
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

The Next Plan

"What are you going to do about Ashton and Damian? There has been no news about them," said Yosef.

"Let's wait for now. Some things can't be forced. They might need more time to show signs. They haven't been exposed to the moonstone for long compared to the rest of you."

"By the way, do any of the three know that we have already awakened?"

"I haven't told them. Especially not to Fred. If he knows then he will ask how we awakened."

"We can just lie."

"No need. If he finds out, he might lose his motivation."

"I guess it will have the opposite effect on Thomas. He might even awaken quickly after knowing about our powers."

"Let's not bother them. It's better if they advance at their own pace."

"Weren't you the one speeding up everything?"

"Fred's signs were coincidental. You know why we brought everyone to that campsite. While I had my job there, we used this opportunity to force Abbey into making up his mind quickly."

"That guy sure is a master procrastinator! But do you know why he's against killing?"

"That is a mystery, even to me. Guess we will find out what he is going to do soon."

"By the way, do you have anymore moonstones?"

"The last one was your fifth stone. What have you been doing with them? You are not using them as mere decorations, are you?"

"Don't joke. The last moonstone also went dark. But there aren't any signs of awakening."

"When it comes to the fundamental energy elements, we still don't have much research material. There hasn't been any recorded Darkness elemental awakener yet. So, don't give up hope. Maybe it requires more aether than for the other material elements. Guessing how the aether level is increasing day by day, maybe a few more moonstones will jump start the process for you."

"I am not as eager as Fred. But it was my father who refused the offer first and gave me the opportunity in his stead. That's why I am a bit relentless."

"I still believe your father would have been a better candidate than you. Without a doubt, given his experience and skills, his affinity to darkness is much higher than you."

"I won't deny that."

"Hey, I was trying to lighten up the mood and you were to get mad."

"Hahaha..." Yosef started to laugh.

"Don't Force yourself. You can't even fake a laugh. No wonder your skills are still crappy."

"Hey, You..." Realizing Jason's trick, Yosef quickly stopped himself from cursing.

"Alright. Ask uncle Greg. He will give you another moonstone."

As Yosef was leaving he turned back, "By the way, about the heist you were planning, my men are ready."

"Alright, I will let Sara know. Commencing the heist at four different places at the same time would be hard without her help."

"Let me know when things are ready on your side," said Yosef as he left the room.

Jason sat on his chair leaning back. He took out a moonstone from the drawer of his table. As soon as he touched it, the moonstone turned transparent as if it were made of glass.

"Things have been going a bit too smoothly lately," said Jason to himself as he threw that transparent moonstone in the bin.

Jason called Julia. He told her to ask Sara to pay him a visit. Julia followed Jason's order. After a while, Sara came to the room.

"You called?" Sara asked.

"Is your team ready for the heist?"

"They are. Just waiting for your orders."

"Then we have to do it as soon as possible. By the way, are the replicas complete?"

"Only the 'Nebra Sky Disc' is left. It will take three more days."

"That's good. We need to get our hands on those four relics before the global awakening. Otherwise it will be a huge pain to steal them later. By the way, can you call Racheal for me. I am thinking of appointing her as the leader of the team that will be sent to England."

"Wasn't she supposed to be my support? Why the sudden change of plans?"

"She is an awakener. It will be better to have an awakener as the leader of each team. I am also sending Julia to Spain for the Holy Grail."

"Alright, I will let her know. She is currently watching over the production of the replicas."

"Don't worry. I won't take her from you."

"Who said anything about that?" Sara blushed a little.

"Alright, you are dismissed."

Sara took her leave and Jason went back to do his paperwork. Yosef, Sara, Racheal and Julia were taking necessary preparations for the upcoming heist. Even though the job was a bit too easy for them, they didn't let that let their guards down as the four artifacts they were going to steal were something that Jason put much importance on.

The next three days passed by quickly.

Fredrick and Thomas weren't informed about the heist as they were busy with their training.

The four teams under Yosef, Julia, Racheal and Sara were respectively responsible for swapping the four artifacts, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Holy Grail, The Babylonian Map and The Nebra Sky Disc with their replicas from their present locations. Jason stayed at the base as the co-ordinator for the heist.