
The School Legend

A 16 year old girl name Sukomi Igarashi saw in a dream that she is following a boy but she can never reach out to him.And one day that dream stopped happening.Though Sukomi was home sick for a month and she went to her school after she got well.She made new friends in there.One of her friend's told her about this strange rumour in their school.The name of that rumour was "The School Legend".When she heard the rumour she wanted to investigate about this.And there was a boy named Asagi who fell in love with Sukomi, despite that she still want to know about "The School Legend".And once she actually discovered "The School Legend" in an old library and that legend was a boy who was two years older than her.But that boy erased Sukomi's memories in her dreams and also erased his own memories of her.But Sukomi can find that boy in reality or was he just an image that she always had in her dreams?

SinysterMiracle · Geral
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

When I wake up I find myself in a big bed.And there was a door at the end of the room.I also see that my clothes were changed.I was wearing pajamas.There were a lot of questions that were in my mind,like how I get here? Who changed my clothes? Did anyone do something bad when I was asleep? All of these questions were just revolving around my head.And my head was still paining.Then someone opened the door.There was a man wearing a fine black suit.The man was a middle aged man.He came before me and said,"Are you alright miss?" I replied to him by saying,"Yes a little."

"Miss.Allow me to introduce myself as a servant of you.My name is Harold Heinsward.I am the butler of the Eden family.I am in this family for about 20 years now.If you need anything please call me at once.I will be there at once."

"Thank you for your kind service."

"It's my duty to treat the guest of the Eden family."

"Ah Mr.Harold where are my clothes? Can you please tell."

"Our maid changed your clothes and washed it for you.In the meantime can you please wear this dress?"

When I looked into the dress,the dress was hugely expensive.This is one of those dresses that only rich people wear.The colour of the dress was light blue like the sky.

"Mr.Harold this dress is too much expensive.If I wear it I might spoil the quality of the dress."

"Miss.This dress will look good on you.Please wear this dress as a token of gratitude from the Eden family."

"Well...then I can try it out."

"Thank you very much."

"And Miss breakfast is ready for you in the dining hall.I hope you are hungry.And if you wanna go to the bathroom,then go to the right side and you will find it.I shall be waiting for you in the downstairs.Please come after you have changed your clothes."


After saying this Mr.Harold left the room.At first I wandered around the whole room.The entire room was so well decorated.There were some old paintings in the wall that looked very good to look at.I have never slept in a big bedroom like this in my life.After wandering,I picked up the dress and weared it.When I looked at myself in the mirror I was looking quite pretty.I wish my mother could see me in this dress.She would be so much happy.

Then I would head downstairs.When I was coming down from the stairs Mr.Harold was standing there to guide me to the dining hall.

"Miss.Can you please follow me to the dining hall?"


When I entered into the dining hall,the dining hall was so massive and so well decorated.The ceiling decoration was made with gold.The dining table in there was so big it's like those dining tables that you can see at a palace.Mr.Harold would pull a chair out and say,"Miss.Please sit on here."

Then I take my seat on that chair.Then some maids brought up the breakfast.Mr.Harold served the foods in my plate.When I first take a bite,I was so shocked because I have never tasted anything delicious as this foods.I enjoyed that breakfast so much.Mr.Harold would ask me if I wanted anything to drink.

"Miss would you care for a drink?"

"I think water would ne nice."

"Ok.Then I shall give it to you."

"Thank you very much."

"Miss would you care to see the garden outside? There is a resting place there.You can rest and enjoy the nature."

"Really??! I would love to go."

"Ok then please come with me."

When I went to the garden with Mr.Harold I thought for a minute that I have been in this place before.But I can't remember when?

"Miss.If you don't mind may I ask you your name?"

"My name is Sukomi Igarashi."

"Would it be okay if I call you Miss Sukomi?"

"Yes.It's fine you can call me by Sukomi."

"Thank you very much."

"No...no...why are you thanking me for?"

"For giving me the honour to call you."

To seeing a middle aged man bowing down and saying me,'Thank you' is kinda embarassing and a little bit of awkward.

"Miss Sukomi if you are feeling tired then you can rest on that cabana up front."

"I am not feeling tired or anything.I just want to see this garden around."

"Ok.And Miss if you need anything then please call me.I shall be there at once."

