
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Facing floor 99: Elemental Valkyries 2 ( Winter's Veil)

Rae's POV

"So you are the one who made my sister cry. I Hildr will make you rue your actions."

"Made your Sister cry? Is this some sort of joke?"

"You are calling her a joke? I will not let this slide. You will die by my hands for I promised to protect and take care of her for the rest of my and her life."

What is happening here? Is she speaking about herself? Wait is this the famous dissociative identity disorder? So the other one was one of her alters. This is very interesting. They actually changed their whole body to fit the alters. This is truly incredible but still...

Here she comes. That is quite the power she has. The crystal-like sword now has some sort of refined look to it. This Valkyrie right now seems to be quite capable judging from the way she is guarding herself as she makes her way to me. So is this alter a close-quarters fighter? Yeah, it seems so.

The cold air is slowly developing again. I am feeling myself slowly losing my momentum again.

She is now at close range. With her having a sword and me not having anything she has the advantage of reach. For some reason, her presence just seems to instil an overwhelming cold.

She has taken the first steps with a quick forward thrust. Her momentum was pretty high, all her movements were pretty fast and precise. I am lucky just to have dodged that attack...

Her sword...It is growing. The thrust has managed to make contact with the upper left side of my abdomen. Wow, that has really gone deep. It looks like she was aiming for an instant kill, luckily I was able to protect my heart and avoid that thrust from hitting any vital spots. Still, My Hp has gone down a considerable amount.

... Wait she is following up her attack with a slice-up. That is really dangerous. She will kill me with that force I can't allow that to happen. I can already feel her breaking my ribs. My left hand is all that stands between her sword and my heart. I have to do something fast or I will die... Let me increase the distance before this wound becomes even more fatal. Using my wings I will gain an upward lift flying in a sort of arc-like projection so that I can quickly disarm her While working towards a counter...My wings are not flapping actually I can't feel them anymore have they retreated within? Now how am I going to survive this situation?

Ok I see now looks like I will have to take the risk I will lunge forward reduce the distance then disarm her that way while simultaneously countering her.

That really hurts and my Hp is going down at a first rate. Now she is within my reach now to attack her.

... Of course, she would do that. I should have seen that coming. She led me on with that one. She slightly moved back and then when I was off balance kicked me straight to my face. Now I am lying here bleeding out on the ground. I am feeling overwhelming cold right now. My vision is very blurry. I can no longer feel my hands. My body feels so overwhelmingly tired. It has stopped shivering. I am now beginning to feel extremely warm. I think my hypothermia is getting worse.

I can't think very effectively in these extreme temperatures. I just feel like giving up. My Hp is making its way down so fast. In a few seconds, I will be a goner.

I don't know what to do now. I think I will just try to conjure up a barrier with my barrier magic skill and try to warm myself from within. Luckily that worked but now my head feels like it is being split. Now that the barrier is up I will...

..She has called her sword from my chest and it flew straight to her. That has caused a number of arteries to burst. The snow that surrounds me is now being sprayed and is being painted with quite a red colour. I should have not have underestimated this Valkyrie. My fight with this Valkyrie has been quite laughable. If Mr Steve would have seen me now he surely would have laughed at how badly I fought her.

I can feel all my organs slowly shut down it looks like it is back to the abyss for me...

[ Alert!!! The requirements to use the skill mimicry have been met. Would the Creator like to use this skill?]

And there it is as always, liza to the rescue.


[ The skill mimicry has made fragmentation of the sword Winterschleier or Winter's Veil possible. Would the creator like to do fragmentation of the sword Winterschleier? ]


Ok fragmentation of the sword Winter's Veil. Is that the crystal-like sword she is holding?

And what exactly can this fragmentation help me achieve?

[ Fragmentation complete. The Creator is now able to duplicate the sword Winterschleier and use about a tenth of its true power.]

Ok, that is great and all but how am I supposed to use it now in this situation when I can barely move? I just wish I could use this skill in any way. Maybe if the sword were daggers I could have thrown them at her? No that wouldn't work I don't have the energy or strength to do it now... If only like her I had the ability to control the weapon remotely? I think it is just time I give up. The abyss is calling and I am just so tired right now...

...No!!!! That type of mentality won't get me anywhere. If I am going to die anyway I might as well die while fighting. It wouldn't be right of me to give up after all Liza has done all this to keep me alive. I will gather all the strength that I have and put it into my last attack. Looks like the fragmentation has worked I will use the sword to support myself and get myself up on my two feet.

"Is that a desperate attempt at a last chance attack? Look at yourself you can barely stand. Let me put you out of your misery."

