
The Secrets of Bloodline Academy

Abandoned as an infant and broken as a teenager . Scarlett was all alone in this world , orphaned at a young age , when her family was brutally murdered . Strange things surround her life . Being hunted by an unknown creature of the dark , can she make her way out of this alive ? " I can't do this anymore . I...I see a huge wave coming my way , about to wash me away from the shore ." What is going to happen when things turn out of control . Will scarlett emerge out of all this victorious or will she lose every ounce of happiness from her life ?

Mysterious_fairy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Scarlett was astonished about there being detention in a supernatural academy . " You didn't think they'd let everyone's mistakes pass by without any punishment , did you ? " Daisy poked fun at Scarlett's astonished reaction .

Then Daisy's face turned from joyful to serious . " It's not something to joke about though .The people who face detention never return with every part of their body intact . " Scarlett couldn't understand what kind of detention it was . ' Never return with every part of their body intact ?'

Scarlett walked over to Daisy's side of them room and sat down on her bed . " What do they do in the detention ?" She was too curious to ignore what Daisy said . " They must indulge in a duel . With a dragon!" Daisy said with a scared look .

Not much people could emerge victorious in a duel facing a dragon , unless they're a dragon themself . ' Who could have created such a strong punishment for detention ? '

It didn't take her much time to settle in and by the time she was done , there was a knock at the door . They opened the door to find an elite standing at the door with a letter in his hand .

[ Scarlett ,

Your initiation is going to be held tomorrow at the main hall where it was held the first time . Before carrying on with the initiation I would like for you to know the consequences. If once again you're deemed ineligible, you'll be punished with death .

~ The principal ]

She crumpled the letter in her hand and headed to sleep . " Are you sure about the initiation tomorrow ?" Daisy asked in concern . " I am . Nothing can come in my way . " That night Scarlett slept with the thoughts of detention and initiation in her mind .

The next day morning , she woke up to Daisy screaming at her face ." Wake up ! It's your initiation . Are you feeling nervous? Did you decide to quit ? Should we start packing ?" Scarlett stared at her but then she smiled ." No Daisy , we're staying and I'm not leaving without the answers I seek ."

Today it was going to be decided if Scarlett could stay in the academy or leave , in a casket . As she walked down the hallway alongside Daisy , she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. She was reminded of the last initiation when she was mocked by everyone and was deemed ineligible. She didn't want to face the same humiliation all over again . But then this time the humiliation wouldn't last long . She'd be long gone to see other's reactions or be mocked by them .

As they enter the main hall they find the principal and other students already present in there . Something wasn't right , there was something off about this but she couldn't do anything about it . She just walked to the stage where the initiation would take place .

As soon as the first stone was placed on her hand , she could feel it . It was a cunning feeling. ' Someone must have placed a hex on the stone. Either way I don't feel anything from the stone .' They were done testing the five stones and none of them showed any sort of reaction .She was again in the same position as her last initiation .

The sixth stone being the only bridge between her and the academy . A bridge that if she crossed , she makes it out alive and if the bridge ruptured , she'd be just a memory buried deep down in people's mind .

As soon as the sixth stone was placed on her hand , she could feel the stone was strongly hexed . But she could feel the stone fighting back the hex and reaching out to her . It was then she realized ,that the stone was too powerful to be hexed and it'd be free from the hex in a few seconds .

She stood there holding the stone and as soon as she felt the hex being lifted off , she saw it .The stone began to shine so bright , no one could bare to turn to her . The stone didn't zap her either , instead the stone hung around her neck is the next thing everyone sees .

People were shocked . Some were muttering insults and some were busy staring and gossiping. The area where the stone hung on her neck was marked with circular inscriptions now . Scarlett felt a huge surge of power running through her veins . She felt powerful , more than she has ever felt . She could feel every fibre in her body being filled with a power .

Though many people were against her , now she could see people trying to wave at her . She felt everyone's eyes on her . The principal was staring at her with despise . If she was ever not sure about the principal not liking her , now she was sure . Mrs.Dave seemed to be piercing daggers with her eyes in Scarlett's chest .

Scarlett was just about to climb down the stairs to Daisy when Mrs.Dave stopped her ." The stone must be returned to it's original place after the initiation . I'll have to take this ." She lengthens her arm to take the necklace but the necklace zapped her . She tries for a second time but it zapped her harder . She couldn't take the necklace off of Scarlett's neck .

Scarlett made her way down to Daisy and they rushed out of the main hall . They returned back to their room . " Oh My God ! I cannot believe it . You were selected by ' The Blood Stone ' . It's huge news . "

Daisy was busy squealing in joy while Scarlett was deep in thoughts about the stone . ' Why could Mrs.Dave not pull the necklace out of my neck ? '

When Daisy comes out of her excitement , she notices Scarlett was worried . " What are you so worried about ? You got selected by a stone that everyone wishes to be selected by . You should be jumping right now ."

" Mrs.Dave tried pulling the necklace out of my neck but she couldn't . It zapped her . There was also something wrong with the stones , they were all hexed to not show any reaction . The Blood stone was hexed the strongest . It broke out of the hex within a matter of seconds but I don't understand why someone would hex the stones and who could it be ?" Scarlett was surrounded with so many questions .

From the day she has been associated to the supernatural world , all she has are question . Answers to her questions lead to just another question . Her life was a mess since her sixteenth birthday and it just kept getting messier .

The next day when Scarlett walked down the corridor , everyone stared at her . But no one dared to say a thing about her . Everyone wanted to be her . Though there were a few people who looked like they're planning her murder .