
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

T W E N T Y - S E V E N


He stalked into the room, his throne seated high above where I was, on my knees. The chains I was shackled with burned my skin, like they were radiating a poison. It made my senses weak. He was a massive broad shouldered man. He was tall, and not lanky at all. I could see his muscles rippling through his slacks as he walked. I inhaled, the place was musty, damp, like I was under ground. The ground nearly shook when he sat.

"Zena," the room rumbled and I gulped, "I'm so glad to finally meet you."

I didn't look at him, he had just stormed in and taken me and some others from my pack, against my will. A war. Images flashed through my mind, my father, the King, dead. Hot tears ran down my face. The man that had carried me in here yanked my hair back, forcing me to meet the stranger's gaze. I was bruised and bloody, nearly dead at this point. No amount of training could have prepared me for his warriors. I was a Princess, and I wondered what his end goal was if not money.

"Unchain her, Pryor," his baritone was almost music to my ears, had we met in a better situation. The thick metal clattered to the ground from my wrists. I rubbed them, they were blistered, whatever was on those was strong. "Come my dear, you'll understand soon."


I woke up again, Gabriel nowhere to be seen. What day was it? I grabbed my phone from the charger. I shivered, my window was slightly open, allowing the crisp winter air to seep through. I heard laughing coming from the living room, but had no mental energy to leave my bed. Gabriel's scent lingered heavily, on my shirt, in my sheets and I swear it could have rocked me back to sleep. Fifteen hours?! It was nearly three full days since my heat had started. I slowly sat up, still sore from the events that took place, my room was a disaster.

I stood and looked at myself in the mirror, pulling my shirt collar away from my neck. The hickey Gabriel left was almost as satisfying of what I thought my mark would be. I changed my clothes, putting on my favorite pair of leggings, some fuzzy socks, and an oversized sweatshirt. After shutting my window I put my hair into a scrunchy and left my bedroom. From the loft I could see my family all laughing. Fern and Bayne were here too, along with Zak and Bree. My heart dropped, but then I saw him, Gabriel walked out of the kitchen, two glasses of water in hand.

His eyes met mine and his face immediately lit up, "good morning love," he winked at me, it was way past morning. I smiled back, "hey you," and started down the stairs. After he set down the glasses, he wrapped me in a warm embrace once I got to the bottom, his hand brushed my face as if to make sure I was real. My eyes closed at his touch and he kissed my forehead. He walked me to the couch, and sat me down.

"How'd you sleep..." he asked, handing me a glass of water, it was like he knew I was awake. Honestly he probably did sense I had woken up.

"Really good after you left," I smirked playfully at him. Fern spit out her drink and giggled when he furrowed his brow at me. My father walked in the door, followed by his own Betas and Bex. Gabriel's eyes flickered over to him immediately, so I pulled on his hand to have him sit next to me.

"Perfect timing," he looked at everyone, "since you're all here," he got down on one knee and held my hand. I raised a brow at him, only people proposed on one knee, I was lost in confusion.

"My love, My Queen," his gorgeous green eyes held my gaze, "Ms. Kai Elaina Rivers, soon to be Mrs. Kai Elaina Black," I was even more confused now, "will you do me the honor, of going on a run with me?"

Everyone gasped, including myself.

Before I could answer I grabbed his face and pulled him to me, my lips crashing passionately against his. He stood, pulling me up too.

"Is that a yes.." he asked, catching his breath, a smile on his face. I smiled, our foreheads pressed together and I nodded, "yeah," I was nearly panting, "I think it is." Gabriel swooped me up and spun me around and everyone stood up. Fern was jumping for joy, my mom was nearly crying. I met Bex's gaze and a twinge of pain hit my heart. He was hiding his real feelings behind fake smiles and clapping hands.

A run to any human might not sound like much, but for us werewolves, it was a major step. It was honestly the engagement before the wedding. Wolves didn't have a choice in mates, and usually your human form connected with ease to your mate. However, your wolf needed to connect too. So going on a run, was an extremely intimate part of building your relationship with your mate.

I had never seen Gabriel's wolf. I shivered at the thought. What if he hated Reia, what would happen to us as mates? Would people respect my role as Queen? Or would I be doomed forever. No, that wouldn't happen. Gabriel already showed so many signs of affection, or was that the heat I was in. My mind started spinning, my heart racing.

"How does tonight sound, do you have enough energy back?"

I pushed my fears down as deep as I could, I couldn't back out now. Everyone was watching us, anxiously awaiting my reply, again.

