
The Ruthless CEO's Obsessive Love

Bao Caihong, a powerful CEO, has everything she could ever want -wealth, success and power. But her perfect life is shattered when she discovers that her boyfriend has been cheating on her. In a fit of rage, she sets out a mission of revenge. However, everything changes when she finds out she's pregnant with her ex's child. Determined to give the baby a good life, she turns to Huo Jinhao, an illegitimate child who is desperate to prove himself. Bao Caihong offers Huo Jinhao a deal; she'll help him if he marries her and becomes the father of unborn child. But as their relationship develops, both of them must confront their pasts and overcome their demons. Can Bao Caihong find the redemption she seeks? And will Huo Jinhao be able to break free from the shadow of his family's legacy? As their lives become intertwined, they must navigate the treacherous waters of love, family and betrayal! Follow me on Instagram- @Author_toriatim

Toriatim · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 11


A plane flew across the sky, landing perfectly on the land of Beijing.

James assisted Bao Caihong through the busy airport terminal. With a tender touch, he pushed her wheelchair, making sure she was comfortable and safe as they moved through the crowded hallways. 

Bao Caihong remained elegant despite her injuries, wearing a plain dress and having her legs covered by a scarf. Wearing large sunglasses and a nose mask, she was able to hide her identity from nosy bystanders while walking through the airport without being recognized.

When they got outside, Bao Caihong enjoyed the sensation of the cool breeze on her face. It had been a while since she had last taken in the familiar smells of her hometown, and the feeling was both happy and sad. Even though she missed the comfort of Korea, she was thankful to be back in Beijing, immersed in the familiar sights and sounds of home.

James effortlessly opened the car door and assisted Bao Caihong inside with precision. He made sure everything was secure by folding her wheelchair and packing it in the trunk with her luggage before walking around the car to sit in the passenger seat. With the engine starting up loudly, they set off on their upcoming journey, leaving the airport in the rearview.

As the car drove through the bustling streets of the city, Bao Caihong's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery. Her mind, however, was consumed by the events of the past three months, a painful chapter that seemed to replay itself in her thoughts with relentless persistence. The betrayal she endured at the hands of the man she loved weighed heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over her once-bright spirit.

The memory of her trust being shattered, her heart broken, and her dreams dashed threatened to overwhelm her. She couldn't shake the feeling of being deceived, of being made a fool of in front of everyone. Tears welled up in her eyes and they threatened to fall, but she fought to keep them at bay, clenching her fists in a desperate attempt to maintain her composure.

She wouldn't forget how she had been betrayed by the man she had loved and how his mistress had tried to kill her.

"CEO Bao, where are we heading to?" James's voice broke through the silent car, bringing her back to the present moment. 

She turned to look at him, her expression calm despite the storm raging within her. "To the company," she replied, her voice steady and cold.

James turned his head to glance at her. "Aren't you supposed to rest? Shouldn't you go home instead?"

She had just arrived into the country and the doctor had told her that she needed rest not only for her, but for her baby too. He wanted to tell her that, but they were not alone. No one must know about her pregnancy yet, so he made signs with his eyes. 

However, Bao Caihong ignored him and placed her head on the headrest and closed her eyes. She opened her mouth and said, "I'm fine, James"

James didn't know what to do, so he kept quiet.

When they approached the familiar tall building, Bao Caihong felt a surge of mixed emotions. She felt her chest tightening as if she was loosing her breath. She immediately placed her hand on her chest, rubbing her chest gently. The car drove to the underground car park and James climbed down from the car to assist Bao Caihong to sit on the wheelchair.

Since no one knew about her absence, they both rode the private elevator into her office. 

It had been too long since she had set foot in her office, too long since she had felt the familiar hustle and bustle of the workplace. The moment they stepped into her office, She felt like she was back in reclaiming her life, her identity and her sense of purpose. 

She raised her hand, signaling to James not to push her. James understood and stepped aside, watching her from the side. She pressed a button and the wheelchair moved gently and slowly to her desk. She placed her hand on her desk, using her finger to wipe the table, but she realized that there was no single dirt on her hand.

Yes, even though she was absent, her office still looked like she had been there for months.

James noticed the pensive expression etched on her face. It was clear that her mind was preoccupied with a myriad of thoughts, each one seemingly vying for her attention. With a sense of empathy, he approached her desk, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet room. 

"Bao Caihong-"

"So… let's start" Bao Caihong cut him off as she settled at her desk. With a deep breath, she pushed aside her doubts and fears, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. She would face whatever obstacles that came her way with the same strength and determination that had carried her through the darkest days of her life. For Bao Caihong was not just a CEO; she was a survivor, a fighter, and a force to be reckoned with.

She leaned forward in her chair as she placed her hands on the desk, her eyes fixed on James. She had been absent from the company for the past three months now and she needed to catch up on everything that she had missed when she wasn't around. "I want to know everything that has happened in this company while I was away"

James, with a serious look on his face brought out an iPad and began to recount the developments that had taken place during her time away. He spoke of the company's progress, growth and the difficulty they also faced in some aspects. He showed her the documents that needed her signature, but they were only able to use her stamp since she wasn't around to sign.

Bao Caihong was okay with it since it was only James that had access to the stamp. She knew it could not be tampered with. 

Throughout that day, Bao Caihong was very busy. As she was picking calls from her shareholders and investors, she was also signing different documents and checking how the finances of the company had been managed. James, who was at the side helping her, started feeling worried that her stressing herself too much might affect her baby. 

He was worried that she wouldn't get enough rest now that she had come back to the company and to the country for revenge which might endanger her life.