
The Rouge Queen

No ranks. No Alphas. All because he rejected her, and she became the badass Queen of rouges. When he rejected her an idea came to her to leave this Kingdom and to create her all where they are all equal. He has been watching her and is furry by his decision. He wants her back. But she doesn't care, she doesn't want him. She wanted revenge, and revenge only. So she took something no other creature would want ........rouges. Though on her journey she discovers a group of wolves that spark her interest. A warrior. A Royal. A cook. A bookworm And a red-head. All with different skills, but as one are a team you would never group together. They will help her and along the way leant each other’s story on why they were here.

Utopia_Princess222 · Fantasia
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7 Chs

What It Is Like to be With Us

He was mine.

I was his.

We were supposed to be mates, but he rejected me. Worst part was it was in front of ll the monarchy, all the citizens and every dam wolf in our kind.

All because I was an Omega, know whenever I walk the streets they look. They whisper. They will beat me saying I was an rat and in shock how I could be his mate.

My mother used to say when I found my mate I would have a better home, one that they would never give me. She was a servant. Head to be exact. She made sure all the ladies were in check and to never disrespect our Alpha. Sweet. Kind. The perfect mom.My only wish was to tell her of how much I actually love her. Though not every wish can be granted.

Wished are for losers. Just like the ranks Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta. They're all stupid who even made those up and who said there is a only way to rank wolves. Oh, yes our founding fathers, stupid cubs. Adding why are they all men? Why can't' there be a woman Alpha.

My theory is that if a woman ruled packs that they would be so powerful that even The King of Stupidity will bow down. Though this theory will come true with my own society. Finally, after centuries of waiting I will stand and create a new word where rouge wolves that are kicked from their pack come to me their Rouge Queen.

Where we live no wolf is left down or in ranks. We are all equal, and we all take care of one another. No more high royals or starvation. No more punishment. We all volunteer to help our community, and throughout the years we have grown to healers to warriors to care-takers to loners. It doesn't matter who you are, we will take care of you know.

And thought these years I have found many surprises. The most surprising is when a group of teens no later than 18 came to me saying they had admired what I've done and wanted to join me. Not that their Alpha banned them from their pack but because of the roles they were given. 2 servants, 1 warrior, and another a healer. All not wanting to have that adult-life yet but to be rebellious. So they came to me to bring them in and be in our nomadic pack.

I said yes of course.

Our pack search this land to find these lost souls and bring them to us, build are army. For one day when the time is right we will strick to the Kingdom we once knew as home and when we do, I would love to see the face of The Stuck up King. But that does not matter.

When you're on the trail so long you forget much about your old life, who you used to be. It has you ponder.I especially, not that no one would miss me. I have no one left, only my cousin twice removed. Whatever that means he's close. Sometimes too close. Though I couldn't do it without him and because of that is why he is my trustee, my protector he calls himself. When I was struck one day he made a joke of having our own empire that was outside the laws of what we knew of before. That we could rule a certain part of wolves... and that is when it hit me. Rouges, know as loners who are kick out by their pack. It always sadden me when a stranger would be sent to the woods to never return for a childish reason.

Talking back when not talked to. Doing your job wrong. Etc.

Childish games that were not meant for adults. So for that reason I did what my cousin had joked and left. With him on my side we scoured the forest day and night looking for wolves who were alone. Sheltered, clothed, and feed. We showed these souls that we could be trust and with trust became friendship and on forth we grew.

No longer wolves got scared of being kicked out for they would have me, which made The King upset that each one of his subjects that would leave him come to me. I love it because forever wolf that comes to the side of the wild that means it is an extra warrior, and a less solider's for that army in the Kingdom of Hala.

My pleasure for me and my mate, because for some odd reason we're still connected and whenever I have pain his is ten times worse.

Thanks for reading!!! Love you all

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