"That sounds great," I smiled at him, "and then we can go public and maybe I'll start my training with your pack..."

He smiled, nearly beaming with excitement. All I could think about was how the hell I going to hide my trail. There was fresh snow on the ground and it was still coming down in large flakes. I was anxious, I hadn't shifted since my birthday. Now I was supposed to shift in front of him. I gulped at the thought.

"I think you're only asking me tonight cause it'll make it easy for you," I said, sarcasm dripping from my lips. Everyone who wasn't still looking at us, was again. Bree's eyes widened, clearly not used to anyone giving the Alpha King some sass.

"Are you not up for the challenge," he raised a brow at me, returning the sarcasm, but implying something else. I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm more than suited for the challenge," I smirked.

"Oh my god you guys get a room!!!" Fern's squeal broke the playful games between us. I looked at her with a smile, "sorry," I put a hand up and whispered, "but have you seen him??" I motioned to Gabriel with my eyes. She giggled and put a hand to her face before leaning back into Bayne's chest again. The room was filled with laughter again, but Bex walked away to the kitchen. I followed suit while Gabriel turned to start talking business with Zak.

He was filling a glass of water, I leaned my back on the counter next to him, placing my hands on each side of me. He hardly looked at me, just stared blankly at his hand around his glass. We both started at the same time,

"I'm sorry-"

"Are you o-"

just as we had started, we stopped. I looked at him, "you go." He shook his head. I bit the inside of my lip, "I'm sorry. I hurt you. I knew we never should have been toget-"

This time he interrupted me, "don't you ever apologize for our time together again." His voice was strong, not hate filled or sad. "I love you Kai, we always knew we'd have to part ways, and I'm glad you have him." I could feel my eyes burning with hot tears, images of our last kiss taking over my brain. "My sister was right, you're going to be the perfect queen," he rubbed one finger along the back of my hand.

I inhaled deep, trying to prevent the tears from falling onto my cheeks. I moved my hand away from his touch, and he lowered his head, "sorry," he whispered.

I looked right at him, "don't apologize." I forced a smile next, "at least I'll stop kicking your ass."

He raised a brow and finished taking his drink of water, "half the time I let you win."

I giggled, and my eyes met Gabriel's as he walked in to the kitchen. He glanced between Bex and I, "I'm going to go so you can get ready for tonight," he spoke while walking over to us.

"Already," I questioned him, I didn't want him to go yet. There were still hours between now and then. He took my hands in his, "something came up at home," he put my hands on his chest and pulled me in for a hug, "pack a bag, I'm taking you home tonight, okay?" He kissed the top of my head.

I tangled my fingers around his shirt and whimpered, "is this what my life is going to be like now? You leaving me alone during the good moments?" My eyes were shut and I was inhaling his scent.

"No love, next time something happens you'll officially be announced as Queen and we can go together," he pulled away, eyes beaming with satisfaction at his own words. I gave him a soft smile and nodded. With that he gave me a kiss and walked out the door. Zak and Bree both waved at me, following right behind Gabriel.

I let out a sigh, Fern was now walking in. Bex laughed a little, "I guess you both have duties to tend to."

"C'mon, we have to pick out something for you to wear tonight." Fern's eyes were sparkling with excitement and she tugged on me. I gave her a smile and followed her through the door frames to the stairs. She glance back at Bayne and gave him a nod. He got up and followed us to my bedroom.

"Mom are you coming?" I was kind of feeling down now that Gabriel left, but it only lasted a minute. I needed to look my best for this run. It was stage two of three when it came to wolves, especially an Alpha, finding their mate. My mom got up and excused herself, following the three of us.

I sat on my bed and hugged the pillow Gabriel had found his way to sleeping on last night. It smelled like him, whiskey and evergreen, intoxicating. Fern ravaged through my closet, trying to find something nice for me to wear, even though I would be shifting, it was kind of a tradition to show up looking nice. My mind was wandering about why Gabriel had really left so early, sure I needed to get ready, but it was only eight this evening. I shook my head at one of my favorite sweaters. Too casual. Next she grabbed leather pants, I shook my head again, too sexy. Finally, she pulled out a sweater dress, with suede thigh high black boots.

I raised a brow, "okay I'll try it on. Even though I still feel like it's too casual." I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

When I walked out I shook my head, "nope, way to casual, I can't do it. I'll pack it for tomorrow."

Fern sighed, "girl what the hell are you going to wear, you've turned every idea down."

