
Chapter 16(Edited)

(Before you start reading, I just want to remind you that this AU that means somethings will be delayed and others early. You may find some people older than they were and some are younger) :)

"I know it would've been fun, But I am still a noob in this, if I do say so myself. Meh, Nothing more practice can't fix." Ashborn said to himself while looking at the semi-destroyed ship after he crashed into some trees and left a huge line in the snow.

"Thank god this is a stealthy ship. Now into my shadow space." Just after Ashborn said that a shadow that seemed to come out from nowhere covered the ship, Then disappeared taking the ship with it.

"... Now let's see. Hmmm?" Then suddenly Ashborn felt a very familiar aura that brought him a strange feeling of nostalgia, "Flaming turkey?" The faint aura seems to be coming from 10 Km east to his position. Getting curious to find out where the aura is coming from, Ashborn quickly summoned Kaisel and ordered: "Head east, full speed." The black wyvern is his favorite one for many reasons and one of them is his speed as they got there in less than 7 seconds.

What welcomed Ashborn is a scene of a car upside down on the side of the road. The passengers and the driver seem to be dead as any normal human being would've been dead, but interestingly enough, there seems to be a breathing person. Now Ashborn would have ignored it and just gone on his way, but the still breathing person upon a close inspection is a young Sophie Turner.

"Hmm, I think her name was Jean. I will save her before that bold pervert does, then see where it goes from there." After saying that, Ashborn picked her up and took her with him to who knows where.

Jean Grey's POV

My name is Jean Grey, And I am just a normal girl who lives in Texas. Or that was before my 8th birthday, that was when life turned upside down for me. On that day I figured that I was not so normal after all and that I was a mutant with the ability to read minds which is very annoying and telekinesis which was fun at first before forbidding me from using it as it is bad. Or that is what my parents told me with clear fear in their eyes. I don't blame them, as the mutants are known to be notorious.

After that day, the way they treat me has changed, and one time they even thought of turning me in, to the government even though they know what they do to mutants. That was the first time I had to threaten them. With time, the fear in their heart grew, and my heart turned cold to them. Now here we are on the road going on a trip to the park in the mountains outside the state to 'celebrate' my 16th birthday, and the day I choose to leave them behind.

"Dad, turn off the music, it's annoying", I said and to my surprise, they both stayed silent.

"Wait a second, This is not the way to the park." Then 'Mom' said: "We're going to another place, just wait a minute sweetie." Those eyes, I hate them, I haven't read their minds in a while, so after reading it I found that they're trying to give me to an organization that goes by the name of 'Haydra' and they are waiting for an ambush just up ahead.

"Stop the car!! " I Ordered, but they didn't even listen to me and 'Dad' accelerated and said: "Don't worry sweetie, you're going to a better place."

"Stop the car!!!" I ordered again, but this time I lost control and my powers began leaking. As a result, the car turned upside down, and then I lost consciousness.

Now here I am looking at this handsome young man who seems to be Asian while we are flying on what seems to be a black dragon.

"Hmmm, You're finally awake, huh." The young man said. I then asked: "Who are you and what happened to me?" I said while trying to read his mind and to my surprise, I... couldn't.

"The one who saved you. Don't you know that trying to pry into people's minds is a sin?" He said with a knowing smile.