
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Flood of law!

"Amber I need you to start researching into souls start with animals when you get more comfortable start with the avars but offer extreme amounts of coins and insurance try to stop any casualties from happening just research the bare the most you can without having any casualties when you feel confident study on ultimas a few of the avars will die in a couple of centuries thats when you can do whatever you want with there souls as they are just going to dissipate they follow no god afterall" said kirean as everyone instantly got serious this wasn't a joke especially ambers face as one wrong step and she could kill someone "when your done with all of that you will research my soul as it will have something you'll need" said kirean clearly talking about the system and how is placed he wasn't telling her about the system just letting her research its placements and such to reduce casualties and and complications when they install they're own system he doesn't care if her imagination runs wild as she won't talk about what she seen even if she dies, now the entire throne room really got serious researching on forefather was extremely taboo in they're eyes they have researched on his blood but never on his body and they wanted to keep it that way "don't worry my soul won't be damaged I have measures in place" said kirean his measure being the system as amber accepted her fate as a sinner of her entire species if anything happened so she just nodded kirean just smiled at her knowing her worries were in vain 'system I know your there so could you protect my soul and also shield yourself while giving valuable research' asked kirean in his mind but as he got no reply for a few seconds he said 'look I'm sorry ok you and I know you can't be surpassed you work for the universe or are the universe' said kirean with an awkward face as it was the first time he sounded this submissive since he became an Ultima [yes] was all he got which made embarrassed

As kirean got out his mind he then again said "amber have some of your scientist research laws since they are a little useful to us now it's not a total waste" said kirean "yes forefather" said amber as kirean looked at Gaia again for a few seconds and said "since you hold laws are there any changes with your connection with the energy dimension?"asked kirean out of pure curiosity as it would make sense for the connection to strengthen "im sorry forefather but the changes are too sudden I had no time to check closely" said Gaia as kirean nodded he then looked at Christian and said "do you have an idea of what the laws will do to our economy, Amanda our materials do you think anything drastic will happen to them" said kirean as he looked at Amanda through the second half of his sentence the first to respond was Christian as he said "the economy will most likely boom as all professions experiment with available laws making new inventions" said Christian that's all he had to say though they always knew of laws as they could see them with they're element eye they stopped looking at them long ago mainly because they were an eyesore without providing any benefits literally everything is made of laws so all they would see is like swirling colors all around them so they just stopped looking at laws so they never experimented with laws as they were previously unusable in there current stage as Christian finished speaking Amanda followed him up "forefather everything is as Christian said but I want to add something that is if we would have law crystals in the future after all it works identically to our passive" said Amanda as everyone got to thinking and came up with a conclusion that it's highly likely it might be in the process of forming as they speak then came excitement as they all knew what benefits the energy crystals brought and the law crystals should be better "law crystals should be forming but it would be useless except for technology until we hit the sun lord rank" said kirean spilling water on they're heads "and they would be at the lowest of levels unless we have millions of system lords or even galaxy lords" said kirean again it was true but it didn't completely kill they're excitement as laws were still laws no matter how low level they will greatly boost technology especially military as they can just slap on a law crystal and they instantly do more damage which got Adam excited after that kirean ended the meeting and talked with his system

"System is it possible to put a hard object in your soul?" Asked kirean as all he got was a [no] this quickly told him that he probably needed to creat an artificial soul for a computer and put it deep inside a hosts soul but how to do it without causing harm or rejection he has no idea it looks like amber got a lot of work ahead of her as he knows the system isn't going to explain it to him that's like a reward for a quest, on New Haven, Aurora and even on Oberon amazing changes have already started to happen it has not even been a day since the trait link has been created and the professions are all ready hard at work Oberon showed the most improvement as it's evolving wild life ramped up a couple notches new trees, new fishes and even entirely new species are on the verge of evolving in just a few hours they weren't the only ones evolving as the outburst of law from 15billion ultimas completely flooded the system allowing the animals in the zoo that have started evolving to accelerate the process by years