
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Ivy the Dark knight of gravity strikes

Ivy's POV

So it wasn't only I, Riley also seemed to have felt it. I mean I have been waiting for her return but it reached some point where I started to believe she was truly dead.

Now that I have felt her presence I have a semblance of hope. My life now is pretty much bleak seeing that I am no longer human.

While the power-up from becoming a vampire was very cool, the life that I have to live is not that great. I appreciate that Rae saved my life by turning me into a vampire but now I no longer have a family, home or people to devote my life to.

So far I have tried my best to protect humanity as an adventurer always using my newfound abilities to benefit them but as much as I try, I will never be able to be one of them ever again.

Recently, I had been issued a request to explore the forest adjacent to Streynite city. This was because of the noise that was emanating from within the forest, the residents were scared that their guardian deity who was Riley would wake up and level their city.

When I took the request I came to find out that it was Riley herself who was the one producing the various noises that were being heard for miles. She explained to me that the noise was a side effect of the beacon she was producing that only her master would understand. It itself was actually not noise it is just that anybody that is not her master perceived the beacon as noise.

I came to further find out that the missing adventurers were the ones who got lost in the ethereal realm since her presence was creating a sort of entry point to the ethereal realm that she always talked about. She told me that eventually, they would find themselves back in this land so I should not worry.

While it was easing to find out that Rae would be coming back very soon, I was still not sure if I would be giving my loyalty to her and her people. Yes, I know as a vampire borne from her blood I have no power to disobey her in any way but I would like to still think that my loyalty should be gained in some way.

I mean she did deceive me from the first time we met... Well, I do understand, demons were and still are a big source of fear among the human kingdoms but still...

Anyway, let me spend my time around Streynite City waiting for Rae to return so that I can affirm where I truly stand.

...What is he doing here?

"So you are the S class adventurer that was able to make it to the Dragon and back?"

"Hello brother, you look like you are doing well."

"Don't call me that. You ceased to be my sister once you sold yourself to evil."

" I have never sold myself to evil..."

" Then why do you need to drink the blood of innocent people to survive?"

" I am unfortunately no longer human plus it..."

"Exactly, you are no longer human. You are now a demon. The literal embodiment of evil.

...You took my most loyal and best friend from me."

" I never did such a thing, If I remember well I actually saved your and your comrades' lives. If it were not for me then you would have all perished in that dungeon."

" Even so, why did you have to turn him into such a horrid beast? Were you that desperate for subordinates?"

" It was not my wish to do so..."

" I still believe that you waited for that dire moment when all of our hope had sunk so that you could manipulate us to give you numbers to add to your army. And because of this, you will have to pay!!!"

"Your majesty please calm yourself she is still the only..."

" I cannot calm myself I must avenge the life of my beloved friend."

" Ok, your Highness let's take this outside since you feel so strongly about this and have refused to listen to me in any way."

" Your Majesty please remember even if you are the Hero, you are still the Crown prince of this nation so please reconsider."

"No no, let him express his anger in the form he wishes, otherwise he will never let this go."

" I Leon Menial the Hero and the crown prince challenge you Ivy Menial an outcast and My ex-sister to a duel."

"That was pretty harsh but I accept your duel. As the challenged, I will pick...

A duel of combat."

"That is alright with me... Andrea, would you please be our witness for the duel? "

"Of course your Majesty."

" Now Ivy all I want from you when this duel ends is for you to take us to your queen."

" I am sorry but I don't think that is possible since she is not around yet."

"No I don't believe you, isn't she supposes to be the Demon lord of Calamity?"

"I mean that is what your gods told you but that is not the case..."

" Stop defending her, my existence as Hero is because of her and your change to a demon is because of her so with her death maybe you may be redeemed. So just tell..."

" I am telling you I don't know where she is."

" Ok if you insist on not telling me then if I win I want you to lead us to the Dragon."

" Dragon? Do you mean Riley? What do you want with Her?"

"It is none of your business... so are you going to accept my request."

" Well okay and If I win I want you to at least let me see my little Brother. I am still her sister even though I am a demon."

" So that you can taint him!!!"

"Your Highness please!"

"Ok, If you win you I will allow you to see our brother."


"Now that we have agreed upon the conditions we can now begin the duel."

Name: Ivy

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Overall level: 69

Racial level: 57

Job level: 3

Class level: 81

Job: Knight

Class: Dark knight

Hp: 50000/52000


Str:9000 Int:900 Vit:6000 Dex:6780 Lck:105 Agl:21000

Atk: 23000

Def: 14000

phy atk: 12000 Mag atk: 11000

phy def: 7000 Mag def: 7000

Magic attributes: Dark Magic

Traits: 2nd upper-class vampire/ vampire formed from royal blood/ Upper Noble Vampire (Rank 6)

: Vampire knight

: Bonded to kin

: Vampiric Charm

: Daywalker

: Holder of a Dungeon treasure

:Demon queen's Subordinate

: Blood dependency ( min level) / blood lust

: Celestial Vampire

Resistance: Dark Magic, Low and mid-tier Holy (Light) Magic

Titles: The Vampire Enchantress

: Fastest Subordinate

: The Bewitcher

: Vampiric Nobility

Skills: Vampiric speed (lvl 7)

: Vampiric enhancement (lv 7)

: Hunting (lv 5)

: Stealth (lvl 5)

: Charm ( LV 4)

: Blood to mana converter(lv 2)

: Alternative perception (lvl 1)

: Perceptivity (Lv 5)

: Vampire Regeneration( lvl 4)

: Gravity rapier mastery (lvl 7)

Magic skills: Monster enchanting (lvl 3)

: Psionic control ( Lvl 2)

: Psychic manipulation ( Lvl 3)

: Seismic Travel (lvl 1)

: Gravity magic ( Lvl 4)

Special abilities: Vampire generation (lvl 1), Dance of the blades( lvl 3), Vampiric Reanimation (Lvl 1), Bewitchment (LV 5), Miasma Manipulation ( lvl 4), Miasma Immunity ( Lvl 6), Quick Analysis (lvl 2)

Blood meter: 18000

The fight begin as abruptly as one would imagine. My brother Leon Launched forward for a quick attack. He is a duel wielder but for some reason today he was using a one-handed sword.

While his attacks might be seen to be quite extraordinary and literally blurs through human eyes through my vampiric eyes they are quite slow. Couple that with my vampiric speed I might be able to end this duel much quicker than anticipated.

I will use my rapier's special skill to shift his centre of gravity so that he can lose his balance and fall to the ground where I will instantly achieve my victory without dragging this fightt out for long.

Using my quick analysis I was able to find out his level is way below mine but for a human, it is pretty high. I can't tell exactly what his level is but what is clear is it is definitely not above mine. Quick analysis has also pointed out that although his level is way below mine a cut from his sword can be very damaging to me.

While the sword is dangerous to me I will not let it have a chance to harm me in any way.

His form is as brilliant as always barely making excessive movement and not giving anyone the chance of exploitation of opening for a human combating him would have been quite the hustle but for me who is now a vampire that is not the case.

I have caught the perfect place to strike him with my rapier.

...This strike will end it all... Wait what just happened? Did my strike not work? I felt like the usual activation began but why did it suddenly stop? This has never happened before. So does my Rapier's special skill not work on him because he is the 'Hero'? If that is the case then looks like I will be defeating him the old fashion way.