
The Salvation of the Empires

Decades ago empires fell one after another, as they battled each other, however one rose to be strongest of all. However, they lost many soldiers and two generals. Now they were reborn into this world once more, would they fight alongside each other once more against a new threat? Would they meet the same fate as their previous life's? If so, would they remember each other or who they used to be? [ Under edit ] >.

Sorano_sango · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5

Both Xiao Fan and Luo Lan gasped at the scene that seemed like a memory just played in front of them, " That guy, he looked like you. " Xiao Fan said as she turned to look at Luo Lan.

" The woman looked like you... " Luo Lan muttered then stood up then proceeded to walk further into the cave and moved away the dirt from the ground, there was a flag. He picked it up, it was the Qing Empire's Flag a white and black dragon, the piece of cloth was slightly decomposed since it's been there for don't know how many years. He walked back then sat somewhere near Xiao Fan, ignoring what he had just found in the cave.

' What happened? Why was I able to see both of them able to see this? Who were those people that I just see? ' That was all they could think of at the moment, they were both bewildered.

Then small water droplets began to fall from the sky, Luo Lan noticed then quickly took the horse into the cave for shelter, soon it began to rain heavily. Melancholy slowly descended Xiao Fan, she looked at the dark blue sky. The clouds covered the moon blocking any light from shining through.

' Mother...' Was all Xiao Fan thought off, as she subconsciously tightened her grip on the hair stick and closed her eyes. The scenes of her mother playing across her eyes, then flashes of her dead body, while her younger self. Standing her stained in her mother's blood, crying, begging and cursing the heavens but also asking for her mother to come back. A wave of sadness overcame her, she pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them as she buried her face into her hands.

After some time Xiao Fan calmed down slightly, she turned to see Luo Lan was quietly playing with the rocks by the fire with a stick in his hand. Staring at the fire her mind slowly drifted to something else, ' Why do I have the same hair stick as that women? Was she my ancestor? Who was she? ' Billions of questions were racing through her mind when the sudden flashes of light smashed into the ground over and over again, but the sound that followed after is frightened her.

She let out a yelp and jumped slightly, she quickly clung onto Luo Lan. Xiao Fan didn't notice then, she was still traumatized by thunder and lightning at a young age. The tip of Luo Lan's ears turned red, while his face remained emotionless. It took some time for Xiao Fan to notice since she was clinging on Luo Lan, after realizing her face quickly turned red faster than a second. She jumped again and quickly went back her previous position.

She was fidgeting with her finger with a red pouting face, ' Cute... What?! ' Then Luo Lan had a mental debate in his mind. He stood up and took the blankets from the horse saddle, he placed one on her shoulders. " Thank you. " She managed to say in a small tiny voice.

Soon the temperature was dropping very slowly but noticeable, the fire wasn't enough to stop the cold with the rain it would be a very cold night. The Qing Empire's forest was known to drop until negative degrees even if it was during the summer, that's why most people don't want to travel into the forests. Luo Lan was about to say something, when the ground shook at the loud boom erupted from the Zhang market, Xiao Fan immediately shot from her spot. She quickly started running not caring if she got wet from the rain, Luo Lan also quickly ran to catch her back.

Both of them kept running until they got a clear look of the empire from the forests. The Zhang market was now in ruins and fire enveloped the market, it's residence were screaming for help, then the sudden huge black and light blue magic symbol appeared on top of the market as a large beam of light appeared from it. The light shot straight down into the market, blinding both Luo Lan and Xiao Fan after the light was cleared everything went quiet. Xiao Fan tried to run back to the market but Luo Lan was quick on his feet and caught Xiao Fan by the wrist stopping her from moving any further.

Xiao Fan was desperate to find out if her brother was fine, the only ones that could combine their attack like that and judge by the magic circle it was Li Wang and He Hou. Their years of friendship had lead them to make magic circles like this, perfecting it making sure it wouldn't go out of control.

Both of them were drenched in the rain, the scent of the earthy, musky and fresh smell was everywhere due to the rain. The raindrops gently hit their skin and robes, Xiao Fan's was sticking to her darkened face. She was shivering from the rain and anger, then an arrow quivered past her face missing Luo Lan. Blood leaked from the fresh wound on Xiao Fan's face, she was stunned. But she quickly snapped out of as more arrows were shot at them, she summoned her katana and sliced all the arrows into bits and pieces then glared at the trees.

There was no longer 2 of them, they had been found. Luo Lan pulled her and started running to the cave, Luo Lan got on the horse first and followed by Xiao Fan then both of them quickly took off. " Aren't you like able to summon creatures or something? Cause if you can I think now is the best time to do so. " She shouted slightly as the wind whipped their faces, then heard some trees rustling.

Releasing her katana which vanished into thin air, she reached to the back of her hanfu cloth belt. She took out her hair stick as it turned into a bow, she turned around to see who was following them and started to shoot arrows where ever she heard a sound.

" Then how about you? Cause if I could I would have done it a long time ago, plus I'm not of age yet. " The two of them bickering rather loudly, but not to the point that they neglected their tasks at hand.

" Let's just keep quiet and pay attention to our duty at hand. " Both of them said in unison, suddenly the ride came to an abrupt halt. " Bing Bing, what's wrong?" She asked him with confusion, then she turned in front of them only to see it was a dead-end, a cliff.

Luo Lan placed the reins on Xiao Fan's hands and got off the horse and was ready to fight whatever was following them, " Xiao Fan, I want you to run, don't get caught. Don't look back. " Luo Lan told her, his back facing her. ' The look of an idiot ready to sacrifice himself just like that is stupid... ' Xiao Fan thought as her heart clenched, she gave off a dark aura. ' She reminds me of mother. Am I going to die? ' Luo Lan's mind was running a marathon as his hair was on ends and sweating bullets.

Xiao Fan looked up and gave him the death glare, her eyes were glowing. She looked like she was about to pounce on him anything soon, she was so ready to murder him.