
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Preparations, Part 3

"You sure, those guys won't cause any troubles this time?" Sara asked.

"They won't actually have the time for that this time," Jason said, "By the way, how did your honeymoon go?"

Rachel, who was sitting next to Sara, blushed and turned her head down.

"People won't go to the desert for vacation," said Sara.

"Well, as long as you know what you are doing," said Jason.

"Are we going to meet that guy first?" Sara asked.

"Well, we do need a place to stay for a few days before going to the beach. There's no better place than Richard's."

"I thought you two wanted the other dead?"

"That was just some misunderstanding. I am sure he has long forgotten about it..."

When Jason and the others reached the house of the man named Richard and rang the bell, the man who opened the door punched Jason in the face without even holding back.

"Nice to meet you too, Richard," said Jason.

Richard didn't greet him and went inside while leaving the door opened.

"Well, let's help ourselves," said Jason to Sara and Rachel as he entered the house.

Sara was barely able to hold back her laugh. Rachel was the only one who didn't understand anything and looked at Sara.

"It's a long story. I will tell you later," said Sara.

The house was in fact a mansion. And the man named Richard was finely dressed.

"There's no way you are here to help," said Richard after they sat together while the butler served them tea.

"I won't be causing any troubles, that much I can assure you," said Jason.

"Coming from you, it's hard to believe," said Richard, "How's little Sam doing?"

"She is well," said Sara.

"So have you gathered your representatives?" Richard asked Jason.

"6 of them are not ready yet."

"Clearly it's you who is holding them back."

"Ahh, you know me so well. You will make Reina jealous," said Jason, making fun of Richard.

"You two talk. Rachel and I will be going out for a while," said Jason.

"Another job?" Jason asked.

"Yes," said Sara and left right after that with Rachel.

Jason and Richard continued their talk.

"You know there's a billion dollar bounty on your head," said Richard.

"You are not planning to hand me over to them, are you?"

"I didn't thought about it before. But right now I can't say that I am not considering it."

"Let's get back to the point. Where is it?"

Richard rang the bell on the table and another butler came with a envelope in hands and gave it to Richard.

"Here," said Richard placing the envelope on the table without removing his hands from it.

When Jason went to grab the envelope, Richard pulled it back.

"That's not funny," said Jason.

"It was supposed to be a trade."

Jason looked Richard in the eyes and then brought out a vial containing red liquid that seemed like blood.

"Here," said Jason and threw the vial at Richard's direction.

Richard got up and caught the vial while Jason took the envelope.

The envelope contained the reports of the awakeners that are currently with the US government. The report that Yosef previously brought only contained few information based on visuals.

But this one contained everything, including their past lives before their awakening.

"What's so special about it this time that you even agreed to give a sample of your blood?" Richard asked.

"Something that might save a bit of my time in future."

"Might? You are not the one who does something without being sure."

"With how unpredictable things have gotten, the chances of everything going your way is getting slimmer."

"But in the end, they will still go your way, won't they?"

"I hope so," said Jason.

Richard then called in a maid.

"Brenda is ready to do your hair. You can't go around looking like how you do right now. The Exodus is one thing, but currently even the public will recognize you as someone who might be related to Cristina as she is the hottest topic these days. And the fact that you two look so similar is really disgusting," said Richard.

"You also think so? The guys at the base also said the same," said Jason.

Jason went with the maid named Brenda to a different room where Brenda dyed his hair black.

Richard came to check when they were finished.

"This bings back memories, doesn't it?" Jason asked while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Yeah and the bad ones to be precise," said Richard.

"So, what about your inside man? Will he be able to bring her at the point?" Jason asked.

"He is quite close to the main members, that includes Cristina as well. But I heard that Fire Element awakener was assigned to secretly protect her. He might cause a bit trouble but it isn't something we can't handle."

"This time, no killing," said Jason.

"You sure you are alright? The Jason I know always enjoyed killing," said Richard.

"It's a good thing Sara isn't here. And I have never killed anyone, at least not with my own hands and you should know I don't like to waste livestock," said Jason.

"Alright, forgot I even said that. Do you want to meet that guy tomorrow? I have a meeting with him. You can tag along," said Richard.

"Since when did the security around the President become so loose?"

"That's how desperate the situation is. And don't worry, the Vice President won't be there."

"Ok. I think I can make time for tomorrow."

"Don't act like you are a busy man while you are literally on vacation."

Meanwhile, Sara and Rachel went to a bar to grab a few drinks.

"So what exactly happened between those two?" Rachel asked.

"The organization, called Exodus, which is after Jason, Richard used to be a member of it...."