
10. Personal Assistant

Hazel's pov

I got ready in a simple office type clothes. This is going to be my first experience for a job. I hope everything goes well

I sat in car besides him while he gestures the driver to start the car

"Have you ever worked before?" He asked doing something on his phone

"No this is my first time" I said

"Ok as we will walk in office you will call me sir because I guess You don't want anyone to know about our relationship yet right?" He asked

"Yes" I said while he nodded

"I knew so yeah you have to call me sir in front of them, alone you can call me by my name"


"And yeah I will try to give you less work for now as its your start but I hope you will help me because I fired my assistant to give you the job" he said

"I will, also I have done a course in fashion designing" I told

"Its great then"

The car stopped at a big big building of almost 25-26 floors. A really big company it is.

He entered inside while I was walking behind him as an assistant I have seen in dramas and movies assistant always walk behind

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning everyone. I want everyone to gather around for a moment" he said while everyone came close

"Ok so I would like you to know about my new assistant, Miss Hazel Ev...Taylor from now on whatever work you have with me you will inform her first, Alright?" He asked while everyone said a yes

"Alright back to your work and Miss Hazel I need a cup of black coffee in my room, Miss Lucy will tell you the directions" saying so he left towards his room

"Come this way" She said while I followed her

"So you are new huh What was Your name?" She asked

"Hazel.... Hazel Taylor" I said while she smiled

"Here is the coffee and in that cupboard the sugar and other things" she said while I nodded

"By the way where have you been living in Canada?" She asked


"Oh me too, I guess we are going to share a strong bond" she said and I smiled


"Ok but I would Like to tell you that Mr. Evans Hate the unpunctual peoples you should be here before time and also he need everything perfect around him" she said

My foot!

I nodded while she left


I knocked the door waiting for his reply

"Come" I entered inside

Putting the cup on table I stood there as he was as always busy in his laptop

"What should I do now?" I asked

"Yeah Here... I want you to re read this documents and find out the errors" he said while I nodded "Also Arrange my meeting with The Arabic's for tomorrow" He added and I again nodded "I need answer in words" he said being irritated

"Ok sir" I said

"You can leave now" he said while I left the room

I searched the number of The Arabic's he was talking about off course with the Help of Lucy

After I was done talking to them I start checking out the documents and to my surprise there were so many errors in this.


I knocked his door and entered inside. Someone was already standing there

"Didn't I told you to let know Miss Hazel everything before me?" He was looking angry

"I am sorry sir I was worried that's why I directly came to you, but this will never happen again" he said

"I hope so, you can leave now" he said while the man left

"Yes miss?" He asked, he was looking tensed

"Uhmm Henry is everything okay?" I asked


"But you are looking tensed"

"Nothing serious It just about a meeting" he said while I nodded

"I have read these documents you can have a look I have found so many errors in it" I said while he starts checking

"Good" he said still looking the papers

"Also The arabs are ready for the meeting they will be here till 10am" I added

"Ok cool" he said putting the file aside

"Any other work for me?" I asked

"I need you to look over dresses being prepared recently and hand over them to Chloe, the designer" he said

"Ok sir"

"By the way she works at 6th floor" he added and I left

Ufff I am at 21st floor at this moment and his designer at 6th, I know I can use elevator but still

I looked at the dresses I was Picking up the one looking good to me as I have to hand over them to Chloe

As soon As I reached 6th floor I searched for her and there She was. I can't believe this place is full of beautiful dresses around.

"Miss Chloe?" I called out and she looked at me

"Its me, what happened?" She asked

"Uhmm Mr. Evans told me to give you these dresses"

"You are new?" She asked while I nodded "Oh so beautiful you are" she said coming close to me

For a second I was shocked but later smiled

"Thanks so you are" I said

"Naughty girl huh" she said putting the dresses on a side

We talked for a while, she is really nice girl I guess everyone here is a nice person

Its 9pm which means back to home. I waited for him to come out but I guess he has no mood. I am really tired.

I was busy in my thoughts that I didn't realized his presence

"Hazel!" I looked at him standing up

"I guess you are in love with this place no?" He said


"Because you are sitting alone here" he said

"I was waiting for you" I said

"Oh okay let's go" he said while I followed him to the elevator

I was standing quite again lost in my thoughts

"What happened?" He asked

"Uhmm nothing"

"Something happened tell me"

"No its nothing"

"Hazel what it is I know you are bothered tell me, maybe I can help. Have someone said you something?" He asked but I nodded in a no "Then what is the matter?"

I sighed

"I need physical classes" I said and he was confused


"About...About everything I mean...The things I don't know I want to know them" I tried to make him understand

"I don't understand what are you even saying?"

"Uff Henry why don't you understand"

"Hazel at least say straight how Will I get to know like this?" He said

I again sighed

"I want to know more about sex and all" I finally said

He looked at me for a few seconds without saying anything

"Say something?" I asked but there was no reply
