
What kind of monster...is he?!

What Adrian didnt know was that the others could hear him. But were unconscios.

"Looks like I must clear the dungeon alone." Adrian said and went on. "Lets hope it will be really a training dungeon." Adrian thought and looked around.

"The white crystals on the wall are beautiful" he said and went on into a bigger part of the dungeon. "That looks like there was somebody befor me here." Adrian thought and looked around but didnt saw anything.

But where he didnt looked were the ceiling. There were alot, alot of monsters. And Adrian continued his walk in the cave. When he was in the middle of the cave he saw an building. Like an goblin building. Build out of mud and afew stones with plants as the roof.

"This should be an goblin cave." said Adrian and went further. When he came near the building he saw huge prints on the wall. And also few bloodstrains but the blutstains wheren red like the one from the goblins. There where green in colour.

"Have the goblins mutated or are here other monsters? Goblins are easy. But other monsters can be an headache." Adrian thought and looked around. But this time also to the ceiling and when he done that he came afraid. "HOW DIDNT I SENSE THEM IN THIS NUMBRE?" Adrian screamed at himself in his mind.

"Fuck!! And full out battle against them: I have no chance of winning!" Adrian thought and run in the direction where he came from. But there were already the monsters on the ground and tried to come close to him. "The monsters are spiders... Fuck one of the strongest in the B-Rank catagory!" he said and cursed himself.

"This is a huge problem. They are blocking my exit and came closer to me too from all angles. The only chnce that I have now is fight!" he said to himself and use his skill Dragon kataners. When he tried to attack the first spider the spider vanished into thin air.

And in the next second he got off an attack from the spider that vanished infront of him. "Ouch...You bastard!" Adrian screamed and tried again to hit the spider with his two kataners. But this time the spider vanished again and give Adrian an blow but this time on his spine.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Adrian screamed at the spider and went for an attack that was faster then everything he ever has seen. And sliced the spider in the middle. The shockwave paralyze every spider around. And with that Adrian went rampage and losed control over his rage.

His instinct take over his body with the rage. And he went to the next spider that was standing infront of him and sliced it in half in mere seconds and went to the next one. And so repeated itself to the moment wher all of the spiders around him where slain.

And in the middle of the rampage he didnt heared that more and more spiders came together on the ceiling. After he slain the last spider Adrian came down from his rage and also from his rampage and looked on the corpses around him. "What just happend?" he asked himself and heared from the ceiling a noise in the same second.

"Looks like there are more." Adrian thought and went into a battle stance. But the spiders came down and tried to attack him but this time he has the feeling that everything was in slow motion around him. And with that he doged the attacks of the 5 feet tall spiders and attacked them back.

"Are their higher in rank or why are their almost 1 feet taller?" Adrian thought while he tried to slice them. What didnt worked and he tried it again with more strength and more speed on his kataners and it sliced though. The speed and tthe strength feels for him familiar but also not.

"What is with this speed and strength?" Adrian thought while he was madasaker ervry spider in minutes. "Hopefully I dont get an backflash!" he thought after he finished every spider around him.

While he was resting he heared of loud scramble after 1 minute. When he looked to the ceiling he saw nothing but when he looked to the entrance he came from he saw a huge spider. The boss of the spiders and the boss of the dungeon. But befor he can stand up the huge spider went away like it was afraid of something.

"Whats going on? Why does it leave?" Adrian asked but didnt get an answer. But what he didnt remarked in the fight that somebody have saw him.

*During the fight*

"What is this noise?" Franz asked and went into the direction from where the noise came. When he came closer he to the noise location he saw afew monster corpses. "Nice. I am not alone in this dungeon!" Franz thought and went on. When he turned the corner his eyes where almost falling out there places.

"What is going on? Who is fighting? And how does someone kill them so simply?" Franz asked in surprisement and fear. When he saw a figur ran from on spider to the next with out even worry or fear and sliced them in half.

Then he regonized the figur. It was Adrian. "What is going on? How are they no match for him? The spiders are minimum low-B rank or above. How is he slice them so easily?" Franze thought and saw a huge spider coming in his direction. Larger than the on that Adrian battle.

"Fuck! I must run!" Franz thought and ran for his life through the cave. But when he ran for his live he though about Adrian. "How the fuck is he so strong and only a C-rank hunter? And what is this... even a S-rank hunter have problem with this many spiders but he sliced them like their are butter. What of monster is he?" Franz thought and didnt perceive that the boss of spiders didnt run behind him.