I shrugged, my mom looked at me weird, "I have the perfect thing." She left the room and Fern and I looked at each other. Not even five minutes went by and she walked back in. From the looks of what she was carrying, it was a dress. She hung the garment bag by the hanger on the towel rack that I had on the back of my door, "open it when you're ready."

I looked at it in question, my heart racing with anxiety and excitement. It was now or never, I stood up, and walked to it. My mom stepped back and sat on the edge of my bed, a giant smile across her face. I slowly raised my hand to the zipper, unable to see through the material. I inhaled, and shut my eyes. I began unzipping it, and my breath caught.

I pulled the zipper the rest of the way down and gasped. A long black dress, that looked as if it would be form fitting. Made out a silk, there was no doubt it would drag on the ground as I walked. Behind that was a faux fur cape, as long as the dress. It was held in place around the chest of the dress with a chain of pearls. Tears filled my eyes, and the room was silent.

I turned around, "whe- where did you get this.." I covered my mouth with my hand. I turned around to face my mother, the room still silent. Fern was frozen in shock, admiring the dress. I turned back to it, and took it by the hanger, "I'm putting this on, right fucking now!!" I squealed and trotted the few steps to the bathroom to change before she could even answer.

I hung it on the shower curtain and stood in admiration again. My hands reached up to touch the pearls. I can't put it on yet, I have to pack, prepare to leave. I whipped the door back open and everyone was staring at me in anticipation and I laughed, "I'm so sorry, I realized I have to pack first. I'm staying with Gabriel tonight, and if I put it on, I won't take it off. I already know that."

Fern shook her head, "dear, you're wearing what you're packing.." I looked down, still in the sweater dress from earlier. I closed the door and changed back into the baggy sweatshirt. Opening the door I found Fern and my mom grabbing my suitcase, and emptying my entire dresser into it, packing like I was leaving for good. I threw the sweater dress in the suit case and went to help pack.

We folded clothes and filled two suit cases, one full of my baggy clothes for training, another for my casual, and dressy styled clothing. It was almost midnight, Gabriel would be here within the next hour and a half, and I was getting more and more nervous. I fell back on to my bed, my head spinning. How was I going to lose an Alpha King, my Mate, in the snow. Thankfully, Reia's coat was as platinum as my hair. So the snow would be an advantage, if I could hide my scent, and my tracks.

There was a knock on my door, my mom.

"Have you made a game plan?" She walked in and I huffed, shaking my head. "It's all about the chase dear, so don't slow down. He's going to be fast." I gulped, I knew I shouldn't have done this. What if it was too easy and it made me look like a weak mate.

"I need to find a river," I sat up, "then let Reia's pelt do the rest." My mom raised her eye brow, "oh, my wolf, Reia, she has a name," I smiled at her amd she returned the look.

"It's beautiful, perfect for a Queen." My mother reached her hand out to me, "now come, we have to get you dressed so your father and I can give you a proper send off." She helped me up and I sauntered to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I took off the sweatshirt I was in and put the silk dress over my head. It was a spaghetti strap styled dress. Even though it was winter, the cape would keep me warm enough, werewolves were warmer than humans naturally. I walked out, the dress all the way to the ground, and accentuating my figure. I wasn't very curvy, but this dress made it look like I could be. My mom just smiled at me, her fingers entwined into each other, holding her own hand at her chest.

Next came the cape, I put my head through the opening, the pearls laying on my chest. The end of it slightly touching the ground. I looked around for my boots, and slid them on, they wouldn't show anyway. They were the easiest option.

My mom helped make my hair slightly wavy compared the the straight texture it normally held. The waves fell over the cape, and I applied the slightest mascara to bring out my eyes. When I finally could look in the mirror, I heard Gabriel's car speeding down the road. Relief and panic set in at the same time. I was relieved he kept his promise to come back, but nervous for where the night was going to take us. It was currently one in the morning now.

"Kai my love," my father's voice echoed from the living room, "your King is here." I could hear the happiness in his voice. Almost proud. I shut my eyes and inhaled to calm my nerves before opening my door. Stepping out into the loft above the living room, I saw Gabriel still standing by the front door adjusting the cufflinks on his sleeves. His eyes met mine and I swear there were one hundred emotions crossing his face at one time. Almost silent gasps filled the room, Fern's eyes were starting to water and so were my Dad's.

