
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


<p>As Stephen sat on his bed with a headache he starts thinking of what happened all he can remember was wanting a good drink of alcohol but after taking the first sip everything turned black until he woke up right now as he remembered just taking a sip and passing out Stephen got stunned as he couldn't believe he can't even handle a sip but he remembered that taste before passing out and it was truly the best liquor he had drunk he even had a lingering aftertaste that is making him want to get up and drink it right away but a loud growl woke him up from his fantasy's it turns out he hasn't eaten all day yesterday as he was in a meeting during breakfast and on lunch decided to drink before eating knocking him out until today meaning he missed dinner as well just as he was thinking of begging for a snack from a stall owner the food bell rung hearing it sounded like the bells of heaven to Stephen as he quickly left his house to strange eyes of his people as they whispered in each other's ears, of course, Stephen saw this and quickly called one over the one called over was extremely afraid as Stephen has a lot of connections with their saviors but he still went up to Stephen when he was in front Stephen asked "what happened after I passed out?" hearing Stephens words the avar relaxed and said "captain you didn't pass out right away first you started rambling about how you love this girl and she loves you back but you are to shy to say anything so both of you had stayed single as she waits for you, you started saying how if your father knew he would surely throw you into the void as you were rumbling a soldier couple heard your heartbreaking rant and came over to talk to you about how to get the girl and overcome your shyness after they left you started mumbling random stuff and eventually passed out" said the avar as Stephen heard his face got a little red with embarrassment not because of the story but because the girl he likes surely heard, at last, he can't overcome this shyness as it's been there ever since he first talked to that girl but on the inside, he was extremely mad constantly yelling 'why can't I remember what the couple said' if someone can see his embarrassed face and hear his inside wails at this moment they will be stunned<br/> <br/>As Stephen calmed down he looked at the avar in front of him with a serious face and then whispered in his ear "if you tell me what the couple said you'll be my second in command" as he heard Stephen's words the avar named Avery was stunned but then his eyes went sharp as he can't pass up this opportunity he said "let's go somewhere quiet" as Avery said this he looked around so did Stephen and then did Stephen know why he said this because the Avars were still around looking at them seeing this Stephen lead Avery to his house then they got to talking 5 minutes later Avery left the house content at his new position a while later Stephen came out ready to conquer the girl with his newfound knowledge of dating well I wouldn't say conquer as the girl always liked him but hey it sounded cool, Stephen with his formal wear left his house and went to ask for an audience with Alex as he has the best opinion 'its time to use my connections' he thought, as Stephen was waiting for Alex to accept or decline his audience with him Alex was in his office relaxing as there isn't much to do as the tournament will start in 5 days as he was relaxing a knock sounded out he just said "get in bear" as the words sounded a buffed man standing at 9 foot tall the buff tall man just said "Stephen wants an audience" as Alex heard this he got just asked "why" "I can guess as I just got the intelligence it's probably for money to go on a date with his childhood sweetheart" hearing his secretary Alex thought only for a second before saying "call him over him owing me a little favor is not bad" Alex said as after the meeting he could tell Stephen would be in a important position in the future, as Stephen was getting walked around by a crew to Alex's office he couldn't help but get nervous <br/><br/>As Stephen was standing in front of the door that leads to Alex's office he was a little hesitant as this could strain their relations but as he was hesitating he heard "come in" from inside the office hearing Alex's voice Stephen calmed down and walked in with a smile what greeted was an artistic office with pictures of fighting as he focused on the desk in the middle of the room he saw Alex smiling at him saying "I didn't know you had such a love life Stephen" as Stephen heard this he just smiled as and said "haha it's a pleasure to meet you again captain alex and as you know I'm a 60 year old virgin so I've decided to stop being one for the better of my people" hearing Stephen Alex was a little stunned as this guys face didn't move an inch saying those cheesy and embarrassing words but quickly forgot about it and just said "you know what is required to get the stuff needed right?" Hearing Alex Stephen nodded and said "I'll owe you a favor" hearing Stephen Alex nodded as talking to smart people was always the best he gave a ring to Stephen and said "input energy to take out the money I've put 50 planet coins in there it's enough for you to take care of your entire race for hundreds of years take that as early investment" as Alex said this he quickly added "energy to us means any form of it meaning your psionics will work as it's technically mind energy" said Alex as he didn't want this guy to try to open it with electricity as Stephen heard Alex's words he was stunned as he not only paid for him to get rid of his virginity in a dignified way he also invested in his people 'i truly owe a huge favor now' thought Stephen as he said "don't worry for your investment I will tell my people so they can remember the favor owed to the glorious battle fleet and you" said Stephen as he knew he couldn't repay the favor by himself Alex heard this and was really satisfied as its truly nice to speak with smart people </p>