
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Water under the bridge?

Back at the park, after the flying chair and the carousel horse, Samantha wanted to ride the ferris wheel. The three of them went to the counter to get their tickets. Then they got inside the cabin.

"Look, look, big brother, everything looks so small from up here," said Samantha when they reached the top.

"They sure do," said Jason.

At some point, Samantha got tired and fell asleep inside the cabin. When their ride ended, Jason carried Samantha to the car and sat next to her in the backseat.

"Sir, those guys have been dealt with," Julia reported while starting the car.

"Shh, you will wake her up," said Jason in a lower voice.

Julia stayed quiet. She had seen this part of Jason before but each time she could not help but get surprised and look at him with admiration.

When they reached the villa, Jason told Julia to take Samantha to her room. Julia went inside carrying Samantha who was still asleep.

After a while, Jason got a call. It was from Abbey.

"Yes?" Jason said.

"I am sorry," said Abbey.

"Why are you apologizing? Did you do something wrong?"

"You were right. I should have taken care of them earlier."


"I will be responsible for them. So please don't send them there."

"Then how are you going to take responsibility for what happened today?"

"I... I will do anything you tell me to."

"You make me sound like I am some kind of pervert... That's not like the Abbey I know. Is it worth it in exchange for the lives of those two scums?"

"I just want to follow my father's dying wish."

"Don't think it's a joke when you are offering yourself in exchange for your brothers."

"I know."

"Good. I will make sure they sign the papers and by the end of this week their shares will belong to you."

"Alright. But what will you do with them afterwards?"

"I promise I won't kill them nor will I send them there. After losing their company shares and without any money they will be like any other small fries. That's all."

"One last question."


"You knew these would happen, didn't you?"

"Honestly speaking, I didn't. Human behavior is the most unpredictable thing after all."

"And about the footage, It was also a lie, wasn't it?"

"It was just to give you a push. And you also knew it was a lie the moment you heard it."

"As long as you keep your end of the deal, I don't mind working under you."

"Then come to the base immediately."

"Already with the orders?"

"You work under me now. Don't forget that."

" *sigh* Alright."

After the phone call, Jason went straight to the base where Fredrick and Thomas were telling Damian about all that stuff related to the elemental powers.

"How's it going?" Jason asked when he entered the room.

"Surprisingly quicker," said Thomas.

"Good to know. Then I will ask Rachael to take him to Uncle Greg. They will be staying there for at least a week."

While they were continuing their chat, suddenly Thomas was enveloped in a faint blue glow which started to become deeper.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked nervously looking at his own hands.

"Hey, Jason. What's wrong with Thomas?" Fredrick asked as he was shocked to see the sudden change.

Jason and Damian remained calm.

"Well, I guess you two haven't seen any natural awakening yet. No need to worry. Thomas is going through his awakening. It will be over in a few minutes if nothing goes wrong," said Jason.

Thomas stood still without much movement. Jason and the others took a few steps back. After a few minutes the blue glow disappeared.

"How do you feel now?" Jason asked.

"The body feels surprisingly lighter than before," replied Thomas.

"Go to your room. Take some rest. Then go to the 12th floor. The guys there will do some tests," said Jason.

Thomas did as Jason suggested and went back to his room.

"Did you also go through the same thing Damian?" Fredrick asked.

"Kinda. It was just a green glow in my case," said Damian.

"Can't wait till I awaken as well. I couldn't let you guys get ahead of me," said Fredrick.

"Then don't slack off when you are supposed to be training," said Jason.

"I know, I know."

At that time Julia came down to inform Jason that Abbey had arrived.

"You keep Damian company till Racheal comes. Then you two go with her to Uncle Greg," said Jason as he left.

While in the elevator, Jason noticed Julia smiling.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Jason asked.

"It's nothing, Sir," Julia replied.

"Get rid of the formalities for once. You may speak freely."

"It was my first time going to the amusement park."

"Did you have fun?" Jason asked.


"Good to know."

They didn't talk any further.

Jason met with Abbey who was waiting at the entrance.

"So, what do you want me to do now?" Abbey asked.

"It seems it wasn't a bad deal to let go of those two. The thirty new blood bags were a bonus too."

"I clearly remember telling them to kill them. Don't tell me they just knocked them out cold and took them there?"

"After all, they are my men. And it would be a waste to kill them."

"Just don't forget the deal. You won't touch my brothers."

"Alright, alright. I am a man of my words. You know that better than anyone... Alright, for your first order, You can never speak a single word about it. Don't forget to act normal in front of the others."

"Alright, I will be your dog if that's the price you demand."

"Nothing like that. I will always treat you as my friend. It's just you and your company now work under the organization."

" *sigh* What a scheming bastard you are!"

"Is that something you say to your superior?"

"I am not going to apologize for that one at least."

"Alright, alright. It seems you have finally loosened up a bit. Good, that's how you should be."


Character Profile : Sara

(Information so far)

Name : Sara Lester

Current Age : 23

Element : Fire (Beginner)

Height : 5'8"

Hair Color : Light Brown

Eye Color : Brown

Affiliation : Greg's eldest daughter, Jason's cousin.

Relics : None (yet)

Abilities : Unknown

Special Traits : Unknown

The eldest daughter of Greg. For some reason, isn't very fond of Jason. Cares about her family and her second in command Racheal.