I started walking down the stairs, my parents had nearly fifty candles burning, no lights were on. I grabbed my dress to be sure not to trip, the cape dragged down the steps behind me. I was shocked at the transformation my parents have given the house, just for me to leave. It was kind of against the rules for your mate to touch you before a run, their scent would be left on you, so Bex came to the stairs and grabbed my hand, helping me down the final three.

Gabriel eyed him, but not in anger, it was a look I didn't know how to read. My Mom came down the steps and walked over to my Dad, both standing by the door now. Fern jumped up and gave me a hug, "you're already looking like a Queen." I laughed a little and returned the squeeze.

My parent's hugged me at the same time, wrapping me in a giant bear hug almost. They each kissed me on the head, "you'll be amazing sweetheart," my Mom whispered in my ear. Now tears were starting to well in my eyes, and I was shocked that I was so emotional, this wasn't even our mating ceremony. How were they going to handle that?

"Shall we," Gabriel's eyes pierced into my soul. I gave him a nod, and turned around to see everyone looking at me, "you all need to get some sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow. Don't stay up." I spoke, my voice didn't tremble, and I was relieved by it, I didn't want them to know how nervous I really was becoming. Gabriel opened the door and held it, allowing me to walk through first. I heard him inhale deep, most likely a tactic to use against me tonight.

Once outside I started towards the car, the snowflakes were as big as quarters and slowly floating through the air. Gabriel ran ahead of me to make sure he beat me to the door, and I rolled my eyes, "you know I am capable of opening a door, right?"

He shot me a look, "but I'm not going to let you."

I rolled my eyes again, and sat down into the seat. He had turned the seat warmer on for me, it was cozy. He got in, and backed out of the drive way, I had no idea where I was even going. I just leaned my head back, closing my eyes, and brainstormed different plans and scenarios.

"You look beautiful tonight," Gabriel's voice was soft.

"You don't look too bad yourself, my King," I smiled, not opening my eyes.


We were standing in the woods, almost ten feet apart from each other. Now was when we had to strip down and shift in front of each other. My heart was racing and I felt nauseous, what if I couldn't shift. Our eyes were holding on to each other, refusing to look away. I held my head high, not letting him see my nerves.

"Ready," he asked, his voice gentle.

I nodded, not saying a word. He had left his jacket in the car, to even out the amount of clothing for us. I watched him as he reached up and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, biting my lip to prevent the thoughts that came rushing through my mind. I reached up and unhooked the string of pearls across my chest and let the cape fall to the ground. I slowly reached around my back and started to unzip the dress, Gabriel's eyes were on me and I felt like we had reached a whole new level of intimacy. Sure we'd been naked together, but not like this. I hadn't stripped down with his eyes watching me this intensely.

His shirt was off and now he was working on his shoes and pants. I didn't have anything on under the dress but my boots, so I pulled the straps down off my shoulder and let the dress fall gracefully to the ground around me. My hair was long enough to cover my breasts but instead it was all behind my shoulders, resting on my back. I slipped the boots off and took a step towards Gabriel, we were both completely naked now. Looking each other over, observing. The way his eyes gazed over every inch of my exposed skin made me tingle.

He gave me a smile, and slight nod, it was time to shift. I closed my eyes and inhaled, easing my shift on, ladies went first in this manner. Reia did not hesitate, my bones started breaking and adjusting into their new form, fur grew out of my pores and soon I was standing as a four legged animal. I had forgotten that Gabriel hadn't seen my wolf either and he stared in awe. A new rush of confidence filled my blood stream. I looked down at Reia's fur, it was whiter then I remembered.

Gabriel started shifting, it was a horrendous process to watch. Soon it was over and I was staring into the dark green eyes of a giant, dark brown, nearly black wolf. He towered over me in wolf form, just like he did in his human form. The first time wolves met each other was always unpredictable. Sometimes they'd romp around like love struck yearlings, other times, to a stranger's eye, it might look as if a fight was about to break out. That's why we ran, a first run calms them down, to know each other, connect with each other.

For Gabriel and I, it was the latter. He puffed out his chest and stood tall, but Reia snarled in challenge, teeth bared, and hackles raised. Eros snarled back, his tongue flicking through his canines. His tail was up and he snapped towards me. Each of us tried snarling louder than the other, our faces next to each other, waiting for the other to give in and submit. There were a few snaps around muzzles and more snarling, until we had finally broken free and began circling. Our eyes never straying from one another.

The snow was falling heavy, and Eros' ears flicked back and forth, that was my chance. I took off into the night, as fast as I could.