
The Rouge Queen

No ranks. No Alphas. All because he rejected her, and she became the badass Queen of rouges. When he rejected her an idea came to her to leave this Kingdom and to create her all where they are all equal. He has been watching her and is furry by his decision. He wants her back. But she doesn't care, she doesn't want him. She wanted revenge, and revenge only. So she took something no other creature would want ........rouges. Though on her journey she discovers a group of wolves that spark her interest. A warrior. A Royal. A cook. A bookworm And a red-head. All with different skills, but as one are a team you would never group together. They will help her and along the way leant each other’s story on why they were here.

Utopia_Princess222 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Initiation for our new family

Sometimes I wonder what would it be like to be a higher rank.

Would he still want me?

No. I promise myself I wouldn't think or speak of him. My worries are my people and their requirements.

Today is Retreat Day, every 15 days when we have search all the lands for rouges we will bring them back to our home. Their home. My home. Hopefully Rhett, my cousin hasn't made a mess of my home. Last time he waisted months full of water just because of his careless archery. Oh, how much I wanted to kill him because of his stupidity. Though he's my only family, so I did give him some slack.

"My fellow friends today we have to welcome our newest members of our Rouge family." Rhett announced on the podium gesturing to the five newest members. " though if you do join us you must share your blood." He grinned pulling his bronze blade from pocket. Rhett walked up to the ash-blonde girl we rescued last week. She was hanging from an edge of a cliff, stripped with only a bagged shirt and underwear.

Poor girl abused by her mother, sad story. But not for me to tell.

Rhett grasps a hold of her collar and began to brand her with the mark of an X, simple but shows that we cannot be brought by our X-Packs.

She whimpered and began to shake, by her pale face and queasy eyes she was going to faint and with that I snapped my fingers for him to stop and continue with the next wolf.He stared up at me rolling his eyes at my command.

Always enjoyed this part of the initiation. After he grabbed one of the corkscrews and collected the blood that dripped from her collar, then at the pure glass bowl with blood from us all, he poured in the drops of hers.

"Our first rogue has become one of us." Rhett echoed his voice holding up the blooded corkscrew. The crowd clapped, whistle and banged on the tables and chairs. With that one he continued with the red-head boy whose wolf is the opposite of him, the bookworm girl who always carry a book even at the initiation, the rebellious royal, the buff warrior and lastly the innocent angel.

All of them were champs and completed the initiation, not hard just scary at first, but they did survive and that all that matters.

Now it is time to see how they can pull their weight.

The Warrior of course will be a guard. Bookworm, teacher or educator. Rebellious royal can come in handy with information on the other packs, but I have to remind myself to keep an eye on her for she could just be a spy and compromise my empire that I created. As well the Angel I heard was an excellent cook, she did make some non-bland chicken. Red head don't ask all he does is keep his head down and twiddle with his hands but no worries we will find a spot for him.

Let the party began, with music, drinks and sweaty wolves. For in 15 days they haven't had alcohol, smiles or fun to be exact. In between those days they eat, train, plan and everything. No fun for when I am sacrificing my life for their safely they better do the same. Which is why we have warriors manly and others such as cooks, servants, teachers for the children. Though children are rare if I'm aware we have 4 children Miles, Leia, Thorn, and Seiko.

Sweet children and all already know their future. Reason's why we have teachers they help guide the children into what they will do for our rouge pack, and the bookworm will be perfect for the job.

Once I smelt the harsh spicy tequila and lime whiskey. I left by the back curtains and began to take off the chains that strapped my body, though a clink of metal rang through my ears and. I grasp the sword on the thigh and flung it at whomever is there.

A high baby pitch was heard after and by my side eye it was the bookworm. Called it.

"Hello little one how may I help you." I asked keeping my back faced to her.

"H-Hi My Queen I just want to say thank you for accepting me-""One do not call me Queen and to your welcome." I interrupted her not in the mood for another thank you for the millionth time.

"Then what do I call you?" She asked acting more confident than before, as her bright blond hair revealed her heart shaped structure.

"Fang." I answered moving my heels to her direction. "Let me ask you, how did you get up here?" I questioned having that come to me, no wolf can go up here but Rhett.

"I-I." She stuttered not being able to spit out her words.

"I brought her here." Rhett came from the shadows coming to the side of her holding onto the shoulder her engraved the X in.

"Did you? Do you wish to be sent to the dungeon, or perhaps in a ball of fire? I prefer the fire." I smirked devilish keeping my gaze at him.

"Come on Fang-"

"No come on Fang, leave before I do something I will regret." I paused him pointing to the door behind them that connected to the staircase where the other wolves were at.

"Yes My Queen." He bowed rolling his glowed hazel eyes at me.

For that I rummage through my pocket to find a ball of marble inside and with that I threw it straight at his forehead, he whimpered with nothing else to expend it and began to run faster with the bookworm on his tail.

That stupid wolf, she's nothing to him. All he will do is fuck her till the party is over, which won't be till midnight. Then back to work but even that he won't stop.

What will I do, I don't trust her already.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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