
The Salvation of the Empires

Decades ago empires fell one after another, as they battled each other, however one rose to be strongest of all. However, they lost many soldiers and two generals. Now they were reborn into this world once more, would they fight alongside each other once more against a new threat? Would they meet the same fate as their previous life's? If so, would they remember each other or who they used to be? [ Under edit ] >.

Sorano_sango · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Droplets of rainwater gently tapped their skin and hanfu as mist started to rise from the ground. Blue mist swirled around Luo Lan's hand then transformed into a sword, the sword was made of black metal. Black metal ore are rare and expensive that is because it is the lightest and strongest metal around.

" Just go. Before it's too late, you know many people died for you. Letting you die here and now would waste everyone's efforts on keeping you alive. " Luo Lan stated coldly and tried his best to ignore Xiao Fan's stare. He hoped that this would cause Xiao Fan to retreat, at least give her a chance of survival while he tries to hold them back.

" No. " She stated sternly as she got off the horse and walked towards Luo Lan and stood her ground. " I'm not going to let you give your life away so easily. Since when were you allowed to die on me?! I refuse to run and leave anyone behind anymore, after all isn't that our empire's motto? " She stated the last part as her lower lip quivered and fresh tears spilled from her eyes, she then looked straight into his eyes.

When the distorted noises unexpectedly came nearer, Xiao Fan wiped her tears away rapidly and got out her bow while Luo Lan got into a fighting stance. However the noises suddenly disappeared but it didn't meant they could let their guard down. A creature abruptly jumped out of the bushes and aimed it's claws towards Luo Lan, who swiftly turned around and sliced it in half. After being sliced it then burst spreading some kind of black liquid. The liquid stained Luo Lan's hanfu and face, he used his hand to swipe away some of the liquid off of his face, when two more jumped out. Two arrows with purple mists surround them shot past Luo Lan's face, and crystalized those creatures. Which then dropped to the ground and shattered into millions of pieces. Both of them were doing fine but not for long.

" Princess... " The eerie voice echoed throughout the forest, Xiao Fan froze in fear.

Xiao Fan was too scared to move an inch from her position, Luo Lan was having a hard time keeping all of them at bay and keeping them from harming Xiao Fan. When suddenly she was pulled back, by a hand. She accidentally dropped her bow, she tried to get away from whoever was keeping her in place. All Xiao Fan could do was struggle and try her best to break free from the iron grip. Then another hand covered her mouth preventing her from shouting. Both hands were ice cold, too cold for a normal human's temperature. Their nails dug into her skin casing it to bleed, black smoke started to leak from their hands. They were forcing her to absorb the smoke, it was black mana. She sent a blow to the person's stomach enough to let the person let go of her.

She quickly turned around and brought her hand above her head as purple smoke swirled around her hand. The mist dispersed that revealed a dagger. Xiao Fan brought it down and stabbed the person, after that she jumped behind back to Luo Lan and picked up her bow which had already turned back to a hair stick. Now both Luo Lan and Xiao Fan had their backs facing each other. Xiao Fan looked back, but there was no one.

Xiao Fan hid her left hand under her sleeve, she used her right hand and slashed on every creature she saw. " Luo Lan let's destroy all of them in one blow. " Xiao Fan told Luo Lan as they were both cornered, behind them was the cliff. Luo Lan nodded as he concentrated his mana to summon his spirit animal, while Xiao Fan had her bow out. Xiao Fan made sure Luo Lan couldn't see her injured hand.

Their auras suddenly changed so did the atmosphere around them, the rain water swirled around Luo Lan and Xiao Fan. Light enveloped the two, a diamond started to appear on Xiao Fan's forehead as a dragon started to form around Luo Lan. With synchronization and teamwork, Luo Lan's dragon and Xiao Fan's arrow. The dragon shot blue flames from it's mouth which had lit the arrow as it duplicated, then the dragon swirled around original arrow as it guided to arrow deeper into the forest. Then it went right through a person's, he fell onto one of his knees. He smirked as he got up while his wound was healed immediately, he looked at Xiao Fan before disappearing.

Xiao Fan and Luo Lan was knocked back slightly by the blow, Luo Lan's spirit animal returned to him and burst into a bright light after the light dimed nothing was left, not a single trance of the dragon was left behind.

Xiao Fan fell to her knees because she had strained her body too much, Luo Lan helped her back up. " I thought you said we were both underage to summon an animal or something? What was the meaning of the dragon just now? " Xiao Fan shot at him those questions.

" Hm. " Was all he said as he gave Xiao Fan a piggy back ride.

It was still raining heavily, out of a sudden lightning shot down from the sky. Hitting the cliff it was near where Luo Lan and Xiao Fan were at. The ground broke the two behind down the cliff, but they hit the river. The waves were violent, they tried their best to keep their heads above the waves.

Xiao Fan felt as if she was suffocated by the water as her head kept going under water, also allowing water to enter her lungs with each breath she had tried to take. It wasn't long until she was out cold and was slowly sinking. Luo Lan took a deep breath before going under to get Xiao Fan back to the surface, he was going against the current to get to Xiao Fan.

" Stupid girl. " He thought while he pulled Xiao Fan to the surface. However it wasn't over ahead of them was a waterfall, both of them plunged down the waterfall. Luo Lan slowly lost his consciousness and so did the grip he had on Xiao Fan's hand.

" How did we get to this? I'm going to be dead meat if Yi Ge and the 1st Prince finds out." Luo Lan thought before he lost consciousness.


~ Words ~

Yi Ge - First Brother

I tried my best to write this " fight " scene, I'll practice more in the future to give better scene description. I may come back and fix up that part to improve it.


Sorano_sangocreators' thoughts