
Chapter 163: Dress Fitting

Ariana walked around the bridal shop with Rosalyn, looking over wedding dresses. This was the last shop that offered such merchandise and Ariana was getting restless. She ran her hands along the satin fabric of each dress, quickly flipping through them. She hadn't found one that she loved yet. She was waiting for that knee jerk reaction where everything seems right, and you fall apart when you see it. She was waiting for her heart to beat fast and for her to just feel like it was right.

"So, how is Mia?" Rosalyn pulled a dress from the rack and held it up for Ariana to look over.

"The new tests seem to be working and she is already getting stronger. Matteo and Elena are more than thrilled and Daniel is super happy. Which is more than we could ask for." Ariana smiled and pulled a dress out that was stashed among the others.