"I will keep that in mind and thank you Mr.Harold for taking care of me."

"It's been my pleasure.Then I shall go now."

Then Mr.Harold would go back to the mansion.And I was seeing around the garden.I was thinking in mind that I have seen this garden somewhere.But I can't remember when it was.After finishing watching the garden I sat on the cabana for a minute...and I fell asleep.

When I wake up it was already evening.I then went inside the mansion and I saw Mr.Harold was talking with a maid about something.After finishing his talking,Mr.Harold came to me and said,"Miss Sukomi I have arranged the bath for you.Would you like to go now?"

"Well....I think taking a bath will make me feel even more better.So I think I might need one."

"Then please go to the second floor and turn your left and you shall see the bathroom there."

"Thank you very much."


Then I headed towards the bathroom in the second floor.When I open the door of the bathroom....I was astonished to see that this bathroom was bigger than my house.There was a huge pool in the bathroom.When I dive into the pool the watrer was hot and it felt really good.I felt like I was in a hot spring.After I finished my bathing I went into the downstairs,I saw Mr.Harold would notice me and say,"Oh Miss Sukomi how was your bath?"

"It was good.I reallly like it."

"Then it's good to hear.Please sit on the chair the dinner is already prepared to serve."

Then I take my seat on the chair and Mr.Harold again served me the dishes.The foods that are prepared in this mansion taste so differently good than any food I have ever eaten before.After finishing my dinner I went into my room.I wasn't feeling sleepy at all.I found an old book in one of the wardrobe and then I started reading it.After an hour passed I heard someone knocking on my door.And then I asked,"Who is there?"

"Miss Sukomi it's me Harold.I have came here to deliver a message for you.So can you please open the door?"

After that request I have to open the door.

"What's the message that you wanna tell me?"

"Miss Sukomi,our Master wants to talk with you."


"Yes.Master.It is not our mansion.This is the mansion of the Great Eden family.I am nothing but a servant."

"Is your Master one of the member of the Eden faily?"

"Yes! He is the last heir of the Eden family.I shall speak no more.Miss Sukomi please go to the third floor.My Master is waiting for you in the main hall."

"Ok.Then I shall go."

"Please forgive me for talking in a loud voice."

"No it's alright."

"Then let me at least accompany you to the door."


Then me and Mr.Harold went to the third floor.The third floor has only one door.And it was the main hall.Mr.Harold opened the door for me.Then I enter into the hall,the hall was amazingly huge than any other rooms in the mansion.There were windows at the both sides and moonlight was gazing through it.And then I saw that the moonlight was gazing upon a deep blue eyes.His presence felt like so lonely but it was beautiful.And when he turned around and looked at me with that deep blue eyes,I for once felt that he was like that boy who I saw in my dream since the last 10 years ago.He looked like that boy who I was following all this times in my dreams.So I asked his name,"Can you please tell me your name?" He heard my question.He was looking at the bright moonlight,then he said,"My name is Edin El Fiend.I am the last duke of Edenburg."

"Duke? That means you are a royal.Please let me bow down before your grace."

"Don't! You are a guest in my mansion.A guest in my mansion should not be kneeled before me.They should be treated with upmost importance."

"Sir Edin.I think I saw you in the old campus inside the library."

"It was your hallucination."

"Hallucination? But how?"

"At this moment you are in this mansion and witnessing me is also your hallucination."

"I don't get it.But you look so real to me."

"This is what your brain is telling you.But in reality you are in the old library."

"But I am here and how can I be in the library?"

"As I told you it is your brain which are just putting images inside."

"If I wake up,will I ever see you again?"

He then in a gloomy clear voice said,"No.But I will let you know that you are the only person who ever saw me and for that thank you."

"But now I have to erase your memories because you should not imagine a person who never existed."

He then came before me and put his hands on my face and said,"Then let me erase your memories of me."

And at that moment tears were coming from my eyes.The boy who I actually followed in my dream was the person right standing before me.

"Please.Don't....for all this times when I actually found you.....and you want me to erase all this memories that I have of you.Please.....please...think about it."

"I wish we can talk like this someday.....I shall be waiting for you,the day you actually find me.But for now please sleep."

And then my eyes started to get closed and when I was about to fall,he holded me tightly in his arms.I wanted to say that I have always loved him till this moment.

"Goodnight Sukomi."