
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Preparations, Part 1

While there was only a week left before the estimated date of the first wave, the coastal areas around the Coronado beach were evacuated as the wave was supposed to hit that location.

The US government deployed its military and with them were around 15 awakeners. As the concept of the awakeners was new to the public, many people gathered on the first few days when the defense force was being built.

A few selected news channels were given permission to film the incidents during the fight from a safe location while being accompanied by an awakener.

The way the situation was being shown to the world, it seemed the US government wanted to use this opportunity to debut its awakeners. And the people were eventually more excited to see these awakeners than they were worried about the monster wave.

When this news went public, Russia was one of the first to respond and come forward with its own team of awakeners and offered the US government its helping hand to assist with the monsters. The US government respectfully declined the offer.

Meanwhile, at the port base,

"Why do you think they declined Russia's help?" Ashton asked while the six of them were watching the news that evening.

"To the US government, those awakeners from Russia would become a much bigger threat than those actual monsters," said Thomas.

"I was going to ask this earlier, but if these so called monsters are coming from the sea then where are they actually originating from?" Damian asked.

"Right now, that's hard to tell. Unless further research and investigations are done we can't say for sure," said Jason.

"Then are your people already investigating it?" Damian further asked.

"Why would we do that?" Jason replied.

His reply made everyone turn their eyes towards him except for Yosef and Abbey.

"Come on. I am not sending my men to some place where their safety can't be guaranteed," said Jason.

"Then didn't you say you needed more data to know where these monsters are coming from?" Thomas asked.

"Why should I waste my time and efforts on some information that will eventually become public knowledge in a few months?" said Jason.

"But shouldn't getting this information before anyone benefit us?" Thomas asked.

"Well, there isn't any. After this first wave, you will know why I am not interested in this," said Jason.

"Why do you always like to act so mysterious? It's really getting annoying," said Ashton.

"That's the fun part."

At the same time, at the temporary base at the North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego next to the Coronado beach,

"Are you feeling nervous?" said a guy.

"I know we have been training all this time for this mission. Tell me Simon, will we be able to pull this off properly?" said the other guy.

"You should stop being so pessimistic all the time, Kevin. Ron has already fought a few of those monsters and he was able to singlehandedly kill all of them. And this time, with all of us fighting together, there's no way we will lose to those fishes. And don't forget, we have Snowflake on our side. With her, it will be like riding a bike," said Simon.

"I am pretty sure, she doesn't like being called that," said Kevin.

"Well, it's not like she is here anyway," said Simon.

Right at that moment, both of them realized that the air around them was getting colder.

"About that...," said Kevin pointing Simon to not look behind.

Simon thought Kevin was telling him to look behind as Kevin's eyes were fixed on something behind Simon.

Simon looked behind and what he saw turned him pale in fear.

After a while, Simon was seen lying on the ground beaten up while Kevin was standing next to him.

"This better be the last time. Next time I won't be this merciful," said a girl.

"Don't you think you overdid it a bit this time, Cristina?" Kevin asked.

"Why? You feel like taking some from his share?" asked Cristina.

"No thank you. I am good," said Kevin.

"Ohh yes, the reason I was here. The chief asked us to gather at the lobby in 30 minutes. You two better not be late," said Cristina as she went to call the other awakeners.

"You were right after all. With her on the team, we might not even need to fight ourselves," said Kevin to Simon after crouching down.

Back at the port base,

Jason got a call from Reina and went straight to her.

"Are you sure, you will be okay by yourself?" Reina asked.

"Was that why you called me? You were supposed to be the last person to ever worry about me," said Jason.

"You may be invincible around the awakening but you yourself won't be able to fend off these many men. And the Exodus is still looking for your whereabouts. On foreign lands, they won't be breaching the agreement if they come after you," said Reina.

"That also goes both ways, you know," said Jason.

"For someone as smart as you, you failed to realize that not everyone might be as rational as you think they are. Almost all of them are driven by their emotions and impulses," said Reina.

"Funny you mentioned that. It will just provide more raw materials for the blood bank," said Jason.

"You don't seem to take this very seriously."

"Just because I am not acting like it doesn't mean I am not."

"You sure are a hard man to read."

"Fancy coming from you."

"You do realize I still have those recordings."

"Alright, alright I was just joking," said Jason as he went closer to her.

"But I can tell you are not in the mood right now. You don't have to force yourself for me," said Reina.

"And here, you were saying, I was hard to read!"

"Your outfits will be ready by tomorrow. Sara and Racheal will be accompanying you as planned. Make sure this is the last time you bring another girl to your house."

"Wait a minute, what makes you say that?"


"That's not it. If anything I would never get myself involved with someone like her if it wasn't for her abilities that makes her so valuable and at the same time a potential danger if left at others' hand."

"Alright, you don't need to explain it to me."