
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Gift of the universe!

The next day, kirean is in his castle looking at his status


NAME: Kirean silver

RACE: Ultima

STRENGTH: 750,000

VITALITY: 750,000

SPEED: 750,000


TRAITS: [Forefather] [Royal origin bloodline] [….]

Kirean looked at his status satisfied as he now had 75 planets,kirean look at his new trait [Royal origin bloodline: your blood will suppress every one near you, all abilities of god blood has been boosted by 100%, you will have to find other functions yourself.

Description:god blood is the top blood but what others don't know is that origin blood is even higher as the only way to get it is to be present at the birth of the universe and fuse the universes origin with yourself as the birth of the universe releases origin energy that will be used to build the universe the other is for the universe itself to gift it too you]

Kirean read the description with a frown as he finally knew who had gifted them the god metal and helped with the black hole and white hole runes, it was the universe itself.

The reason kirean frowned was that he felt like the universe grooming them for something and thinking back at it the way the system acted during the species creation and the system store compensation is like it wanted to give him the things it just needed an excuse thinking about this kirean couldn't help but think the system and universe had something going on

"System am I right?" asked kirean as he knew the system could read his mind


Kirean sighed as his speculation was right the system and the universe had something going on but he couldn't tell what it was, kireans train of thought was interrupted as the time for the meeting had begun

As the five walked in the hall they looked at kirean with endless worship they are like the other ultimas greatly inspired by speech, kirean was a little embarrassed by they're looks but quickly snapped out of it and told them about his speculation about the universe and they were rightfully stunned as it made sense why they had extreme luck, amber who just heard kirean speculation instantly turned grim as she thought of something "forefather for the universe to help us even tho we have the potential too go further than it, it feels like something bad is going to happen that even the universe feels threatened for it too decide to help us, it might even had something to do with our creation" said amber as these words sounded in the hall everyone was stunned the other 4 were stunned at the possibility of the universe feeling threatened by something and making or assisting them so we can help, kirean on the other hand was shocked with the idea of the universe helping in theyre creation or straight up creating them, thinking about the system and the universe kirean feels his first ever headache as an Ultima, shaking of the questions in his head as he is positive to find the answers he seeks in the future

Kirean looked at amber as she already knew what to do she said "forefather nothing has happened for the last 5 years as our inspiration ran out but with forefather giving us purpose we have found new inspirations in terms of military weaponry and things to help in management of how worlds and systems as our number are limited we should be able to get results in the years to come, as for the limited test on our bloodlines we did in only one day we found out any lifeform with a lower bloodline level will feel extreme pressure in our presence and can only exert 80% of their power it's not like the royal origin bloodline that suppresses where they can't even exert any of they're strength but this only work up to system lord stage, we need to do more test with your blood forefather to find all of its properties, and finally as our blood evolved everything fused with our blood also evolved with our blood, the golden wheat and the livestock as well as endless amount of herbs and ores, the golden wheat now takes 2 months to grow and the harvest has increased by 100% while the energy in it has increased by 100%, the livestock have grown bigger and fierce but as the originator of the bloodline they are extremely submissive to us with no resistance theyre meat quality is so high that it would be considered a exotic delicacy around the universe only available to the highest class there reproduction and growth hav improved as they give birth every 3 months and the baby's become adults in 3 months as we fused our bloodline to create the livestock it seemed to give them a talent to continuously draw in energy kinda like crystal skin but with extremely low efficiency they also retained the blood trait but they can't use or hold energy so they continuously infuse the energies in they're flesh and organs as a byproduct of this the meat is full of energy any normal person to eat it would add 200 lifespan and enough energy to be asteroid level and the waste the livestock produce is full of energy and the best fertilizer, as for the god trees" a look of disappointment was on ambers face talking about the god tree " it has improved but it still reached its limit of mid rank planet level resource but it will never improve again, the universes origin will for sure make a regular tree a world tree with ease but we can only infuse one drop of blood before the materials to make the gold tree get destroyed as they are too ordinary and can't handle that much energy so unless we find a way to evolve our bloodline past origin level it's impossible for it to improve again, atleast with the slight improvement of the gold tree the harvest has increased to 3,000 fruits every harvest and the period of harvest has decreased as they take 2 months to bare fruit" hearing this even kirean was disappointed but what can he do when the things to make them were so low leveled

Christian took a step forward "forefather the economy has been growing but not as much as when inventions were made everyday as for the ultimas they are doing better than ever with they're new found purpose"

Adam also took a step forward and said "forefather we have finished mapping the entire planet of Aurora, Aurora had 4 continents with a diameter of 207,202 mil"

'A diameter of 207,202 mil?That's a little over 2 times the size of Jupiter,atleast Aurora is big enough' thought kirean

"Forefather forgive me as I have nothing to report as we just started getting inspirations due to our new found purpose we haven't had time to actually make new things and no new resources capable of having an impact were discovered" said Amanda a little bitter, atleast it nots the most insignificant report thought Amanda, as for the most significant hehe

Will with a calm expression "forefather truthfully nothing of importance has happened only that 250 ultimas graduated" said will knowing full well his true use will come after 10,000 years, everyone was impressed by his calmness and they could guess his thoughts which made Amanda at ease as this was merely the tutorial stage in 10,000 years her true usage would come

Kirean nodded looking at Amanda and will, impressed at how fast will has grown also impressed at how Amanda has changed her mentality as she now knew her true usage will begin in 10,000

Kirean satisfied with the reports asked them to go on about they're business