
The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1

In this fast paced, steamy romance, meet an entirely new breed of Werewolf. A Queen, Alpha Female, mated to an Alpha King, but much more than that, Kai Rivers is transformed into a Moon Queen, a rare and all-powerful type of wolf. Directly descended from the Moon Goddess herself, with power comes responsibly, and a lot of trouble. Learning who you can trust, is more trouble than not trusting anyone at all. Kai has grown up, anticipating the day she'll find her mate. Her one true love, designed for her from the Moon Goddess. She has always had a perfectly clear image of how her life was going to turn out, she would train for her Ritual, she would meet her mate, she would stay here with her pack as long as her brother and mate allowed. Until she finds him. Gabriel Zion Black. A possessive, unruly Alpha King who flips Kai's destiny into a parallel. Goddess help her.

torieileen7 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

T W E N T Y - E I G H T


Eros was excited to run, he wanted to chase after Reia. Instead I held him back and watched her go, her white fur disappeared almost instantly. The snow was falling down faster now, her tracks would be covered if I gave her enough time. I walked over to her dress and inhaled deep, the almost vanilla scent filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes, focusing hard on the smell, damp snow made it more difficult to follow but not impossible.

I waited for a good while, before following after her. Reia's paw prints were beginning to fade so I picked up the pace. Her prints and scent lead to the river and I let out a growl in frustration. I padded into the water, the wind blowing more of her scent to me. Eros shook his fur and again, and took off, her scent was strong now again, and was the only thing leading us to her. She was smart, she tried to hide it, but Eros could pick her out immediately in a crowd. The Mate Bond was funny like that, she could cover herself in mud if she wanted, but I would still find her.

I kept my eyes peeled for her, it would be hard to pick her out in this snow. The Full Moon would reflect off of her like it did the snow. The freezing water came up to my belly, but my adrenaline didn't let me get cold. There were downed trees along the water, none of them with snow on them. The wind shifted and I lost her scent. I stopped, and closed my eyes. The image of Kai walking up the stairs at The Palace with her eyes closed flashed in my head and made me feel at peace.

I listened to my surroundings, ignoring the flowing of the water around me. There was rustling to my left, but it was too small of an animal to be Kai. Her scent finally wafted back to me, coming from the same direction of the animal that was making the noise. She had most likely scared them, so now I had tracks to follow. I bolted in that direction, not taking any time to shake out my coat. I was gaining on her, I ran into her tracks and was able to follow them again. By now it had been almost two hours, we were deep in the woods.

Another fucking creek, Eros let out a growl, annoyed that he hadn't found her yet. The snow was letting up, and Kai's scent was drifting through the occasional gusts of wind. A new found sense of determination entranced me and we padded into the water yet again. I stopped when I saw her wet prints using a log to escape the water, a smart move if I would have been far enough behind for it to dry. I sniffed the tracks to make sure it was her, and followed up the fallen tree.

I saw her prints probably ten feet from the bank, and leapt down. Another hour or so had passed, me just running, following her prints. Until I saw her. Pride took over me, she was perfectly camouflaged, her tail wrapped over her nose, and her eyes shut, the only dark parts on her wolf's body. Her ears were pinned back, making sure not to give her away. She didn't see or hear me from the looks of it so I found a route to be higher than the ledge she was laying on.

I stared down at her, my head cocked to the side, wondering if she'd catch my scent and know where I was, or if I was going to take her completely by surprise. To my own surprised she perked her ears up, one of them slanted backwards, in my direction. A growl rumbled from her and she stood, whipping herself around to look up at me. I jumped down on to her ledge, tail raised.


He found me. I snarled at him, teeth bared once again. Gabriel didn't care he charged to me, slamming me to the ground before I could dodge him. I tried to free myself from under him with my back legs but he was heavy. My ears were pinned back to my head and we both snarled at each other. I pushed on his chest with my front paw, again to no avail. Our wolves eyes met and it was like a waterfall of emotion was pouring down onto me.

Reia's attitude changed immediately and she stopped trying to push him off, my body relaxed and Reia licked his jowls. Submitting to her mate. He still snarled, his lips curling back and snapped at her muzzle. She continued to lick him, not fighting. Gabriel got off me, and Reia rushed to him, pushing her left shoulder into his chest. He tackled her again, but this time let Reia pin him, and returned the licks under her chin.

He rolled to his side and then stood, flopping me to the ground. He pushed his nose into my scruff and inhaled, when he exhaled his breath was hot, comforting. He started to walk away, only turning around to make sure I was following. His head was lowered in a patient way. I followed him and we climbed higher up the ledge, rather than down it. The sun was nowhere to be seen and wouldn't be for hours yet. Winter was my favorite time of the year.

