
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

The laws and it’s effects!

As minutes minutes passed every Ultima has repeatedly checked they're bodies what is odd is that no Ultima could contain the laws inside them it would just leave they're bodies they could feel all the changes but couldn't take benefit of them as of now to all the ultimas these new changes was just the same as they were before after all having a law was basically just having authority they already could control all energies but it's still evident that having laws would be beneficial without any draw backs, kirean not at all surprised they knew of laws for years they also know every single thing is made of laws like the laws of gravity etc they even knew of a special dimension as kirean finished his thinking he looked at leviathan who was just looking at him up and down wondering what happened kirean just shook his head and took leviathan into his pet space and teleported to Aurora in his throne room as he was sure a minute was about to be held but before he left said said "status"


NAME: Kirean silver

RACE: Ultima

STRENGTH: 16,000,000,000

VITALITY: 16,000,000,000

SPEED: 16,000,000,000

INTELLIGENCE: 16,000,000,000

PET: leviathan

TRAITS: [Forefather] [Royal origin bloodline] [….]

Looking at his new stats he nodded the laws did give him a small improvement you may think that it's almost half his strength but he is only at 100,000 planets he could potentially hold billions this is a small improvement factoring potential as it's unlikely for his strength to increase because of laws again unless he ranks up to a sun lord as kirean finished thinking he disappeared from the underwater ocean and appeared in his throne room in Aurora looking at his castle he felt like it was just yesterday that it was small surrounded by a little town now it's gigantic capable of holding a million ultimas it had floating weapon batteries all around it was designed to be the final line of defense for the ultimas not that they'll ever need it thought kirean as he just finished thinking he heard a knock on the door to the throne room and new it was time "come in" said kirean as the door opened and 6 people came in at first they were stunned when they laid there eyes on kirean as they could feel he was holding laws in his body they quickly went infront of his throne and all said "greetings forefather" kirean just nodded and said "I know what happened I was testing something out with all traits like linking them together and it worked but I didn't think all Ultima traits would follow suit" said kirean ofcourse he wasn't going to tell anyone about the system he has millions of years maybe billions to go he is just getting started it will not be to late to tell everyone when he dies or when he is ready the system is only a distraction to them at this moment it's existence brings no valuable benefits atleast he doesn't think so afterall they could easily make another system but he couldn't give out crazy rewards because they aren't rich yet 'we have to start working on researching the soul making a system would be great for all of us and I can make it so it's not as useless as mine and can help in everything including combat' thought kirean but was brought back to reality when he heard [the system will be shutting down for 20 years due to power issues] the first time the system voluntarily talked to him and it was when he made it mad sighed kirean internally

"Forefather these laws are of an extreme high level compared to the available energy in the universe we already use the limit of energy without laws although the laws we have are clearly better not by a lot actually it's very small gap that could be crossed and widened if we were sun lords the laws we produce aren't even capable of fighting full planet energy well not ours as we have quantity and quality almost reaching it" said Gaia as kirean looked at her hologram a little closer and said "Gaia im curious what do laws do to you?" Said kirean as he knew Gaia couldn't interfere with reality yet other than holograms he wanted to know if laws changed that Gaia just smiled and said "forefather because I'm made of your blood I'm capable of holding some laws but they function differently from yours I'm able to use them to boost my processing power by atleast 50% making calculations and research way faster other than that I'm able to feel the world as I'm allowed to turn a small portion of my hologram real for a couple seconds I'm limited due to the amount of laws stored and the quality of it" said Gaia mainly surprising the 5 people who came with her as they were used to always seeing her as an Ultima they didn't notice the changes that were huge to her but nothing to them so they congratulated her afterall they are all friends talking for thousands of years do that to people believe it or not "congratulations Gaia although it's a small step it brings a lot of possibilities for the future" said kirean as he was excited about the prospects of the AI's developing enough to be recognized as living "thank you forefather, everyone" said Gaia with a smile as the meeting continued "forefather how much improvement does your laws provide" asked Adam "not much about 5% extra damage if it's an enemy of opposing elements it doubles if my guess is right all ultimas should be able to hold laws when they reach the sun lord stage" said kirean clearly knowing what adam wanted so he skipped the small talk afterall the only reason he could even hold laws is because of his origin bloodline