use something called spells, magic, inscription and runes. The head of the archeologist states that he saw something like this in temples and sacred place of many countries, back then their have been more countries than the current ones"

"He suggest that we take it to the central part of the world, many people thinks that he is crazy, but as he is not only an archeologist but a military man. Even though the idea looks childish, Everyone just want some hope, a spiritual pillar to hold onto." General Aaron said.

'This general Aaron, maybe he has a close relationship with that Archeologist' Alex thought.

"Since the beginning of the war, Their have been people emerging with abilities but the best choice we make is when we decide to trust him and take the mysterious object to the central part of the world, a great reaction occurred with light beams shooting from the other parts of the world, a myriad of colorful rain falling from the sky, after that, many people get an ability" General Aaron unveiled how is it possible that many people get an ability.

'How unlucky I am that the rain does not fall on me, maybe at that time is my parents generation or maybe grandparent' Alex is busy thinking about how unlucky he is.

"That is how abilities came to be, Some already have it, some only have it after the coming of the Ability Rain. But as usual anything that has an advantage has a disadvantage" General Aaron said.

"The coming of abilities is not without a cost, not all ability users, use it for the good cause and for the betterment of the world. Some form piracy organization and other criminal organization, some people are just complete fools. How can someone form a criminal organization during a time that our entire existence is threatened? This is not a time for infighting but a time for every Earthling to unite under one banner and destroy the Demons threatening our existence!" Aaron shouted.

"That's why we always encourage you to train harder, we cannot be always here, one day we will die. And the mantle of fighting the demons will be left to you and always believe that you are the ones that will end this war. No matter what never lose hope and never slacked off In your training" General Aaron encouraged.

'I will never slack off, after all I want to avenge my parents' Alex promised to always work hard.

'Let me check Roy's progress' Alex call the status screen out.




A smile find its way to Alex face.


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A shout out to:

Clark_the_lion for his amazing comment.

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<<Current power stone: 15>>

Another mystery unveiled, hahahaha.

Don't forget to vote me with power stones, the shape shifter system is now eligible for power ranking. We are currently at the 200+ rank (:(

I am also In another contest, support my books by reading them:

The hero I never was.

The Elites Magic Academy.

Thank you all.

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