We climbed to the top, only able to see the moon and stars now. As mates on a run, it's was a tradition that you howled together if your wolves were as connected as your human. Gabriel broke the silence first, his song pierced the night around us, a low and even howl. I chimed in, my howl had changed too, it was higher than before. I wanted to stop, but abruptly stopping would be embarrassing. I'm sure my parents were waiting to hear our howls, but we were far from home. Soon our voices faded, both running out of breath.

Gabriel brushed himself against me, and started to circle me, as if he was still hunting. If I was in human form a sly smile would have crossed my lips. I never let him have my back, no matter how many backwards circles I had to make. Gabriel's circles were getting closer, and then he pounced, but I dodged him and grabbed his scruff, pulling it gently. He let out a small growl and pretended to fall over from my grip. I stood over him, and he showed me his belly. We were equals.

Our wolves brushed faces, and I closed my eyes. He gave me a quick lick on the muzzle. I walked over him and he nipped at my back legs. I started towards home, our run was over, we just needed to run back. I jumped down from the numerous ledges we had previously climbed. Only stopping to look back when I heard him whimper at me. His head was cocked to the side, questioning where I was going. I wanted to run with him, to prance through the woods with him, not snuggle in the snow.

I didn't budge, so he got up and jumped down the ledges to follow. I headed back the way we had come Gabriel right behind me, we got to the first creek and I stopped to look at myself. An unfamiliar wolf was staring back at me. She had my eyes, but her fur was as white as the snow. She was bigger then before, stronger, but there was something about her that gave me an eerie feeling.

Gabriel stood slightly behind me, his reflection was the opposite. A dark wolf, with those beautiful green eyes that were nearly black in the night, he towered over me, his wolf a true king. I brushed my cheek and neck into the abundance of fur he had on his chest. It was so thick it could be a mane. His scent engulfed me and I wished we were home. He nudged me with his shoulder and we both waded into the water.

Home. I could smell our clothes under the snow that had fallen onto them. Our wolves brushed against each other and howled one final time. Then we shifted, both standing naked in the snow. Gabriel smiled at me and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waste. He kissed me, and my heart fluttered. Our hair and skin was soaking wet, but I wasn't cold. He walked me over to the car and set me down, opening the door.

"I have towels in the back, put something cozy on," he turned to go grab the rest of our clothes from earlier. It was sunrise now, I was exhausted, no doubt would I be sleeping the rest of the day. I wondered if he had any appointments to make today, or if we were going to ride out the honeymoon phase high we were on. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself with it before sitting in the car, I didn't want his seats to be wet. I had a backpack in the front seat by me, it had a bottle of water, scrunchies, a baggy sweatshirt of Gabriel's, and my underwear. I quickly got dressed. No pants was basically a staple for me.

I took my hair out of the towel and put it into a bun, my mom would always yell at me for that. It was not very good for your hair. I reached in the back and found that Gabriel had a backpack of his own as well, so I opened it, and took out the sweatpants and sweatshirt he brought. I was tempted to switch shirts with him, but decided against it. Gabriel opened the door and I handed him a towel and his sweatshirt, then reluctantly handed over his pants. He got in the car, I had never seen him dressed like this. Even when I stayed over, he was only in a suit.

"You know that's bad for your hair right," he looked at my bun.

"Who are you? My mother?" I rolled my eyes at him, but secretly was laughing on the inside.

Soon we were driving home, both of us were quiet. I rested my head in my hand on the center council, my other hand holding Gabriel's. Even though I was so exhausted, I couldn't sleep, thoughts from the last few days flashed through my head. Tonight was magical. There would be no other night that made me feel the way I did tonight. It was intimate, I had been nervous but now I was completely at peace. I sighed and shut my eyes.

Gabriel's voice broke the silence, "your wolf changed, didn't she?" He spoke very casually, not a hint of concern in his voice, just curiosity.

I nodded, keeping my eyes closed, "she did. Her fur used to be closer to silver than white."

"She's evolving Kai," he smiled, and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

It wasn't long until we pulled in to the driveway, I was eager to lay in bed so I could sleep for a couple hours. Zak and Bree were here already and I mentally rolled my eyes. They better not have any requests Zak walked down the front steps to the trunk of the car, carrying my bags inside.

"Pretend you're sleeping, love."