She is able to move that fast? She is already here. Looks like this time she will definitely be able to finish me off. Before she gets a chance at an attack I will stub her feet and hopefully, my amethyst trait will do all the other work for me...

She evaded it looks like I am...

... Wait am I healing? Where did those Ice spikes come from?

"What sorcery is this? how are you able to replicate my sword and it's skills? You will pay for the amount of damage that you have brought upon me."

The amount of damage that she has gotten looks to have been reflected double or even triple what I had received.

" Sister Hildr I need your strength. It is time we use our secret weapon."

...What is happening? Her body is rapidly healing all the wounds she had received, even more than that, it is transforming into an ever more powerful form. Just what is happening here? Now she is flying above me looking down on me.

" Challenger you will now be facing the full force of Hildr"

The pressure emanating from her now is extremely overwhelming.

..Now that my Hp is back to Maximum I am going to Cover myself with a veil of fire so that the extreme cold will not interfere with me. For this, I will create a thinly made barrier that will act like some sort of clothing and cover my body's entire outline then within the barrier I will use fire magic to constantly provide heat...

...Looks like I was successful but although I was successful the sword in my hand is not looking so good... How do I put this away? Oh, it has disappeared on its own. Now that is settled I can face her. Instead of a barrier I just feel like I am wearing mana. Maybe this is some sort of mana domain I mean I do feel like I have a little bit of control over the mana in my closest proximity.

Hildr is now flying towards me at her maximum speed and aiming straight for a thrust but unlike before I will now deflect it and when she is left open I will attack her most vulnerable spots. The reflection worked but her agility and reaction time are off the charts so she was able to avoid my counter. But I did get to learn something when I made contact with the sword. It looks like the sword is weak to heat. She is following up my counter with her counter mid-air by doing a 360° spin. It looks like she is going for a slash but knowing that her sword is weak to my flames I will...

Wait it has a water-like form? The water form is putting out part of my fire and passing through my barrier very easily. It looks like it is solidifying... I need to add more heat so that I can stop the attack. Good looks like the water is evaporating, now for a punch straight to her gut.

There I was able to land a very powerful blow to her stomach and have sent her flying. It looks like she is really weak to fire. Then I will make use of fire attacks.

"Looks like we have to take drastic measures."

She has stubbed the Ice. Is she planning to create Ice spikes like the ones I had created? No!!!! The Ice is splitting...There is water under the Ice? Now I see, She wants to drown me. No, I won't let her. She is now very open. wings please come out I don't want to lose this chance. They are not coming out... Finally. The window is closing, now at full speed, I will aim for her heart with my fists. Yes, I was able to catch her off guard but her reaction speed is not something to joke with she was able to avoid all that. All that I can do now is attack her with various fire-based magic attacks. It looks like her momentum is reducing with each fire attack. This is now my chance. I see an opening...

That was messy and a little bit disgusting... I didn't know that their head could explode like that. I am now completely drenched with blood.

That was really brutal of me. I am sorry to them but it was either them or me.

[Alert!!! The necessary threshold for stub resistance lvl (3) has been achieved due to this the skill stub resistance has been levelled up.

The necessary requirements for cold resistance lv 2 have also been achieved due to this the Creator has gained the skill Cold resistance. The creator has also gained the title Merciless

The Overall experience points for levelling have been achieved because of this the creator will level up.]

Status II

Name: Raphael

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human, Half Angel

Overall level: 1

Racial level: 0+18-17

Job level: -

Class Level: 1


Class: Warrior




Str:2200, Int:900, Vit: 1370, Dex: 170 lck: 485, Agl:2900


Def: 4350

Phy atk:3420

Mag atk: 1600

Phy def: 2025

Mag def: 2325

Magic attributes: Light magic, fire magic, water magic, wind magic

Resistance: Dark magic

Traits: Celestial Kin, Connected status

Titles: Valkyrie Slayer, Survivor, Discoverer

Skills: Blunt damage resistance( lvl 4), Stub resistance(lvl 3), Rune decryption (lvl 1), perceptivity (lvl 1), Tracking (lvl 1), Magic creation (lvl1), Poison resistance(lvl1), Cold resistance lvl(2)

Magic skills: Healing magic, Extra dimensional storage(lvl1), Barrier Magic( lvl2), Mana absorption(lvl1), strengthening magic (lvl1)

Special abilities: Mimicry (lvl 1)

Reverse counter (lvl 3)]

The golden writings have appeared again.

"The winter Ice and the summer spring now flow back to their motherland."

The Valkyrie bodies and weapons have now completely disintegrated and the huge gate in this balcony has opened to reveal another wall. Now onto the next Valkyrie.