
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Deeper understanding!

"Amber how has you research been going?" Asked kirean as he is interested in all of her advances as he hasn't heard of them since they were in the protection period he only heard about the tasks given to her and her breakthroughs in key areas "forefather we have made a lot of advancements over the years like laser weapons that use energy crystals and swords made of energy powered by the crystals but this wasn't reported as cannon shells we use is made of a galaxy metal no amount of advancements in laser technology will be able to surpass a galaxy metal unless we use galaxy crystals but we are so far off to even making one and too mass produce them is unrealistic so I don't think laser and energy based weapons that use our energy crystals are viable although not viable to be used as main guns we still use them as an energy cannon or a anti air cannon powered by a planet energy crystal could shoot thousands of times just of that one crystal making them very good for long fights and we don't use living metal rounds unless we fighting something we can't penetrate although we have abundance it's not good to waste it like the dreadnought only cannons were used as planet crystal lasers couldn't penetrate and this is not factoring in missiles and torpedoes, the robots have also been upgraded since they're invention as so have the computers and everything there aren't any more noteworthy invention just some upgrades and tasteless things for daily life" said amber as the people in the meeting room were giving a hologram of list of inventions the list was the long you could scroll for years luckily ultimas only had to skim through the whole thing to understand all of it as kirean looked at all the inventions and improvements he was a little surprised from home appliances to clothes from civilian to military they had it all but as amber said most of these are tasteless

"Christian i havnt heard the economy from you in thousands of years mind feeling me in" said kirean since he already started asking in depth he might aswell hear everything from everyone "yes forefather the economy hasn't slowed down since it started everyone is getting richer and richer as the years pass but there is no inflation as it's impossible for our currency to lose value maybe when we are able to make sun coins will planet coins lose value there are a lot of companies that boosts the economy aswell some people have even found a job as breeders if behemoths and some have opened private businesses equivalent of the public services we provide like the zoo, libraries and all sorts of services making finding job a thousand times easier all ultimas are living a good life but this good life to other species even the most advanced is a life of gods even for gods this is really exaggerated" said Christian as amber added "I have no doubt that if we wanted we could ascend to a higher dimension and still dwarf them in technology wise or catch up in months" said amber with pride as the others nodded after all they partially invent technology because of need if they need a bigger ship they'll have on in a couple of years maybe months but that's only partially they have a stockpile of technology that nobody uses due to creativity and inspiration

As the meeting room got into discussion of useless technology such as devices to control your energy devices to help one fly and such even a perpetual motion device afterall they have the gravity metal it isn't hard to manipulate gravity to make an infinite energy source but all of this is useless to them even infinite energy is useless as they don't favor the quantity but the quality for example a planet lord with millions of planets could have the energy equivalent of a hundred thousand systems but a sun lord with one sun will still win as the energy quality is higher doesn't matter if you have almost infinite capacity if you can't guard against an attack that can destroy you instantly and your attacks won't even work "Amanda tell me your progress" said kirean as Amanda just smiled she has long left the stage of being embarrassed when she couldn't present as much as the others "forefather we have discovered a lot of new metals over the years in gods domain but most of them are moon metals and plants with only 1% of our total findings being planet level and the star coins we get from people taking materials out of their gods domain has increased throughout the year as the rice of the population and the quantity of materials the professions have also made a lot of progress as yearly new potions and pills are made from new plants and herbs found some have even managed to add a small amounts of metal into their concoctions to create unique properties and may I add that over the thousands of years our food variety increases as our orchards increase we have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that have fused with our golden blood aswell as new animals like the golden chicken that lays golden eggs and a golden cow that produces milk" said Amanda infact there were more animals but she felt she had talked a lot as Kirean nodded they had no agricultural people so this work also falls under Amanda

"Will how are the zoo and school doing" said kirean as he always liked hearing from will "forefather the schools are doing fantastic as we even opened schools for adults and hired top talents in all professions so the adults could go further faster in theyre profession the zoo is also doing great the population of the animals has started to recover ofcourse its not close to the population before they had thousands of years to build that up fortunately we didn't lose any evolution done in those thousands of years"