Gabriel's voice penetrated my thoughts, and I smiled. I could do that. He opened my door and picked me up, my head falling to his chest. He got me situated in his arms and neither Zak nor Bree said a word to him. I kept my eyes shut until we were in the bedroom, I looked up at him and he grinned.

He set me down on the bed, "I wanted a peaceful morning with you, but it looks like I might have to go."

"No you don't..." I whined, "you're the King.. tell him to handle it for the day.." I grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and pulled him on top of me, kissing him. I didn't want sex, just for him not to leave. I wanted a day with him to myself. I pulled away from him, "please stay, just today.."

"I have to at least go talk to him, and get your bags," he kissed my forehead, "I'll see what is so pressing that he interrupted our run."

I just nodded, letting him go. Once he left the room I got up and cracked the window open a little. I liked to be cold when I slept. My perfect night of sleep is freezing cold with three blankets and a hooded sweatshirt, able to make a nest around myself. I stopped by the window, accidentally eves-dropping.

"Sir, I'm sorry, this cannot wait."

"Then get on with it," Gabriel growled.

"You and the Queen have been invited," Zak's voice held strong but I could hear the concern in his voice, "to a ball."

"A fucking ball!? That, is what can't wait?" Gabriel was mad now, he raised his voice.

"I'm sorry my King," Bree chimed in, "its not just a ball, its a ball... for you two."

"What do you mean, for us?"

"Here, this is the invite.." I assumed Zak handed a paper to Gabriel. I crawled back into bed, a ball could wait until I had a sound mind. I snuggled under the covers, the hood over my head, Gabriel burst through the door and I just looked at him.

"Your secret admirer is a fucking stalker," he walked over and handed me the invite, he was right. The same cursive, the same smell emanating from the paper. I inhaled deep, and read it.

My dearest Kai,

I'd like to host a ball for you and your new mate. You know, to kick off your mating ceremony. I have already picked a location and made arrangements. It'd be rude to say no.

The rest of the invites will be delivered tomorrow.



I pondered my thoughts for a moment, "I guess this means we are going public today, so nobody is shocked tomorrow."

I felt like Gabriel was seeing right through my eyes into my brain he was so intensely looking at me. I put the hood over my head, fell backwards on to the pillows, and pulled the ties of the sweatshirt so tight the hood closed around my face. Gabriel laughed, clearly amused by how uncomfortable I was.

"Can we sleep first.." I mumbled into the sweatshirt.

"I can't understand you, love," Gabriel crawled into bed next to me, like he really did understand exactly what I had said. I reached up to the hood, and pulled the small opening to mouth level.

"I said..." Gabriel pressed his lips to mine and pulled me to his chest. His arm was under my neck and he was holding himself over me with his elbow. He untied the strings and gently put his hand to my cheek, opening the hood again and pulling it down from over my head. He reached for the blankets and pulled them over our shoulders. His lips were warm on mine and I felt the safest I'd ever felt in his embrace.

Neither of us tried to break away from the kiss. Gabriel's hand wandered to my thigh and he squeezed it aggressively. A knock on the door broke his concentration and he let out a growl.

"WHAT?!" Gabriel didn't move, his voice was irritated. The bedroom door slowly started to open and Gabriel hardly turned his head.

"My King, my Queen, I do apologize for this interruption," Zak's voice held strong even though I'm sure he was trebling, "I need to know what we are going to do so I ca-"

"We are going to enjoy our morning, and take a goddamn nap and THEN I will decide our next move. Now get out." Gabriel's voice seethed through his teeth and I looked at him, eyebrows raised, and eyes in slight shock at his tone with his Beta. He leaned back down and kissed me again, simultaneously moving his hand from my thigh to my ass, squeezing it just as hard as my thigh.

"Yes, my King.." Zak spoke quietly and closed the door again.

Gabriel pulled his lips from mine and kissed my chin, and across my jaw, to my neck. Every time he touched me it felt like my skin was on fire. It felt amazing, like he was touching me for the first time. He moved his hand back to my cheek, and put his lips on mine again, his kisses slowed down until he placed a small kiss on the tip of my nose.

"You need to get some sleep, if we really are going to go public today, it's going to be a lot to handle all at one time, especially with those invites that are potentially going out tomorrow."

"I don't know, I kind of liked those kisses," I whined, "we could just start kissing every where we go, and then people can put two and two together."

He chuckled, adjusting himself while I rolled onto my left side. He pulled me into him, making me the smallest spoon ever, "just go to sleep love, we'll figure it out." His breath tickled the back of my neck. It only took a couple minutes before I drifted to sleep, his arms holding me in a cozy cocoon.