
The rise of the dragon prince

Adrian is in his school when he awaken, but als one hunter that´s on F-rank. But what happend in the first dungeon raid leave everybody spreechless. He understand and speak the language of the monsters. But what is that in the second Riad? A new species of Monsters: "a dragon!" But Adrian get not attacked. But why? What is with his foggy memories of his past? This is my first novel. I hope that the novel is in your liking. I didn´t come from an english speaking country, thats why there can be alot of spelling mistakes.

Epic_Buddie123 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

New Rank? And dungeon training?

"Its look like the first time I was here." said Adrian. And went over to the retested desk.

"How can I help you?" asked a old woman behind the desk. "I want to get anretest of my rank." replied Adrian and saw to the old woman who has blond hair, black eyes, dark skin colour.

"Good. That make 1000$ and also need I your Hunter license." said the old woman. When Adrian handed over the Hunter license the woman sign: "Why are most likely E-ranks the one who came for an retest?".

"Please put your credit card on the maschine now." she said. After Adrian done that he got an notification about 1000$ Bank transfer from his phone. "Looks like it worked." Adrian thought and put the card back into his wallet.

"Please go through the silver door and wait in the waiting room. Someone will come and take you to the crystal for the retesting." the old woman said and looked to Adrian.

"Thanks." Adrian said and went of in the direction of the silver door. When he went through he was feeling a unknown power. And with this feeling he looked around but didnt saw anithing strange.

"Weird" Adrian said and went on. As he came to the waiting room he saw afew people waiting too. But the feeling wasnt there anymore. "Stange this feeling as somebody looked at me with huge bloodlust." Adrian muttered and went to one of the seats.

After he sat down a young man came in and call one of the waiting people to follow him. "Well lets see how long it takes!" Adrian thought and looked on his mobile. "Lets see what happend in the world." Adrian said and read an articel about dungeons.

After he finished to read the articel he was called up. "Look like it my turn now." Adrian said to himself and went to the young man.

"I dont think that I must explain it to you." he said and went to a desk. "Please put your hand on the crystal. When Adrian did it he felt how his mana got sucked out of his body. "Well it is not so brutal like last time." Adrian thought.

But the feeling didnt went away for almost 3 full minutes. "Thanks you, Sir. You are now an high C-rank hunter. But someone who has almost somuch mana as an low B-Rank." the young man behind the desk said and continued. "Please wait in the waiting room behind the red coloured door."

"Ok." Adrian said and went into the next waiting room. "Looks like there are afew people here. But why exactly came I here?" Adrian asked and saw some young boy walking to him. "Hello Sir. My name is Franz. Who are you? And are you the one who will teach us?" asked the young boy names Franz.

"No. I am not the teacher. I am Adrian. What for a rank do you have?". " Sir. I am an A-Rank hunter. Which rank do you have?" Franz asked. Like it was normal. "I am a C-rank hunter." Adrian replied and looked to the young boy in surprise. "He doesnt look like an A-Rank." Adrian thought. "Well it doesnt matter which rank somebody have. Only the true skills their gets at the awaking is truely important." continued Adrian in his mind.

"Looks like you will also be in our party for this dungeon. Was you ever in a dungeon?" Franz asked. "Yeah I was. But it wasnt that funny because we saw a monster that we didnt expected in this type of dungeon." Adrian replied and saw to the other 2 people waiting.

"We should go to them. Maybe we have a hidden balance... or the skills are good for fusing together for a dungeon." Adrian said and went with franz to the other 2. "Hello their. My name is Adrian and who are you?" Adrian asked.

"It doesnt matter who you are! And you musnt know my name! C-rank!" the two replied. And went away. "That isnt a welcome. That can be our result to fail!" Adrian muttered and saw to Franz.

"When this wasnt a dungeon from the HU. then I have left already because bad behavior can result that we will fail this dungeon and getting killed in there." Adrian said to Franz. When Franz heared that he nodded like he understand it what Adrian meant. "Lets work together than against ourself." Adrian said and waited for an answer.

But befor he got an answer he heared a voice behind him. "So so. That will be the party that I need to manage!" the voice said behind Adrian. As Adrian turned around he saw Alexander standing there. "Well looks like we will be in the same team again Adrian." Alexander said and went to him.

"Yeah. Ohh and for you info the two ther think that their something better and can do the dungeon alone." Adrian said to Alexander while pointing on the other two guys. "Well. That can be a problem. I must get you together or the dungeon will fail instantly." Alexander replied with and bad face. "Do you know the rank of them?" asked Adrian.

"Yeah an B-Rank and C-rank hunter, healer and archer. But the names I cant give you to you." Alexander said and looked to the boy. "Hey you are the A-Rank assasin right?" Alexander asked the boy.

"Yes sir. I have only done one dungeon. And that was the class-test dungeon." Franz replied. "Ok good. You job is easy. You should inform us which type and how many of monsters are infront of us. And when we need help that you will join the fight!" Alexander said.

"Well then. This is a new training dungeon so please look out and look around. And fight so good you can." Alexander said and went over to the other two. "Are you two ready to enter the dungeon?" Alexander asked. "Yes Sir." they both replied and went behind Alexander.

"Good now then. Lets enter the new training dungeon!" Alexander said with exitement and went into the gate. When Adrian went into the gate with the boy his eye sight got blurry and a moment later black. When he came back to his senses he looked around and saw that he was alone!

"Where are the others? Is that a single dungeon, training dungeon?" Adrian thought and screamed the names of Alexander and Franz. After afew minutes he heard nothing. Well than it must be a single dungeon or the other should hear me.

Marry christmas everyone!

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