
The Secrets of Bloodline Academy

Abandoned as an infant and broken as a teenager . Scarlett was all alone in this world , orphaned at a young age , when her family was brutally murdered . Strange things surround her life . Being hunted by an unknown creature of the dark , can she make her way out of this alive ? " I can't do this anymore . I...I see a huge wave coming my way , about to wash me away from the shore ." What is going to happen when things turn out of control . Will scarlett emerge out of all this victorious or will she lose every ounce of happiness from her life ?

Mysterious_fairy · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Popular One

Scarlett became popular overnight . The only name rolling off of people's tongue was of Scarlett . It seemed her news spread into the academy like wildfire .

Today was the first time she was going to attend classes . Everyone received classes according to their stone schedule but since she was selected by the sixth stone , no schedule was prepared . She was given the option to choose any of the classes , so she chose Black Onyx . That way , she could have her friend lose to her and also receive help from her .

Scarlett wasn't wrong at selecting Black Onyx though . It was the strongest stone after the sixth stone . They were basically the rulers of the academy . Everyone in Black Onyx was very powerful , they had tremendous talent and were known for winning every fight .

Her classes started early in the morning with meditation . It was the basis of control . Meditation would not only keep your health in check but also make you patient . Patience is a highly important quality . Like they've said, " Patience is a virtue ".

After meditation , they'd go for enchantment classes . These classes were to know your powers . " Close your eyes . Now imagine your powers flowing through your veins and reaching your palm . Now try to imagine it coming out of there . Wonderful , open your eyes . "

The teacher went to every student and looked at the magical ball formed at their palm but as soon as he reached Scarlett his smile faltered . " What happened ? You couldn't do it ?" The teacher seemed puzzled ." Don't worry , focus more in your meditation . This will work the next time ."

The teacher walked away to the next student . ' It's not like it didn't work .' It had worked very fine but Scarlett didn't want anyone to know what she was yet . She couldn't risk everyone knowing about her powers .

Days went by and she managed to hide her powers but with each day passing it was getting harder and harder to hide it . She couldn't do it anymore . So she decided to show her powers but act as she doesn't know what she is . After all she was just a human , weeks before coming to the academy .

Few professors were genuinely happy for her . They were happy about her being able to use her powers . But no one could figure out what she was. Her powers were new to them . They had never met anyone with these powers .

Words of Scarlett's powers spread all around the campus . Some people would even come to her asking what she was . What it felt like when she uses her powers ? Is she sure that her parents were human ? Though she knew the answers to these questions , she'd just respond with I dont know .

Everyone in the academy knew about her . No one dares to bully Daisy as they feared Scarlett now . Daisy and Scarlett were basically inseparable . They'd go together , come together , eat together , sit together , do literally everything together .

They were known as the outcast duo . Scarlett was basically considered ineligible before she got into the academy and Daisy was considered a freak because everyone heard about her roaming around in the wood .

Once she familiarized herself with everything in the academy , it was time to trace those tunnels . If she found her way around the tunnel , she'd be able to maintain contact with the village . She came up with a plan to search the academy at night .

At night after the dinner , both Daisy and Scarlett waited until it was time for lights out . As soon as everyone turned their lights off , they left their room heading down to the cellars . The cellars were the first place they suspected to be connected to the tunnels .

They made their way down to the cellars and searched every nook and corner of the cellar . They flipped everything upside down but found nothing . Just as they were walking out of the cellars , they heard some muffled talks and took few steps back . ' Who could it be ?'

They were curious . Who would be coming down to the cellars at such timing ? It was around 1 am now . They were trying to eavesdrop but couldn't hear anything . After a few minutes , they could hear the voice getting closer . They started panicking as they had nowhere to hide .

That was until Scarlett found few coffins and thought it was the best they could do right now . They both climbed into the coffin and lay still . That was until Scarlett felt something poking her from the bottom and tried to push it . The bottom of the coffin opened up and they fell into a pit of darkness . It took sometime for their eyes to adapt to that darkness .

They got up and started exploring where they were . " What is this place ?" Daisy asked touching one of the assembled steel armour in there . It looked like a weapon room of some kind. There were armours , swords , bows and arrows , shields and many things that are used for battles .

" Maybe a weapon room . Whatever it is , we must try and find a way out of here ." Scarlett was worried that if they didn't make it in time , people would notice their absence .

They walked out of that room and started searching for ways out of there . They walked in every way possible and now there was only one path left for them to try . All the other paths led to a dead end .

They walked down the last path hoping to find their way out until they reached a dead end again . " I'm in no shape to walk back such long path . Let's take a seat on the floor for some time." They both sit down on the floor and stare at the ceiling .

As they were staring at the ceiling they realize there was actually a small door up there . But it was hard to make it out of there , it was too high for them to climb up and they'd also have to crack the door open .

They both burst into laughter . " We're such idiots. We're not humans . You can fly up there and break it open then I'll just jump out of it ." For a moment there they were thinking how they'd climb up the walls but then realized they didn't have to do it the human way .

Scarlett used her powers and broke the door open . They both climbed out the small door and were shocked at what was before their eyes . They were in Scarlett's kitchen , in the village .

At the noise of something breaking , Naira had rushed into the kitchen . She stood there looking at Daisy and Scarlett figuring out what just happened . " Well , looks like we found our way to the village . But how the hell do we make it back to the academy ? " Scarlett was genuinely concerned as there was no way in those tunnels for them to return to the academy .

They were staring at each other waiting for the other to give an answer . " I don't know ! maybe climb back from whatever the shit hole we fell from !" Daisy mocked as she didn't have any idea .

" Wait , we could actually climb up the hole we fell from . It was so simple . You're brilliant Daisy . But don't you think our brains aren't working properly today ?" Naira just stood there looking at them talking within themselves and ignoring her presence . "Uhm"

They both turn to look at Naira . " Oh sorry , we were just figuring out our way to the academy . By the way this tunnel connect you to a weapon room of some sort . We stumbled upon it when we climbed into a coffin ." Naira stared at them "Coffin?" They brush her off . " Don't worry , we were just hiding . It's a long story , we'll fill you in on it tomorrow . We must return now ."